03-08-11 Street Tree MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD March 8, 2011 - 4:00 p.m. Present: Bette Albright, Andrea Davidson, David Jones, and Chad Fincher Next Meeting Date: April 12, 2011 — 4 p.m. Parks Department Items of Discussion: • Trees To Paper To Trees Recycling Drive Trees To Paper To Trees Recycling Drive Bette noted that the recycling drive date has been chanted from April 2" d to April 9, 2011, as she received a call from the school stating that the 2nd was the last day of spring break. She explained that typically it is hard to get high school volunteers if the drive is during the break. Bette has notified the paper, the high school, Pacific Recycling and the Fairgrounds. Bette asked Chad if the boy scouts were interested. Chad replied that Erica Wirtala, Girl Scout Troop Leader, would like the girl scouts to work. Chad explained in Lisa's absence that Lisa has told Erica the girl scouts are very welcome if they come with adequate supervision. He further noted that Erica has not confirmed the girl scouts will be working it. There is a possibility that Erica may choose to have the girl scouts work the fall recycling drive due to their schedule. Chad said he would check with the boy scouts and their schedule, if the girl scouts are not able to work the spring drive. The parks staff will also check with Montana Conservation Corp and Restorative Youth Justice for volunteers. Chad also mentioned that Target is interested in a service project and that may be another option for volunteer help. Chad will offer it up to Target if we don't get any other groups lined up. David noted that Target has a recycling program in store and will take glass, although it is a small glass trash can. Andrea informed the group that Target will tell you what day the truck is there for glass recycling. Chad mentioned the Target in Missoula has four shopping carts in the front of the store for glass recycling. Bette thought she saw a big container in Target's parking lot for glass but isn't sure. Bette mentioned that Merlins employees have expressed interest in taking on the recycling drive as a corporate project. Bette suggested that she could call Merlins to inquire if they are interested in working this drive or perhaps the fall drive. The group expressed the desire for all the help they can get. Andrea asked if Parks also has an Arbor Day project, to which Chad replied yes and he had expected Cliff Kip of MCC to attend the meeting to discuss the proposed Lawrence Park Arbor Day project. Chad briefly discussed the proposed project and the hopes that MCC would facilitate it as it helps MCC with their grant opportunities. David mentioned an email he received and meant to bring with, regarding grant money available for youth group associations providing $150 for 35 communities in Montana. David will send the email to Lisa, so she can send it out to the group and interested associations. David does not have particulars about the email. Bette asked Chad to remind Lisa to order the pizza for the drive. Andrea volunteered to pick up 4 — 12 packs of pop. Water jugs are not necessary anymore as we have access to the building. Chad read from notes provided from Lisa regarding advertising of the event. The Parks Department had sent out flyers with a registration mailing with the earlier date, however will correct the date with future PSA's. The drive will go on the city website under Hot Topics, and Lisa will check with media Erik about running the recycling drive video a few days in advance of the drive. Chad gave Bette the picture CD for the Daily Interlake and told her there was a picture or two of people she did not have names of, however is sure Bette will know their names. Arbor Day 2011 Bette noted that Arbor Day will be coming up on the last Friday in April, (29th) and will be at Russell School. Bette will be making preparations in the upcoming weeks. Chad informed the group that Lisa has struggled to find the specific items utilized in the past for Arbor Day elementary classrooms and students. The National Arbor Day pencils have been out of stock for quite some time, so Lisa went on-line and had pencils made up that say "Celebrate Arbor Day". She spent $30 out of the forestry budget for 500 pencils, which will be adequate for a few years. Bette noted that both the Forest Service and DNRC are good about donating items for Arbor Day. Bette will inventory what left over items she has from previous years. David will see what he can get. Bette will ask the Forest Service for additional rulers and such. Bette is sure the group has adequate litter bags. Bette will get a hold of Steve from Plum Creek to see if she can get the seedlings. Chad noted that Lisa could not find the Sterling Morton poster and ordered tree posters instead. Lisa was able to get the "What Tree Is This?" Western Guide ordered. Bette noted this guide is a favorite of the classrooms. David said he can also get more of these if necessary. Bette may have extra Sterling Morton posters and said the Forest Service will also provide nice posters. Final Arbor Day preparations will be made at next meeting on April 12th "Helping Small Town Tree Boards" Retreat Chad distributed flyers on the "Helping Small Town Tree Boards Learn From the Past and Plan for the Future" retreat in Choteau Montana, April 1 & 2, 2011. It was noted that Andrea and David are attending. David stated that he thought Rebecca was interested in going but hadn't heard from her. Chad noted that Lisa is also going and will be traveling with her husband as he has project sites near there. Chad informed the group that Lisa was going to wait a while before registering so that street tree board members from all communities have a first opportunity at scholarships. David noted they might not honor all three attending from Kalispell. Andrea mentioned that Corlene Martin had inquired of her how many would be attending from Kalispell. 2 Andrea had told Corlene that David and Lisa were both coming. Corlene was in receipt of David's application, but not Lisa's at that time. David is taking a van and has room for four passengers in addition to him. He has not heard if anyone is attending from the nearby communities of Columbia Falls or Whitefish. Bette commented on how nice the schedule they have prepared for the function is. David mentioned that they are also going to have Northwest Energy discuss power poles and lines and conflicts with trees. Power companies have a habit of topping trees, which is in conflict with the tree ordinance. Chad confirmed that it is difficult for power companies to line prune when they have a required 10' circle clearance from lines. Chad briefly explained to the group that the parks staff have worked quite well with Flathead Electric in recent years, allowing them to remove every other tree (when the trees are in poor shape) and then prune every other tree. Additionally, Flathead Electric pays to replace any tree they remove and then more appropriate species of trees are planted, that are smaller and will not grow into the power lines. Chad is quite pleased with the willingness of Flathead Electric to work with the city for the good of the urban forest. David stated that he feels that's what it is all about; communication and the willingness to work together, and that if the power company has to so severely prune a tree, it is better to remove it and replace it with a more appropriate species for the location. Andrea questioned if it was the power company that topped trees on Oregon and 2nd Street NE and 3rd Ave NE. Chad responded that there are a couple of sections on the NE side of town that Mike Baker had explained to him were V-pruned by the electric company because the residents were very upset about the thought of losing their maples. The parks department is concerned about the future of these trees, as the V-pruning has resulted in massive branches growing out to each side with the possibility of splitting and the trees are once again growing into the lines and will have to be dealt with. Chad stated the residents will be approached again about these trees and what might be best. Chad stated that even though Flathead Electric has strict power line pruning rules, he currently has a tree removal that is not near power lines, however is adjacent to lines and he called Flathead Electric and asked them if they would take the tree down to a workable level for the Parks department so that our crews could feel comfortable working on it and safer for the crews. Due to the proximity of power line Flathead Electric volunteered to remove the tree to the ground, with parks crews be responsible for hauling and stumping. Additional Chad noted that when the Parks Department was having boom truck issues, Flathead Electric offered to go out and do some of the parks work. Chad stated he feels fortunate to work with Steve Quigley of Flathead Electric. He noted that current contractor working for Flathead Electric is Aspen Urban Forestry who was also the contractor who worked for KPR on the ARRA Dutch Elm disease removal project. Chad informed the group that Aspen communicates with both KPR and citizens very well and does a great job. David asked Chad to ask Lisa to share this important partnership with Flathead Electric Coop, so she can in turn share this information when she attends the Choteau retreat. David informed anyone wanting to travel with him to the retreat can meet at his office. David noted it is a three hour drive and so he feels he will leave about 3 to get to Choteau by 6 pm. David explained to the group that Choteau had a very bad storm and lost a lot of trees and additionally like a lot of towns on the eastern side, they have a lot of cottonwoods that have reached majority next to sidewalks, which resulted in the start of a sidewalk board which lead to 3 starting a tree board. The mayor there is also quite progressive and will be a speaker at the retreat. Forest Health Monitoring Open House The group briefly discussed the Free Tree Talk that was held in February at Council Chambers. It was agreed by all that it was a very good presentation. David noted it has been well received throughout the state. David stated they are going to try and get it on video. Chad confirmed the number of trees in the city inventory (right-of-way) to be 6789. Andrea mentioned the speaker's reference to a pine tree outside of Depot Park restrooms having blight. Chad stated they had looked at the tree and it has had this blight for some time. Parks crews will be monitoring the trees to see what happens with them in the springtime. Chad noted the biggest problem staff and crew have with dealing with this type of tree issue, is lack of budget, however will address to the best ability to avoid spreading of disease. David will try and get the Parks department a copy of the video for sharing with those that couldn't attend. David noted there were thirty five in attendance at the talk and that Columbia Falls had approximately the same number. It was noted that there was good attendance by students in the master gardeners' class. This class should count as education training for city staff Tree City USA Flag Presentation and Arbor Day Proclamation Chad informed the group that the Arbor Day Proclamation by the Mayor will be at the April 18, 2011, Council meeting. This will also be the council meeting where the Street Tree Commission members present the new Tree City USA flag to Mayor and Council. Lisa has not seen the new flag yet, however has last year's flag washed and ready to go to Russell Elementary on Arbor Day. Bette has the information that needs to be read to council and will show up. Final preparations for this will be made at the next meeting on April 12tn Miscellaneous Tree Business Chad explained to the group that the ARRA federal stimulus grant received an additional $4000 and some odd dollars to continue the Dutch Elm disease removal project. The additional funding will allow for the removal and stumping of six medium sized trees and replacement of six trees. Replacement trees species will be determined based on the replanting locations. The group discussed the need to vary the species. City staff is currently working with nurseries and researching additional species for approval on the boulevard tree planting list. Chad told the group about a Tulip Tree that is going to be brought in this year and planted at Woodland Park. It has a yellow flower on it and the tree can grow to over 100' tall. It is Chad's understanding that it will bloom every spring. This planting will be a tester planting, probably 1 1/2" caliper, balled and burlapped. The group briefly discussed the planting specifications that were presented at the Free Tree Talk. F. David Jones told Chad he was able to purchase for Kalispell Parks and Recreation a much desired copy of Dirrs Hardy Trees and Shrubs Book, by Michael Dirrs. He was able to purchase this book used for $35. This book generally runs $100 new. KPR has been borrowing this book from a nursery. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m.