Resolution 5061 - Amends Resolution 4832 - Personnel Policies Handbook Revisions'10(to..SOL I N NO.506.E A. RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 4832, ADOPTING REVISIONS TO SECTION 111 EMPLOYEE IN-PROCESSING/ORIENTATION, of THE PERSONNEL POLICIES LIES RANDBO K FOR ALL CITY EMPLOYEES AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Kalispell, and employees of the City of Kalispell, that all policies relating to persons working for the City of Kalispell be placed in a Personnel Policies Handbook., and WHEREAS, on May 2, 1994, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 4150, adopting a Personnel Policies Handbook for all. City employees, and WHEREAS, on June 19, 2000, the City Council adopted .Resolution No. 456 1., revisIng the Personnel Policies :handbook, and WHEREAS, S, on September 15, 2003, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 4832, revising the Personnel Policies Handbook, and WHEREAS, the Montana Municipal Insurance Authoritys now requiri ng; an amendment to Section 20- 1, Employment l -.Pro e i for e a.t]on, in order t comply with the .�P l Endorsement Underwriting Criteria. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 2 -11, Employment In-Processing/Orientation, of the Personnel Policies Handbook dated September 15, 2003 is hereby amended as follows on Exhibit "A.". SECTION 11. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage b the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND S'IGNED BY THE MAYOR of THE CITY OF RA ISPELL, THIS 6TH DAY OF SEPTEMB R, Zoo . pop — Pamela B. Ken&Ty r iaror ATTEST: 'l eresa White City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" SECTION 20-11 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE N-. R CESSING 1MENTA O ..OS: To establish a policy and procedure for processing new City employees. STATEMENT of POLICY: All new regular full-time and regular part-time employees of the City will be scheduled to meet with the efsen,�� !SpEN.Aalist, Human Resources Director or his/her designate on their first day of work for general orientation. The emplo ee will have t required by Federal and State StaHuman Resources Director or his er desi nee will e lain in eneral eras the riles and e eaion and rovide an overview of the pay and benefit aeka es offered b . ��a1s ell. In add.I ion new employees will be shown the employee bulletin board that displays there .fired federal and state postings. The employee will be responsible for reading and followipg the policies established within the poligy manual, o include understandin.g.1heir employment cassific t on. In addition new eMployees will be provided orientation and education specific to the equipment and tasks required of their new position. ti • The Director of the e r ent or his her desi nee will provides additional information to the new employee, including: 1. 'work standards and regulations . Hours of work,, time cards or reports, leave requests . Duties of the position 4. Safety rules and procedures, location of safety or protective equipment 5. Tour of the work area, including location of equipment, supplies, etc. . Introduction to co-workers '. Schedule for lunch and breaks 8. When and to whomtO report absence from work . Who is responsible for performance planning and reviews. 10. where osed noiees ire des ed, 11. Education s eeific training that includes....the safe operation of the equipment..and tasks required. EFFECTIVE: ImmediatelyDATE: May 3,1994 LAST VISI : August � , 2005