The Golden Leaf Your Honor and City Council Members: I'm James Udick, resident at 612 Sylvan Court, and I would repectfully like to voice a protest against the planned opening of the Golden Leaf (medical marijuana dispensary) in the former Kay's Bridal Shop on the corner of Conrad Drive and College Avenue on the basis that 1. It is less than 100 yards from the Montessori Elementary School 2. It is across the street from a scheduled school bus stop 3. It is across the street from Woodland Park (the swimming pool, the skateboard park and the ice rink) 4. It will do nothing to improve that part of my neighborhood which desparately is in need of improvemnt -- I recommend that each of you drive down to that corner and up College Avenue and see for yourself. 5. It is close to a notorious bar, the Score Board. I most sincerely encourage you to do all you can to halt the planned opening of this facility. Thank you, James Udick 756-1240 markjames@bresnan.net