06-30-11 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, June 30, 2011 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer GUESTS: James Freyyhotz, MDOT; and Rick Miller, R & A Construction HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: The Warranty Bond for Diamond Ridge is coming up on July 13th, and Timberwolf's Warranty Bond is also coming up. We have not heard from either one, and they are supposed to notify us in advance. OLD BUSINESS: Auto Zone — 130 West Idaho — Public Works is still waiting for some information from them. Parks is talking to them regarding some trees. NEW BUSINESS: 291 Third Ave EN — convert house/office to retail. Rick Miller with R & A Construction is the contractor for this project. This project was reviewed and approved last fall by Site Review. This is a conversion from residential upstairs and an office downstairs to retail. They still haven't decided whether to keep the upstairs as residential or as retail. They will be adding an ADA ramp, four parking spaces in the back that include a van accessible handicapped spot, and sidewalk to the ramps. Johnson and Burnham viewed some of the drainage issues last fall. The drainage is to stay on -site, with a rain garden. They plan to have the stormwater flow to the low grass spot in the yard. Public Works needs to know the sq. ft. of the building to calculate the Impact Fees. This is zoned B-2. They will not need a ROW Permit, as the alley pavement goes right to the pins of the property line. Sorensen suggested they leave a buffer along the side property lines for drainage and snow. Wargo will discuss the stormwater issue with Turner. Miller will design some more detailed drawings. He asked if the dumpster on the SE corner of the lot could be moved, as it blocks one of their parking spaces. Johnson will discuss this with the Solid Waste Division. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Nothing for the July Meeting. In lieu of a meeting, on July 12 we will be having a Subdivision Regulation Open House for all the developers, planners, engineers and surveyors to come in and comment/ask questions on the proposed upgrade to the regulations. The August Meeting will have some minor amendments to zoning texts dealing with reader boards and some updates due to bills out of Helena to update some language. They may also have the A - frame signs on Main Street issue if the B.I.D. will do a blanket insurance coverage for it. OTHER REPORTS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 a.m.