Medical MarijuanaGood Day to All, I must say that I'm kinda surprised that I've not heard a response from anyone about this issue. Here is a link that may be of interest, since is seems that other city's in the state are not fearful of losing Federal Funding. http://www.kbzk.com/news/bozeman-officials-meet-with-medical-marijuana-c aregivers-patients/ See, even Bozeman calls a meeting with the caregivers and patients to brainstorm ideas about what's going to work for everyone involved. They have a chance to get out their concerns and also listen to others, there has not been this meeting with the people pulling the strings here in Kalispell. The members of the City Council and the Planning Board have not talked to the people about this! The people in the industry! The people who are working, growing, and providing this medicine to their patients. The meetings at city council are when things are in motion, well where's the committee to brainstorm ideas about those said ordinances that will be put into place? Amazed at the government everyday! Nick Himsl