02-23-12 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, February 23, 2012 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief P.J. Sorensen, Chairman HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Dave Dedman, Acting Fire Chief Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary OLD BUSINESS: Spring Prairie Phase 3/Kohl's —Hwy 93 N —They plan to begin their site work in early May with site work and begin building in July. Bill Shaw has approved their plans and he sent them a letter of approval. Parks still has landscaping material issues to be resolved. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: The old Montana Home Outfitters building on Hwy. 93 N on the east side is looking to annex into the City and get a Conditional Use Permit for an eating disorder clinic called the "North Star Institute." They plan to extend the water and sewer lines to their furthest property line. The issue of the access driveway becoming a City street and adding more parking are something they are looking at for the future, but their immediate needs are only for permit approval for a driveway. Conrad will send them a letter regarding upgrading to a City street in the future and include our City street standards. Crowley suggested the letter also be sent to the neighboring property owner. Regarding the bike path along Hwy 93, they need to give us a proposal of how and when they will complete this. They need to give us a proposal for either now or in the future for something to take to the Planning Board and the City Council. They will be removing the existing sign. Farnham Annexation - Three Mile Drive past Mountain Vista Subdivision at the curve on Farm to Market where they have built an espresso shop is requesting annexation. We are doing a PUD because the Fire Dept. has some concerns about their three acres of commercial property and what could potentially be going in there without any kind of City hydrants or fire flow. They would be limited to just the coffee shop. The City would obtain 30' of their ROW. There is about 690 lineal feet of Three Mile Drive and 670 feet of West Springcreek that the City would need to be responsible for. They are still working on the pole barn. The PUD will address the fire flow issues that will require them to extend a main water line and fire flow line if they expand further on their property. OTHER REPORTS: The Abbey House Subdivision — Mile High Court off of Denver. They have a Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA). The fire hydrant issue has been repaired. The rest ofthe subdivision has been sold recently, except for the actual Abbey House. They have a request into Public Works to waive the street improvement requests on the east side of Denver. Fincher will check to see if they posted payment in lieu for both Mile High Court and for Denver. Possibly cash in lieu on the sidewalks could be paid also. Repairs to the handicapped ramp and ADA compliance have not been made. They have not provided a two-year bond or record drawings. They want to do a ROW adjustment that will make the hammerhead smaller. Fire has approved this but there should not be any parking there. Crowley said they fenced their property in and will be parking in the hammerhead. The original plat would not dedicate any property to the City. Conrad will call the Plat Room and give them an update. Crowley will call Breckenridge. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m. 2