09-29-11 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 29, 2011 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Dave Dedman, Acting Fire Chief Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman GUESTS: None. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Spring Prairie Phase 3/Kohl's — Hwy 93 N — Sorensen spoke with a representative from Goldberg, and he wasn't very happy about complying with the PUD landscaping requirements in the parking lot. Sorensen explained that the rest of the development is required to comply the same way. Wargo stated that she spoke with them and they were questioning the ownership of the utilities in there, and she explained that the City wants an easement for the water line. Only a portion of the sewer will be ours, and none of the stormwater. These easements will show up on the plat when they come in for it on Phase III. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: The Department of Military Affairs is requesting annexation of the Armory Building on Highway 93 North. They want to hookup to City water. They also plan to hookup our City system to their fire hydrants. Hagestad's Paint Contracting — West Center — CUP for an expansion. There is a Quonset but on the south side of the property, and they are going to put a new building made with pre-fab walls in between the existing building and Center Street. Dedman has viewed the site and explained that the project will be tight, but if they keep their lot clean, the fire trucks should be able to get in and out of there. Conrad stated they are thinking of doing some indoor painting. If they decide to do a self-contained unit or end up doing it in the building somewhere, they may need to sprinkler the whole building. Wargo mentioned that the impervious surface would include the building area, also, so they will be over 5,000 sq. ft. They will have to hire an engineer to help them with their stormwater that they will be maintaining on site. Wargo will check to see if their building is going over existing impervious surface. OTHER REPORTS: Syke's — Discussion was held at a previous Site Review Meeting about their angled parking in the street, the bulb outs, and some changes in the storm drainage. It doesn't sound like that parking is likely to happen with the bulb outs. Zoning doesn't cover this because it's in the public right-of-way, but what City Manager Howington was looking for are specific code reasons that cite a specific code section that limits this. Otherwise, they're in a position of just saying, well, Public Works just doesn't like it. Try to show specific code reasons why that can't happen. Not sure if Public Works has dimensional standards for parking. Wargo stated that as far as where the bulb out is for a collector road, it doesn't meet our asphalt width regulations. It's too narrow right there. Jentz suggested a written report should cite the section that requires this dimension. Are there dimensional standards in the Public Works regulations that say what the parking can be in the public right-of-way? Wargo will find out. We may need to borrow some standards from Zoning. She thinks it's more so the width of the road. Jentz sees two issues here. One is an ongoing discussion of how they can make the parking work or not work. The other is the bulb out. They are two separate things. They want to create a promenade area in the front with the bulb out. Functionally it makes a lot of sense. Right now we don't have angled parking in very many places in the city, and it has been a long-standing practice to have parallel parking only. Jentz stated that the bulb out could function and they could just have parallel parking. Regarding the bulb out, they will comment that streetscape has bulb outs throughout downtown (same dimensions?). Our Transportation Plan, our Subdivision Regulations, our past practices all call out, these are great features. Jentz noted that the probable issues for Public Works would be drainage and snow removal. We have to be able to say we have a standard that states from this bulb out to this bulb out it has to be so many feet for a collector road, therefore this bulb out here can happen, but it needs to be reduced down to about 8' here. Regarding the parking, we don't go below 35 degrees in our parking standards. They are proposing 20 degrees. Sorensen stated the parking spaces are shown as 18' deep, and they don't meet the dimensions we need. Zoning also does not allow backing into a street like this from a commercial parking lot. Wargo noted that she has never seen how they are planning to handle the drainage with this. Jentz stated that once we give them the go ahead, they will give us a design as to how the drainage is going to work. Then it becomes an engineering solution that they can't see it either, and then it doesn't happen. Wargo said that Howington is looking for a formal response back to them. Jentz stated that is the Public Works side of it. Jentz reiterated the discussion that took place two weeks ago when Assistant Police Chief Krauss was present and stated the Police Department's objections to the angled parking. There is no other parking in the area like this. The 5' sidewalk was discussed, and the consensus was that it should be as wide as it was before, around 8' or 9'. We will lose several street trees, too. They will need to have their safety features in place before they bring commodities into the store. 8t" Avenue West and I It" Street West — This is a corner area that backs up to Ashley Creek and is outside the city. You have to go through a mile of the city to get there. The people that are outside of the city and not paying for city garbage collection are using the garbage cans. This has become a neighborhood squabble. Most of the properties are on water and sewer. We're looking at the possibility of annexing these properties. There will be a pre -construction meeting on Monday with Auto Zone. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.