02. ExhibitsEXHIBITS page 1 Budget Certification 2 Listing of Officials 3 General Statistical Information 4-5 Financial Policies G Personnel Schedule-10 year history of FTE's 7-8 Master Salary & staff fund splits 9 2011 Certified Taxable Valuation Information 10 Mill Levy Calculation - Dept. of Revenue 11 Mill Levy History 12 Administrative Transfer Formula 13 Debt Obligation Schedule - All Funds 14 Chart - General Fund - Fund Balance History 15 Chart - General Fund Revenue by Source 16 Chart - General Fund Expenditure by Function 17 Chart - Total City Budget by Fund Type & Department 18 Chart - Total City Budget by Function 19 Organization Chart BUDGET CERTIFICATION THIS IS T4 CERTIFY that the Annual Budget for Fiscal 2013, was prepared according to law and adopted by the City Council on August 20, 2012 ; and that all financial data and other information set forth herein are complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed Signed Mayor Manager CITY OF KALISPELL Date Date CITY OF KALISPELL 2013 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ELECTED OFFICIALS Mana&er/Council form of Government Mayor Tammi Fisher 12/2013 Council members: Kari Gabriel Ward I 12/2015 Jim Atkinson Ward III 12/2013 Robert Hafferman Ward I 12l2013 Randy Kenyon Ward III 12/2015 Wayne Saverud Ward II 12/2015 Phil Guiffrida Ward IV 12/2015 .Teti' Zauner Ward If 12/2013 Tim Kluesner Ward IV 12/2013 Other City Officials: City Manager Doug Russell Attorney Charles Harball Police Chief roger Nasset Fire Chief Dave Dedman Finance Director Amy Robertson City Treasurer Deb Deist City Clerk Theresa White Municipal Judge Heidi Ulbricht Public Works Director vacant Parks Director Michael Baker Planning Director Tom Jentz Human Resource Director Terry Mitton Assistant Finance Director Rick Wills 2 CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA Miscellaneous Statistics (unaudited) Class of City 1st Date of Organization 1892 County Flathead Form of Government Council/ Manager Number of employees (non -elected) 180.8 Seasonal employees 100+ Elected Mayor, 8 Council persons, Municipal Judge 10 Population of the City - 2010 census 19,927 Land area 7,288 Registered Voters: 12,106 Taxable Valuation 2011 $ 40,069,963 City Services: Police protection Fire Department, Ambulance Service and Building Inspection Parks & Recreation, Urban Forestry Community Development Public Works -Streets, Water, Sewer, Wastewater Treatment, Storm Sewer General Administration -City Manager, Attorney, Finance, City Clerk, Municipal Court Planning, Human Resources Municipal Airport 2011 Number of building permits issued was 288 148.3 Miles of Streets & Alleys Municipal Water/Sewer: Number of consumers 7,421 Average daily water consumption (millions) 2.15 132 Miles of water main; 4 storage tanks & 10 wells 115 Miles of gravity sewer mains; 19 miles of force mains and 41 lift stations 34 Miles of storm water facilities Water rate per 1,000 gallons $ 2.43 Sewer rate per 1,000 gallons $ 4.78 Irrigation per 1,000 gallons $ 1.55 Customer service costs each (water $9.381sewer $15.00) per bi-monthly billing period. PROPERTY TAX MILL LEVIES FY2012 mills General Fund 145.88 G.O. Bond - 2002 7 G.O. Bond - 2004 6.5 Permissive Health Levy 16.55 TOTAL 175.93 FINANCIAL POLICIES Revenue Policy ■ The City shall endeavor to maintain a diversified and stable revenue base to minimize the effects of economic fluctuations as well as eliminate an over dependence on any single revenue source. ■ The City shall project and update revenues annually. These revenue forecasts shall be presented to the City Council prior to the beginning of the budget process. • Cash investments of the City shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the portfolio. • User fees and rates shall be examined annually and adjusted as necessary to cover the costs of providing the services. • The City shall follow a policy of collecting, on a timely basis, all fees, charges, taxes, and other revenues properly due the City. The City shall follow an aggressive policy of collecting all delinquencies due the City. Budget Policy • In no event shall the total amount of the proposed expenditures exceed the estimated income of the City. • All appropriations shall lapse at the end of the budget year to the extent that they have not been expended or lawfully encumbered. • Budgetary emphasis shall focus on providing those basic municipal services which provide the maximum level of services, to the most citizens, in the most cost effective manner, with due consideration being given to all costs — economic, fiscal, and social. ■ The budget should endeavor to provide for adequate maintenance of capital, plant, and equipment and for their orderly replacement. ■ The City shall give highest priority in the use of one-time revenues to the funding of capital assets or other non -recurring expenditures. ■ The City shall ensure the conduct of timely, effective and annual audit coverage of all financial records in compliance with local, state and Federal law. Capital Improvements Policy ■ The City shall develop a five-year program for capital improvements and updates it annually for budgeting purposes. A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) document will be prepared which shall list all project requests that go beyond the five year budget guideline. • Estimated costs and potential funding sources for each capital improvement project proposal shall be identified before the document is submitted to the City Council for approval. • The capital improvement program shall be included in the Annual Budget. The Annual Budget shall implement the first year of the capital improvement program as funds are available. 4 Construction projects and capital purchases of $10,000 or more shall be included in the Capital Improvement Plan; minor capital outlays of less than $10,000 shall be included in the regular operating budget. Debt Policy • The City may issue general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, special obligation bonds, and short-term notes and leases. • The City shall limit long-term debt to only those capital projects that cannot be financed from current revenue or other available sources. • The City's policy shall be to manage its budget and financial affairs in such a way so as to obtain and maintain a high bond rating. • The City shall not use long-term debt for financing current operations. Reserve Policy • The City shall calculate an unreserved, undesignated fund balance equal to 15-20% of expenditures for the adopted budget. These funds shall be used to avoid cash flow interruptions, generate interest income, and reduce the need for short-term borrowing. • A contingency reserve account shall be appropriated annually in the General Fund to provide for unanticipated expenditures of a nonrecurring nature and/or to meet unexpected increases in costs. • At the direction of the Council and the oversight of the City Manager, the General Fund portion of the budget shall be balanced. Expenditures must equal revenues with the use of appropriated fund balance. The use of fund balance shall not reduce the ending projected balance below the Council's established guidelines of 15-20% of expenditures. Enterprise Fund Policy • Enterprise funds shall be used to account for the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of City facilities and services which are intended to be entirely or predominately self- supporting from user charges. ■ Enterprise funds are required to establish rates that generate revenues sufficient to cover the cost of operations including debt expense and capital needs. Operating costs shall include any intragovernmental charges. 5 Om c� c? cR m Nq q q cl) 0 + - E I-u o ip Vrn IS ! 1�o 1 1 T7 18 S C-4 8 8!i 8 8 uo o N a) m r, (DN Ll N Ni MAP ti 6 Ii o cN w 0 cli 0ai M wi N c5 N N 6 .01 N N o nN(DN c E to i� Zi -,o 5 �a . -E + + N Lc-D 41 u." 10. 11 oo 8 cml! 8 8 o c3 m 0 o 8 8 m 8 8 Ln o Ln m m cD m m a o c t1i ()q cl! 4: v! o� . . Pq Lrj r-I cN! ul o) %* � o m Ln D 0 m c� N 0 �T co 0 c6 wi . . . . . . (N co m " m (D r, N - j > o O ;p -d- + vi o m o m o o o m m m Q LQ vi Lq Ln con to Lq w ;� q (q Ll c� (p :t q n LQ 0 m -:T 0 m o MO �r m 0 m N c4 0 Lm co co to z wz N R o zE 18 Lcm, �Il Rl "Do 8 !9 8 8 mo co) rm 000 Lo 0 o o Ln o a o o o q�cq" hi Lr? tp C� 8 w c w o r1i -i 4 c5 "i Ln �6 m N m c4 m r, -T N a) corn (D c o Lmmo 8 oo8 Lnoomoo8 n Ln tn cq cq L'I Lr? 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' € C T _ � I O E ... — (q .[.v> ..-...�+ T .cpy N• -+ ���pp �O�pp pp pp V�'i M N oo 45 N M 00 45 M h M lD Go A pO [� r f., [I0}.r�0 j'- 54's C O of VYa rT� I� V; ub Vl 00 O� Oi T [H� iR iA i9HH i/f HHHHHH � H H49 ffE{ HHH is HH H H iA HIur 64HH !I 4S fA 094N'74N'7 F E f E i Cam] w U L1xC17 is C1,Q c➢¢ �iUun. a a.rnn�C7[O W ❑ a.�]mm a..�.� aawp�d —.._._......._. ................ --.............ti .. .h ....... _.. ....... ..... - - THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK FOR CERTIFIED VALUE INFORMATION FROM DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Mill levy calculation - Dept. of Revenue values for FY2013 DETERMINATION OF TAX REVENUE AND MILL LEVY LIMITATIONS UNDER HOUSE BILL 124 Ad valorem tax revenue assessed 2011-2012 Add: FISCAL YEAR 2012 INFLATION ADJUSMENT @ 01.2% Section 94 (1)(a) 70,145 Property Tax Revenue Assessed CURRENT YEAR LEVY COMPUTATION: Taxable value per mill Less: Newly taxable property per mill value, Taxable value per mill (enter as negative) Adjusted Taxable value per mill Authorized mill levy under HB 124 Adjusted taxable value per mill Add: Newly taxable property per mill value Taxable value per mill of net and gross proceeds (co Taxable value per mill (including newly taxable property) Authorized mill levy under HB 124 (includes floating mills) ;Current property tax revenue limitation RECAPITULATION: Previous year adjusted property tax revenue assessed (5) Amount attributable to newly taxable property Current property tax revenue TO BE DETERMINED to 5,845,407 1 70,145 1 5,915,552 ■ 0 0 #DIVIO! 0 0 0 0 0 #D I VIO! #DIV101 5,915,552 #DIV10! #DIVIO! Mill Levy - 5 year Comparison FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 GENERAL FUND 138.76 117.71 119.10 123.48 PARKS -designated mills 22AO 22.40 22.40 140.11 141.50 145.88 **Permissive levies: G. O. BOND, series 2002 -vot POOL 7.75 7.50 7.50 7.00 0.00 G. U. BOND, series 2004 -vot FIREHALL 7.50 7.00 6.70 6.50 0.00 G. O. BOND, series 2012 refunding bonds Health Ins. levy -premium increases 16.22 13.60 13.04 1495 Parks health 1.60 1.60 1.60 TOTAL CITY LEVY 170.23 169.81 170.34 175.93 0.00 **The legislature provided for the increase in mills necessary to pay higher health insurance premiums. The pool debt service levy is voter approved and can go up or down each year depending on the debt service schedule and the value of the mill. The same is true for the FireHall debt service. G.O. BONDS will be refinanced in June and combined into a 2012 Issue. Other Government levies: City/County Health Fund (Administered by the County) Business Improvement District Levy (plus square footage assessment at .015 sq. 8.) 5.34 5.61 5.81 5.75 0.00 0.00 37.50 37.5 37.51 Mauger S 152,975 Pawmard Y 131,028 m"odco-d Y 101,854 C5rytlak S 129,395 Fioarr� S 242" Airomr}{i�:pmxo:mnnl Y 155,901 City and S 2%.053 Gmud Gorld7im al c S 70,862 Tow S 1,192,336 METHOD OF ALLOCATION: Actual. Costs far eacb fiord are taken Snm the pm inus years financial statcmmts. ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER FORMULA ALLOCATION FY2013 BUDGET FY10 FYI Pamt.r Conrprim Fapmd It TOW S 16.M.553 CWWO CcVpemm T 17,842,156 &57828591 S WA90 UPAG 5 102,496 OA0332202 S 316,956 Airpuri TTF 2195 & 1185 5 241.557 &O M2916 S 459,448 Waudc TIF 2189 S 41.955 0.00148946 S 173.059 Forestry S 225,019 O-OM9411 S 57,85s Bm S 68,452 OA0221861 5 126.813 Pabng Coon S 0.00000000 S 75,872 Airport S 133,803 0.00368856 S 2�4K914 Was Ford S 2,f05,443 0.0812OW7 S (13,01I W) -ppunid furl T 197,097 wmr 18illing S 183,800 0.00595718 5 30A$1,520 Ioulperbudynxpinlvul S I,708,706 Se opaauom S 1.3".259 0.0$160705 f 17,8 M56 S 13 AI sere Billing S 164,905 0.00534477 S 3,295,239 Wagmea Ford S 3�M.440 010629063 S 816,467 Sloan u u S 846264 0 027428" S 801,909 Solid Wpel.c Furs S 715,139 0.02327576 T 30$,223 RUH6 rg Inq uinn S 259,873 0.00842280 S 1,739,234 Str Mannazn, $ 1.744.399 0.0.5654457 S 204,160 11,gMManlem.ri• $ 225,763 0.00734W S 619,8f6 Amtui- S 692,515 0.02244525 S 30.392,432 Tnul $ 30,853,520 1.0001100 CnWW Fund 0.578286 $ Told AIWc409n 689.SII s FYl Im Years 622,823 air UDAG 0001322 $ 3.961 S S,65I $ (1.690) Airport TIF OOM29 $ 9,335 $ 11,792 S (2,457) Woidc TIF 0,001489 S 1,776 S 17,094 S (15.320) Forafry 0.007294 f 8.697 S 6.625 S 2,072 eID 0.002219 S 2,64s S 2,152 S 03 Faking Cunmi - S - 5 4,718 S (4,718) Aapon 0.003699 S 4,398 5 2,823 S 11575 wsa Opuarnm 0.081206 $ 9W5 5 91,185 S 51640 wma Biking 0.005%7 $ 7,103 S 6,961 S 142 sera Op"I m 0,051607 S 61,331 s 61,571 S (2,039) Se Imiling 0.0%05 $ V73 $ 5,803 S 540 WAc"cr Operm- 0.106291 S 126.734 S 1224W S 4,137 540rm st+rer 0.017428 S 32,704 $ 3OJ76 S 2,329 Solid Wage 0,023276 S 27,751 S 29,835 S (21082) Ba4ling loq-tion-5849 0008423 $ 9,194 S 10,327 S (1,133) Seca Manta 0.056545 S 67,420 S 64,707 5 2,713 uog m mm- 0.007330 $ 8,763 5 7AM S 1,160 Amhdm 2230 0,022445 $ 26,762 S 23A61 5 3,701 Yoid I.D00000 S 1,191,487 S $06,892 S KKQ S 501,976 Re.•rnue to Geoersl Fend Nnips: Ord mr mdud-m of pm wr W Fc dimib.md For M6 Bmidrng foalr IdluWA to JWC WA 0f mza 0r & C,o=il Ix Monthly S 330.08 $ 777.92 S 147.99 $ 724.75 S 220.44 S - S 366.50 i 8.00.74 S 591.91 S 5,l.27.75 S 331.D6 S 10,56L18' S 2,725.33 S 2,312.71 S 766.15 S 5,618.34 $ 73017 $ 2,230.19 S 41,831.33 FY 2013 DEBT OBLIGATION SCHEDULE - ALL FUNDS Remaining Balance FY 20I3 Payment RATE FUND 6A012012 PRINCIPAL INTEREST & left TOTAL GENERAL FUND; year; original amt. & term 3.93% 2008 Fire Ladder Truck -Rocky Mtn. Bank Note $575,000 10 yr $372.500 $561500 $14.161 $70,661 1-25%v 2006 B01- Fire Truck 5279.9DD iO yr 3110,181 $29.004 S1,378 $30,382 125%v 2005 BOl - City Hall HVAC $151,836 10 yr $41,459 $16,4I9 $520 S16,939 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $524,140 SI01.923 $16.059 $117,982 SPECIAL REVENUE: tas%v 2010 BOI - Mower S71,220 Parks -Athletic Complex 5 yr $57.453 S13,967 $925 S14,792 1.25%V 2010 BOI - Bucket Truck $28.300 (Parts & Forestry) 5 yr $22,796 $5,551 S287 $5.838 1.00% 2005 USDA- IRP Loan 61-01 Revolving Fund S627,5W 30yr S451,476 $17,559 S4,515 $22.074 1.00% 2006 USDA- IRP Loan 61-02 Revolving Fund $257,SW 30 yr $219,934 $7.809 $2,206 S10,015 1,25% 2011 BOl - Dump Truck & roller Spec. Street Maint. Syr $172,000 $25.213 $1,576 S26,791 S50,583 S8.297 S58,880 SPECIAL REVENUE TOTALS $843,410 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: 3.0% 2005 AIRPORT T1F DEBT S2,0DO.000 15 yr S1,200,000 $130,000 S50.700 $180,700 4.85% 2007 CrI-Y HALL $1,420,165 12 yr (3/2015 earliest prep *MMI date) S975,780 S110,155 $46,00D SI56,755 4.66% 2DO2 G.O.BOND-POOL S3,675,000 20 yr (1012012 earliest pre -pay) S2.265,DDO S185,000 S106,800 $291,800 3.94% 2005 G.O.BOND-FIRE HALL S3.000.000 15 yr (1f2013 earliest pre -pay) SI,820,0IX1 $200,000 $69.775 $269,775 4%v 2012 WESTSIDE TIF, 2012 NOTE SSW,000 25 yr 4% variable $500,000 S12,000 S20,000 $32,000 $637,755 S293,275 S931,030 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS TOTALS 56,760,780 SIDEWALK & CURB WARRANTS I8yr) 5.50% 2004 S&C $31,692.72 $3.962 $3,962 S200 $4.162 7.75% 2005 S&C $22.850.13 $5,713 $2,957 S414 S3,271 6.5o% 2007 S&C $15A07.04 $7.704 $1,926 S462 S2,388 3.50% 2008 S&C S &980A0 S5,6D $1.123 S183 $L306 3.so% 2009 S&C S 7,629,48 S5,722 $955 S186 SI.141 3.75% 2010 S&C S 941.85 $824 $118 $25 S 143 3.5o% 2011 S&C S 5,79217 $5,792 S725 S305 S1,030 $10,941 31,470 312,411 S & C TOTALS $35,330 SIDS: 5.60n% 2DOI SID 343 - Sunnyview KRMC S1.518,300 20 yr S640.000 S80,0DO S32,540 $I 12,540 527o% 2006 SID 344 - Old School Station $4.520.OW 20 yr $3,395.000 S225,ODO $151,735 $376,735 5305,000 S184.275 $499,275 SID TOTALS $4,035,000 Water 4.00% 2001 SFR loam (Main & Idaho Water Mai a) S761 XW 20yr $404,000 S41,0D0 S15,520 SK520 4.00% 2004 Refuodiug Bond (Hwy 93 So. Project) S1,840,OW 20yr S850,000 S55,000 S38,995 S93,995 3.75% 2007SRF-ABonds Refunding (meters&hydrants) S1,283,159 Syr $526,000 S169,000 S17,150 S186,i50 3.75% 2007 SRF - B Bonds (New Reservoir) $1,500.000 2Oy7 $1,378,000 S63,00D S51,094 $i 14,094 TOTAL WATER S3,158.000 S328,000 $122,759 $450,759 Sawtart Stwer & Waste Waver Treatment Plant 4.t10% 1991 W WTP SRF Loan S3,913,425 (]an 2013 final pay) $ 140,000 S140.000 S2,800 $142,800 3.75% 2004 Sanitary SRF loan S1,475,860 (Hwy 93 So.) 20 yr S 1,009,000 S69,ODO S37.200 SIM200 x75% 2007 WWTP SRF LOAN $I4.470,D00 20 yr $13A26,000 $470.W0 $181,538 S954,538 TOTALSEWERIWWTP $14,175,000 S679,000 $524,538 $1.203,538 TOTAL ALL DEBT -ALL FUNDS $2,113,202 S1,150,673 53,263,875 TO BE REVISED AFTER REFINANCING Note: all bans are fixed rate with the exception of the 4 BOI loans which are marked with a v next to the rate. Fire Trek debt paid in part by Fire Impact fees not Genetnt Fund as presented above. $35,162, Total General fund debt 583,875. BOI - Board of Investments USDA-1RP -Dept of Agriculture Intermediary Releoding Program SRF- State Revolving Fund (DNRC money) G. O. Bonds-Genaul Obligation voted bonded debt 13 C p G G C o c o e 4 F fr9 6f,} 5f3 613 6k Ftot* ISO ttot. ;ta trot Otot �Ot �t toot -%t Spot 1100t foot toot tOot %t 6661 114t 4661 960, S66t Fit t66x tit p66t 00 U� M 00 N lV w Cs 4 10 G N N O0 r- M rr N !+7 -4 tf] kn m cn N N l� -- -i K) [� l� to n tri w 00 0 H 00 fV V7 ISW N I O N 00 D l h Wi Cs t• O14OD - 00 lD 6 0g0� ON V IV -4 M fV W It 00 M ri tV t- �r IC m q 4? C+ t- G rl w N Me 00 " C+ Cs t- Cs t- N to v C. d% R IS Nt V O N to U) = C ti N n 00 00 00 00 Cs r4 d d +-4 U7 Ul �t N 110 O I � -A V� T� H -4 -4 N .r "m fiR fil4 4s fiA GA 55 vll 6A tf3 60! V) bi fin b5 fiR fin H} 4A V4 619 b* 609 fiR V5 VR N er7 C O I N M b r V 01 O N M I Y7 �M t- 00 a oo C+ C� Cs Cs 4� C+ Cs Cs T O d O d p G O % % O " "M " N T C� *. 6T CK Ct Cs Cs Cti Cs 0ti O G © C O v d d = p IX# -4 -4 -4 'm r N N N N !V f4 H H N N N N VJ V1 47 yi 14 . - E \ e k } 2 E $ § § ) cu 7 Z3 j / # J _ ■ ■ s s o tn 0 0 0 0 0 0 t- C " 7 2 2 " 20 A A 2 Q E & r_ _ _ _ _ Q - PA --- C _ ƒ � � 2 � § � � = § 6 § 6 ■2 _ ~ � A 96 � � � _■ � ƒ e � � � � � 2 � � ■ 2 pow 7 } t �& ■ 1s � � C6 tn :3 � U- 0 t, k ! \ L - ? ca 46J \ IXr- E m 2 0 2 v § § � J§ k2CL £ ■ ■ . . ,: - § / � § k d � = 2 \ & � § ■ � ■ � 7 g \ 5 E0 �25A� 7 ■ 2 I � / 16 4J VY � n c s y �i Q m m a rA i9 rev L3 ry LU rV rY r. ■ �! GI N � a �R dCU V r! L7 d ••1 l] +L a �i rL U 85 ��ryry [VG a ■ i # �q V2 0 4* A 0 �m wq Vn %M f*s a, e r tj 32 Q rs.r o C7 17 CiS ca , 'd I�i OTC � •--• O; n] ['� ni +# b } +i3 4`F H9 G9 GR i' F #F G+i 69 18 CITIZENS OF KALISPELL Mayor Tammi Fisher Council ward 1 Karl Gabriel Council ward Robert Haffermbn Council ward Wayne Saverud Council ward JeffZauner Council ward Jim Atkinson Council ward Randy Kenyon Councilward4 Phil Guiffdda Council ward Tim Kiwanar Municipal Judge Hei�Clerk���' CleCou total 4 i City Attorney cha ries Harball 1 Adjutant Attorney 1 Assistant Attorney 1 Attorney Secretary/Deputy City Clerk 0.67 Attorney Secretary 1 total 4.67 Human Resources Terry Mitton, Director 1 Asst HR Administrator 0.5 i total 1.5 Nanning &Building Tom Jentz, Director 1 Planning Office Supervisor 1 Senior Planner 1 Zoning Officer 7 GIS Coordinator(.8 FTE) 1 Building Official 1 Building inspector 3 Community Development Manager 1 total 30 Public Works Susie Turner, Interim Director 1 Senior Engineer/Water Resource Mgr 7 Asst. Civil Engineer 1 Senior Engineer (vacant) 1 Budget Resource Manager J. Admin. Coordinator 1 Clerk 1 Project Manager 1 Superintendent 1 Engineering Tech 1 W W TP Manager 1 Construction Manager 1 Central Garage Foreman 1 Mechanics 2 Sheet Maintenance/Repair Foreman 1 Street Maintenance & Repair 8.85 Traffic Sign & Signal Foreman 1 Traffic Signs/Signals 2 Water Maintenance/Repair Foreman 1 Water Maintenance & Repair 4.1 Water Production Foreman 1 Water Production 2 Water Meter Maintenance Foreman 1 Water Meter Maintenance 1 Water/ Sewer Billing Clerk 1.5 Meter Reader 1 Sewer/Storm Water Maintenance Forema. 1 Sewer/Storm Water Maintenance 6.45 WWTP Operator 4 W WTP Lab Chemists 2 Solid Waste Foreman 1 Solid Waste Operators 5.1 total 60 City Clerk Theresa White i iT Director 1 IT Support Specialist 0.60 Deputy Clerk 0.33 Video/Media Specialist 0.55 otal 3AS Finance Amy Robertson, Director 1 Asst. Fin. Director 1 City Treasurer 1 Accounts Pay/Utility billing clerk 0.5 Assessments Coordinator 1 Asst HR Administrator 0.5 CD Loan Manager 1 total 6 Police Roger Nasse , Police Chief 1 Asst. Police Chief 1 Lt. of Patrol 1 Senior Sergeant 1 Sergeant 6 Patrol 17 Drug Officer team member 1 Lt. of Detectives 1 Detective 4 Resource Officer/patrol 2 PD Records Manager 1 PD Evidence Clerk 1 Animal Control 1 Parking Enforcement 2 Records Divhion 3 PD Secretnry 1 total 44 Parks & Rea Mike Baker, Director 1 Administrative Specialist 1 Parks Superintendent i Parks Foreman 1 Parks Caretaker (includes Forestry) 6 Recreation Superintendent 1 Recreation Programmer 2 total 14 total 0.5 Fire Dave Dedman, Fire Chief 1 Captain 3 Lieutenant 4 Firefighter/paramedic 18 Firefighter/paramedic 3 Firefighter/EMT 2 Ambulance Billing Clerk 1 total 33 19 TOTAL PERSONNEL 182.15