2010 Construction, Subdivision and Annexation Reportolo Construction,�idlivi Subdivision and Annexation Report Kalispelh Montana y �r a r ¢ SYKES RJESTAURA\TT R SPRING CRIEEK APARTMENTS PHASE 2 Janurary 2ou $40.0® Planning Department 201 1" Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: (406) 758-7940 Fax: (406) 758-7739 www.kalispell.com/planniny- KALISPELL PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2010 QUICK FACTS Tom Jentz, Director Planning Department Senior Planner — Sean Conrad Planner 2 — P.J. Sorensen GIS Specialist — Cookie Davies Office Administrator — Michelle Anderson Building Department Building Official — Jeff Clawson Plans Examiner — Dwain Elkins Plans Examiner- Rick Parker Inspector — Gary T. Hoes 2008 through 2010 Planning & Building Department Activity Highlights Total Building Permits Issued (all types) Commercial, Office, Industrial Residential Government, Public/Quasi-Public New Commercial, Office, Industrial Permits Value New Residential Units Single Family, Townhouse and Duplex units Multi -family units Value of All New Residential Units New or Significant Additions to Public/Quasi-Public Value Value of all Types of New Construction Value of all Types of Remodels, Modifications, Additions, etc. Total Value all Construction Types * corrected per 2010 Building Permits 2008 2009 2010 272 208 228 68 65 87 203 131 127 1 12 14 7 6 4 $4,263,928 $13,227,500 $1,307,284 186 103 92 153 70 63 33 33 29 $25,600,999 $14,489,428 * $12,621,702 1 3 3 $1,878,000 $6,472,602 $1,685,000 $31,742,927 $34,189,530 * $15,613,986 $12,474,500 $6,773,804 $11,614,215.50 $44,217,489 $40,963,334 * $27,228,201.50 1 2008, 2009 and 2010 Planning Department Applications r Preliminary Subdivision Plat Applications o Total lots r Preliminary Plat Extensions o Total Lots r Preliminary Plats Expired o Total Lots r Final Subdivision Plat Applications o Total lots + Conditional Use Permit Applications r Annexation Applications o Acres Annexed r Zone Change Applications r Zone Text Amendment Applications r Floodplain Development Permit Applications r Sign Permits 2008 2009 2010 4 1 2 460 176 481 0 2 13 0 13 506 0 1 2 0 10 115 13 5 1 252 240 7 5 8 10 7 4 4 570 231 13 1 4 1 4 1 3 1 1 0 71 74 86 N 2010 CONSTRUCTION, LAND SUBDIVISION AND ANNEXATION REPORT — DRAFT CITY OF KALISPELL The first section of this report provides information on new housing construction, major commercial construction and divisions of land and annexations for the City of Kalispell, in Flathead County, Montana. A later section of the report provides an overview of how Flathead County is growing in comparison to other counties in Montana. Information on Flathead area housing prices and sales are also provided in the next section. Information for years prior to the period covered in this report is available upon request. Construction activity data is collected from building permits issued by the City of Kalispell Building Department. Residential construction types are referred to as single family residence (SIR), duplex (DUP), townhouse (TH), multi -family unit (MFU), and manufactured home/mobile home (MH). For the purpose of this report, townhouse numbers are combined with the duplex category. The MH category includes all classes of manufactured homes including double wide and modular homes. Townhouses have become more common in recent years, but are not reflected in a separate category until 2003. Townhouses were counted in the SFR or DUP category previously to 2003. Numbers recorded for multifamily units, townhouses and duplexes represent the actual number of living units created within the housing projects. Senior apartment complexes and assisted living units are included in the multifamily category and numbers also represent the actual number of units within the project. This report also includes a summary of major commercial construction projects for which building permits were issued since 2006. CITY OF KALISPELL Recent Population Estimates The most recent census data for incorporated places (July 1, 2009) estimated that the population of the City of Kalispell was about 21,640 a 52.1 percent increase from the 2000 Census population of 14,223. (Figure 1) This represents an average annual population growth rate in Kalispell of about 5 percent per year since 2000. Kalispell remains the 7th largest city in the state. Population increases have been significant since 2000, considering that the population of the city grew by only 19 percent during the the 1990's. Local officials expect that the population of the area will continue to increase in the long term, but it is not likely to see the same rate of growth experienced during the past decade. The national economic and housing situation continues to affect the Flathead Valley as well as other parts of Western Montana that had rapid growth during the last decade. Loss of jobs and/or lack of job opportunities that are related to the decline in housing construction may be causing some residents to leave the area in search of employment, and in the short term, the next four years, will actually contribute to a stable or slightly declining population. 3 25.OW 22."0 2a.000 menu 1s4000 12.5m 10,000 7.sao a 9,737 iLJ. i � i Figure 1 City of Kalispell Population Trends 19 50 - July 1, 2009 10,526 20,689 11.91 / 1950 19W 1970 1980 29M 21.640 14,223 2000 7/1/09 census Est Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census, 1950 — 2000, and Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places in Montana, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2009 (SUB-EST2009-04-30) Release Date: June 2010 Kalispell Building Permit Summary The City of Kalispell issues permits for all construction projects in the city. (Figure 2) The City of Kalispell Building Department issued 228 building permits during 2010, as compared to 208 during 2009, 272 during 2008 and 432 during 2007. This represents a 9.6 percent increase over the previous year. The total number of permits includes all types of construction including new, remodels, additions, or any other activity requiring a permit. 4 Figure 2 Total Building Permits Issued by Month, 2007 - 2010 70 60 46 50 40 30 E a 20 0 to Jan Feb Mif Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 111111111111112DD7 27 27 44 38 63 37 45 29 40 44 21 17 —0-20D8 17 25 13 28 29 40 24 23 30 12 11 20 —*-2009 5 10 13 15 26 14 19 18 26 29 19 14 —0-2010 11 16 13 38 2S 22 16 22 17 24 14 9 Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits 2007-2010 New Residential Housing Construction Total 432 272 208 228 There has been a declining number of new housing starts in Kalispell each year since 2004, in which a record number of new homes were constructed. While there is still demand for new housing, locally, there still appears to be a surplus of unoccupied new homes for sale, probably a result of the nationwide economic situation, as well as several years of speculation in the local housing market. Once again, the number of new housing unit starts dropped during 2010. There were 92 new housing unit starts in Kalispell during 2010, a 10.7 percent decrease from 2009. Single family home construction was up 8.7 percent and construction of new townhouses and duplex units was down 46.8 percent. The number of new multi -family unit starts were down by 12.1 percent. (Figures 3, 4 and 5) (Tables 1 and 3) The number of new housing unit starts is still significantly below the previous 5 year annual average, as well as the previous 10 year annual average. (Table 2) As can be expected, most new housing starts occur in the newest subdivisions. However, build out has slowed considerably in both the incorporated and rural areas of Flathead County. 5 The majority of new housing starts continue to be that of single family homes. Since about 2000 there has been increased demand for townhouse, duplex and multi -family housing, which tend to be more affordable than traditional single family housing. Increases or decline in construction of multi -family units is better understood as a factor of how the data is collected. Several large multi -family housing projects received building permits in late 2004, but actual construction of these projects did not begin until 2005. Because multi -family projects are usually constructed over a longer period of time, it is more feasible to look at annual averages for this type of housing over a five year period. During 2010, a 23 unit low income senior housing project got underway on Grandview Drive, as well as a 6 unit independent senior housing structure on 5th Avenue West. Also, by the end of 2010, 33 multi -family units in four separate structures on the north side of Appleway Drive were well on the way to being completed. Permits for the foundations were issued in 2009, and the units were counted in last year's numbers, and will not be counted in the 2010 numbers. In 2008, 33 multifamily units were constructed in three separate structures in the same area. During 2010, 8 federally subsidized Self Help homes were started in Spring Creek Estates on Three Mile Drive. The program is administered by Northwest Montana Human Resources and allows qualified families to earn down payments, closing costs and equity by investing sweat equity in building their own home and other self-help housing. Maps showing locations of new residential construction are provided in the appendix of this document. Figure 3 Kalispell New Residential Units 1991- 2010 550 $00 450 400 350 $ 300 200 150 100 50 0 Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits 2007-2010 R Figure 4 building Permits Issued for New Residential Units by Month, 2007 th ru 2010 if0 100 90 so c 70 60 aka 5U c 0 0 AO — Qj 30 . as a 20 10 0 Jan Fleb M,3r Apr May Jun o2Q7 17 20 26 17 98 27 2008 12 21 4 18 20 22 2049 6 4 6 4 3 5 —0-5010 3 3 5 19 8 5 Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits 2007-2010 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nvu Oa,t 16 13 13 57 10 6 11 37 16 4 5 16 6 2 9 42 11 5 4 7 25 $ 3 1 Figure 5 Total 320 186 103 92 Kalispell - All New Residential Units by Type. 1991-2010 s�o $FR -.a DUP/TH Y MFU #SR �94 — 394 2M ,Ioa - ISO i le :i � � ¢p $pb ppb,� Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits 1991-2010 7 Table 1. Residential Construction Summary, by Type City of Kalispell, 1995-2010 % chg TYPE OF 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 09-10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Single Family (includes 111 69 59 84 94 97 106 135 110 192 233 170 146 78 46 50 +8.7% Townhouse units pre 2002 Duplex units 10 6 8 8 14 28 36 36 14 30 25 23 14 21 8 3 -63.5% Townhouse units 54 127 86 128 67 54 16 10 -37.5% Multi -Family 24 19 87 45 0 21 0 103 12 130 34 28 95 33 33 29 -12.1% units Manufactured 0 1 4 0 0 1 1 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% Homes TOTAL 145 95 158 137 108 147 143 278 193 480 378 349 322 186 103 92 -10.7% Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits, 1995-2010 Table 2. Residential Construction Summary, City of Kalispell, 2000-2010 YEAR TOTAL SFR DUP/TH MFU MH 2005-2009 5 YEAR MEAN ANNUAL 267 134.6 88.4 44.6 0 2000-2009 10 YEAR MEAN ANNUAL 256.9 131.3 76.7 48.9 1 2010 92 50 13 29 0 Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits, 2000-2010 Table 3. Residential Construction Summary, City of Kalispell, 2004-2010 YEAR SFR % of total DUP/TH % of total MFU % of total MH % of total TOTAL UNITS 2004 192 40% 157 32.7% 130 27.1 % 1 0.2% 480 2005 233 61.6% 111 29.4% 34 9.0% 0 0% 378 2006 170 48.7% 151 43.3% 28 8.0% 0 0% 349 2007 146 45.3% 81 25.2% 95 29.5% 0 0% 322 2008 78 41.9% 75 40.3% 33 17.7% 0 0% 186 2009 46 44.7% 24 23.3% 33 32.0% 0 0% 103 2010 50 54.4% 13 14.1 % 29 31.5% 0 0% 92 Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits, 2004-2010 Non -Residential Construction 2010 Prior to 2006, this report did not include information regarding non-residential construction. Commercial and other non-residential activity began rapidly increasing during the last decade, especially along Highway 93, north of the downtown area. Commercial and other non-residential activity directly influences residential construction and population growth. This report attempts to address the most significant non-residential projects of the past few years, as well as projects that are underway. Although it is not associated with the Kalispell Building Permit system, one of the most significant construction projects of 2010 was that of the completion of the south portion of the Highway 93 Alternate Route between Highway 93 South and U. S. Highway 2 West in late November of 2010. During 2010, there was not a significant amount of new non-residential space created in Kalispell. Several major remodel projects were completed or are underway. The Kalispell Fire Department added a second floor with 5,791 square feet of living and office space, a project valued at about $1.1 million dollars. The Social Security offices located in Ashley Square, west of Kalispell underwent a major interior and exterior remodel adding additional offices and restrooms. This project was also valued at about $1.1 million dollars. Other projects of 2010 included a remodel and a 2,099 square foot addition to the Sykes grocery store and restaurant on Second Avenue West. There was also a new 7,058 square foot office/retail building shell constructed in Hutton Ranch Plaza, and a 6,912 square foot office building on Village Loop, off of Whitefish Stage Road. A 1,560 square foot engineered structure was placed on West Center Street and is currently used for retail sales. A major renovation of the interior and exterior of the Flathead County office building, often referred to as the "Blue Building" is nearly complete. Offices were temporarily relocated during construction. 1,040 square feet of space was added to house an elevator and a foyer. The remodeled building is now called "Courthouse West" where the Department of Motor Vehicles, Accounting Department and the Tax Department, as well as the Superintendent of Schools and Family Court Services, are now located. The remodel was valued at just under a million dollars. Flathead Regional Medical Center began demolition and remodeling for a future expansion valued at $3.7 million dollars when complete. An interior remodel of Smiths Grocery and Pharmacy is underway. A drive -through pharmacy will be added and the entire project is valued at about $1 million dollars. Several projects that were underway in 2009 were also completed during 2010, including the new Walmart Supercenter and the Montana Club restaurant. Construction of the new Federal Express warehouse was also completed in 2010, located in the Old School Station subdivision in the southern portion of the city. Since all of these projects began construction in 2009, the values and square footages were accounted for in the 2009 report numbers. 9 Non -Residential Construction, Prior Years The new Department of Natural Resources and Conservation offices and fire cache located south of West Reserve Drive on Stillwater Road were completed in 2009. A new Flathead County 911 Call Center also began construction near the same location. Another significant non-residential project of 2009 was the complete remodel of the vacant Tidyman's store on 1 st Avenue East, which is now a Super One grocery store. In addition, a Five Guys restaurant opened in the Hutton Ranch Plaza in an existing structure. The construction of Home Depot in 2004 represented the beginning of the major commercial development on the north end of the city. A variety of businesses including Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, TJ Maxx, Ross, Pier One Imports, Petco, IHOP, and multiple other retail stores, offices, and eateries have become established in Mountain View Plaza since 2004. The development of Spring Prairie Center followed which is located on the west side of Highway 93 North across from Mountain View Plaza. The area for development included nearly three quarters of Section 36. Lowe's and Costco came to Spring Prairie in 2005. In 2006, a Holiday Inn Express was built near the future Highway 93 Alternate Route, north of Lowe's. A new Wells Fargo Bank and a Starbucks were established on the smaller commercial lots along Highway 93. The new Glacier High School completed construction in 2007, on West Reserve Drive and Stillwater Road. Also, during 2007, a Famous Dave's restaurant and McDonalds were constructed on the commercial lots along Highway 93. Construction in Spring Prairie Center slowed in 2008, during which an Urgent Health Care Clinic, just north of McDonalds, was constructed. Eisinger Honda and Eisinger Chevrolet constructed about 65,000 square feet of new office and retail space on 15+ acres on the northeast corner of Highway 93 North and West Reserve Drive, to accommodate relocation of their Honda and Chevrolet dealership in 2007. Hutton Ranch Plaza, located just south of Mountain View Plaza began development in 2006, constructing several structures for future businesses. Several businesses opened in Hutton Ranch Plaza in 2007, including a new Sportsman Ski House, a 14 screen theatre, banks, and a variety of restaurants and offices. In 2008, a new Sizzler Steakhouse was completed in the Hutton Ranch Plaza. Flathead Valley Community College added a Child Development Center, an Occupational Trades building and an Arts and Technology building totaling over 89,000 square feet in 2008. Expansion of health care facilities has slowed, but continues in the Kalispell Regional Medical Center area. During 2007, the Cancer Treatment Facility added 7,165 square feet and the hospital added 5,760 square feet. In 2008, a 15,252 square foot, two story shell was constructed in the hospital area, to accommodate additional professional offices. Other projects of 2008 included adding a 14,050 square foot third story to the Earl Bennett Building, accommodating the expanded Flathead City -County Health Department and other county services. The Veteran's Administration added an 8,976 square foot office building near their new clinic on Three Mile Drive, and a 3,400 square foot Chiropractic Office was constructed on North Meridian Road. A downtown health fitness center added 2,483 square feet to its existing area. Eastside Brick, a condominium, apartment, office development, constructed a 2,743 square foot shell that is now a coffee house/restaurant. A clubhouse was constructed at Silverbrook Estates, off of Church Drive at the very north edge of the city. to The Hilton Garden Inn South was completed in 2007, in the old National Guard Armory location north of Rosauers on Highway 93 South. The armory was relocated north of Kalispell. Since 2005, in the Daley Field subdivision south of Rosauers, a McKenzie River Pizza, a liquor store, a furniture store and a new office building have been constructed. A list of major new commercial/retail/office; public structures; and significant additions during 2010 and the previous four years is provided in Table 4. Table 4 City of Kalispell, 2006 through 2010 Building Permits New Non -Residential Construction and Significant Additions YEAR New Commercial/Retail Construction ADDRESS NAME DESCRIPTION TYPE SQ FT 1,560 2010 749 W Center St The Stove Shop Retail New 2010 202 2"d Ave W Sykes Restaurant & Grocery Addition 2,099 2010 rd 1953 Ave EN 310 Sunnyview Ln Smiths Pharmacy Drive Thru Retail Addition Will be completed in 2011 2010 Kalispell Regional Medical Center Health Care/Offices Modification & Addition Project just started 2010 150 Hutton Ranch Rd Pad G Shell for Retail Retail or Offices New 7,058 TOTAL 2010 New 10,717 188,028 2009 170 Hutton Ranch Rd Walmart Retail Store 2009 1301 S Main St Montana Club Restaurant/ Casino/Lounge New 8,087 2009 155 Hutton Ranch Rd Shell for Retail Stores Retail Stores Health Club New Addition 5,610 201,725 2,483 TOTAL 2009 2008 300 Vt Ave E Flathead Health & Fitness 2008 525 8t' St E Eastside Brick Coffee House/ Restaurant Addition 2,743 2008 115 Hutton Ranch Rd Sizzlers Restaurant New 5,524 TOTAL 2008 10,750 2007 190 Meadow Vista Loop The Meadows Clubhouse New 4,948 2007 2340 Hwy 93 N Famous Dave's Restaurant New 8,840 2007 2910 Hwy 93 S Town Pump Inc Tavern/Casino Addition 4,115 2007 1680 Hwy 93 S Econolodge Hotel/Motel Addition 3,684 11 New Commercial/Retail Construction 2007 125 Hutton Ranch Rd Glacier Quilts Store New 5,820 2007 110 Hutton Ranch Rd Hutton Ranch Food Court Restaurants New 6, 000 2007 284 N Meridian Rd Universal Athletics Retail Store New 10,853 2007 2545 Hwy 93 N Eisinger Honda Car dealership New 22,700 2007 2563 Hwy 93 N Eisinger Chevrolet Car dealership New 42,690 2007 120 Hutton Ranch Rd Flathead Bank Bank New 6,429 2007 145 Hutton Ranch Rd Sportsman Ski House Retail Store New 58,874 2007 2320 Hwy 93 S Murdoch's Greenhouse/ Store New 7,560 2007 2310 Hwy 93 N McDonald's Restaurant New 3,253 2007 35 5th Ave W 5th Avenue Salon Hair Salon New 3,432 4,000 2,800 196,598 64'100 2007 2310 Hwy 93 S 2792 Hwy 93 2007 Penco Store/ Warehouse New 2007 Sem's Car Wash Car Wash Hotel New Addition TOTAL 2006 20 N Main St West Coast Hotels 2006 2210 Hwy 93 S Montana Liquor & Wine Liquor Store New 8,064 2006 139 1 st Ave W North Bay Bar & Grill Restaurant Addition 771 2006 1745 3rd Ave E Western Building Center Warehouse Addition 2,200 2006 60 Four Mile Dr The Greenery Shell for Offices New 8,678 2006 330 1st Ave W Kalispell VFW Lounge & Casino New 7,870 2006 2356 Hwy 93 N Starbucks Coffee House New 1,926 2006 175 Hutton Ranch Rd Hutton Ranch Retail Retail Spaces New 17,900 2006 185 Hutton Ranch Rd Signature Theatres 14 plex Theatre New 45,134 2006 1745 3rd Ave W Western Building Center Store Addition Addition 11,457 2006 1840 Hwy 93 S 2240 Hwy 93 S Hilton Garden Inn Hotel/ Resturant/ Casino New 117,748 2006 Montana Furniture Store Furniture Store New 13,031 2006 130 Hutton Ranch Rd HuHot Mongolian Grille Restaurant New 4,539 2006 275 Treeline Rd Holiday Inn Express Motel New 64,359 TOTAL 2006 0 367,777 12 New Office Construction 2010 33 Village Loop Shell for Offices Offices New 6,912 TOTAL 2010 6,912 TOTAL 2009 0 2008 115 W Monture Ridge Silverbrook Estates Clubhouse New 4,030 2008 35 Three Mile Dr Veterans Administration Offices New 8,976 2008 1066 N Meridian Rd Chiropractic Office Office New 3,400 2008 2316 Hwy 93 N Urgent Care Clinic Offices New 6,277 TOTAL 2008 1 X 22,68 2007 125 School House Loop Glacier Investment Offices New 12,934 2007 3430 Hwy 93 N Silverbrook Sales Offices New 1,380 2007 1050 N Meridian North Meridian Dental Dental Office New 4,200 2007 723 5th Ave E Eastside Brick Offices & Coffeehouse New 20,751 TOTAL 2007 K 39,265 2006 1645 Hwy 93 S Nalty Real Estate Entry Medical Office Bank Addition 24 2006 610 7th St E Swanberg Addition 1,065 2006 30 N Main St Heritage Bank New 2,928 2006 80 Four Mile Dr The Greenery Shell for Offices New 8,678 2006 135 Hutton Ranch Rd Hutton Ranch Shell for Offices New 11,554 2006 100 Hutton Ranch Rd First Interstate Bank Bank New 5,700 2006 121 Financial Dr Health & Human Services Office Building New 33,600 2006 2250 Hwy 93 S Jackola Engineering Office Building New 5,760 TMR 2006 69,30 New Industrial Construction TOTAL 2010 0 (No New or Significant Industrial Construction) 165 Schoolhouse Warehouse foundation 2009 Loop Federal Express for steel structure New 18,841 $1, 300, 000 TOTAL 18,841 0 2009 TOTAL 2008 TOTAL 2007 0 13 2006 175 Loop School House Fun Beverage Warehouse New 114,000 2006 1601 3rd Ave E Denman/Rice Storage Units New 9,200 2006 A8 Ryan Ln Kalispell City Airport Aircraft Hangar, Storage New 3,600 2006 59 3rd Ave WN Warehouse New 2,698 TOTAL 2006 IMF 129,498 New Government, Public, Quasi -Public 312 1 sc Ave E Kalispell Fire Dept Offices/Living quarters Addition 5,791 2010 2010 935 1 st Ave W Flathead County Offices remodel & Addition 1,040 Courthouse West addition 2010 655 Timberwolf Mt Dept of Natural Warehouse New 2,324 Pkwy Resources (DNRC) Faith Covenant Church Church Addition 2010 611 3`d Ave E Addition 3,444 TOTAL 2010 IF 12,599 2009 Mt Dept of Natural Offices 655 Timberwolf New 16,650 Pkwy Resources (DNRC) 655 Timberwolf New 2009 Mt Dept of Natural Fire Cache 4,176 Pkwy Resources (DNRC) PkwTimberwolf New 2009 Flathead County 911 Call Center 7,964 Ir 2009 TOTAL 28,790 2008 Flathead County Offices 1035 1 st Ave W Addition 14,050 TOTAL 2008 14,050 2007 School District #5 High School Addition USDA — Forest Service Offices City of Kalispell Warehouse 644 4th Ave. W 650 Wolfpack Way Addition 18,953 2007 New 28,120 2007 1434 15tAve W New 3,600 2007 City of Kalispell Warehouse 1,000 171 School House New Loop 2007 Ryan Lane City of Kalispell Aircraft Hangar New 13,500 2007 310 Sunnyview Ln Kalispell Regional Cancer Treatment Addition 7,165 Medical Center Center 2007 310 Sunnyview Ln Kalispell Regional Hospital Addition 5,760 Medical Center TOTAL 2007 78,098 2006 320 Sunnyview Ln Kalispell Regional MRI Addition Addition 1,728 Medical Center 2006 205 Northwest Ln Kalispell Junior High School Cafeteria Addition 9,280 2006 2215 Hwy 93 N Flathead Valley Occupational Trades New 24,450 Community College Building 14 New Government, Public, Quasi -Public 2006 745 Grandview Dr 320 Sunnyview Ln Flathead Valley Community College Arts & Technology Building New 57,530 2006 Northwest Health Care Vestibule Addition 88 2006 40 Claremont St Immanuel Lutheran Home Trinity Lutheran Entry Youth Center Child Development Addition 525 2006 460 3rd Ave W N New 4,800 Flathead Valle 2006 715 Grandview Dr Community College Center New 7,140 TOTAL 2006 105,541 Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits, 2006-2010 Information regarding all construction projects, including modifications, repair and additions to existing structures, was provided by the City of Kalispell Building Department, and includes a summary of revenue collected for all activities that the department oversees. (Table 5) The dollar amounts may not be exact and are only intended to identify possible trends in various types of construction. Table 5 City of Kalispell Building Department Revenue and Permit Summary Calendar Years 2004 - 2010 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total # of Building 530 524 492 432 272 208 228 Permits Building $195,238 $220,239 $226,169 $226,057 $92,444 $107,629 $199,058 Permit Fees Plan Review $106,397 $202,246 $248,901 $283,858 $91,672 $89,300 $80,223 Fee Mechanical $36,600 $50,303 $46,555 $54,171 $27,418 $21,524 $24,382 Fees $38,235 $44,066 $46,725 $42,696 $22,462 $16,831 Plumbing $14,887 Fees Total Building $376,470 $516,854 $568,350 $606,782 $233,996 $233,341 $320,493 Department Revenue 15 2004 1 2005 1 2006 1 2007 1 2008 1 2009 1 2010 # of new commercial, office or 36 *** 35 32 7 6 4 industrial construction Construction Value - new commercial, 39,415,779 27,363,976 46,463,270 37,507,179 4,263,928 13,227,500 1,307,284 office or industrial # of permits for new public/quasi *** *** *** 12 1 3 3 public buildings Construction Value - new public/quasi *** *** *** 20,109,301 1,878,000 6,472,602 $1,685,000 public buildings Construction Value - new single family 20,521,824 29,112,432 23,936,942 22,769,590 14,402,411 8,470,405 8,658,774 homes Construction Value - new 10,305,221 7,798,649 13,249,734 7,600,923 6,365,074 2,173,752 1,249,228 townhouses Construction Value - new 1,976,778 1,863,768 1,282,856 1,211,616 1,665,200 953,792 202,700 duplex Construction Value - new 8,225,456 2,126,455 1,666,400 9,228,053 3,168,314 2,891,479 2,511,000 multi -family Construction Value —all new 41,029,279 40,901,304 40,135,932 40,810,182 25,600,999 14,489,428 12,621,702 residential units Total Construction Value - all NEW or significant 80,445,058 68,265,280 86,599,202 98,426,662 31,742,927 34,189,530 15,613,986 additions to commercial, public and residential *Total Construction value of all 87,376,439 91,684,173 103,351,490 112,458,908 44,217,489 40,963,334 27,228,202 types of construction *** Information unknown or not calculated *Total value of all construction includes new structures, as well as remodels, additions, foundations, etc. for all projects. Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits, 2004-2010 16 CITY OF KALISPELL LAND SUBDIVISION — FINAL PLATS The nationwide economic and housing slump is in its second year and has affected many areas of the West that had been experiencing a housing and economic boom. The speculative market of the past few years created a significant inventory of lots and parcels in Flathead County, many of which remain vacant and offered for sale. The slowing of subdivision activity since 2006 is a reaction to the market and economic conditions. As a result of current market conditions, there were no new lots created in the City of Kalispell during 2010. This is the first year this has happened since we began preparing this report in 1973. (Figure 6) Figure 6 Land Subdivision, City of Kalispell 1996-2010 (includes all types with roads and open space) New Lots Created and Acres of New Lots 650 600 582 O NEW LOTS CREATED 550 510 500 O ACRES OF NEW LOTS CREATED 450 419 400 350 300 245 252 240 250 200 150 _ 100 84 91 86 50 34 41 - _ 0 0 �(C� C ,�g Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department During the previous year of 2009 Phase IA of Silverbrook Estates was platted with 178 single family home lots on about 82 acres. Phase 3 of Westview Estates, located north of West Reserve Drive was also approved for 30 single family lots on about 12 acres. Ashley Heights, a 26 single family lot subdivision, located on the south side of Sunnyside Drive, was also approved in late December of 2009. 17 During 2008, Phase 1B of Phase 1 of Silverbrook Estates was approved for 107 single family lots on about 73 acres. The final plat of Phase 3 of Mountain Vista Estates on Three Mile Drive was also approved in 2008, with 25 single family lots, 14 townhouse lots and 1 lot for a future Fire Station. Phase 2 of Aspen Creek, also on Three Mile Dr, was approved for 30 single family and 10 townhouse lots. Three Mile Views was approved for 14 townhouse lots and 2 lots intended for multi -family structures. Spring Prairie Mixed Professional One was approved for 1 lot, on which the Forest Service Supervisor's and the Tally Lake Ranger District offices are now located. Adjacent to the new Forest Service offices, Lot 1 of Phase IA of Timberwolf Center was approved and is now the new location of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) offices. Phase 2 of Hutton Ranch Plaza was originally planned for 9 commercial lots, but was changed to 1 lot to accommodate the new Wa1Mart Supercenter. Construction began during the fall of 2009 and the new Wa1Mart store opened in the June of 2010. The largest subdivision approved in 2007 was Phase 1 of Spring Creek Estates with 174 single family lots on 51 acres located on the south side of Three Mile Drive. Phase 2 of Mountain Vista Estates was approved for 47 single family and 20 townhouse lots. Phase 3 of Northland Subdivision was approved for 25 single family lots. Figure 7 Land Subdivision vs. New Housing Starts, City of Kalispell 1996-2010 (includes only residential lots) New Residential Units New Residential Lots Soo 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 ]50 100 so 0 Source: City of Planning Department 18 Prior to 2006, the average lot size was calculated by dividing the total area of a subdivision by the number of lots. Average lot size previously included open space and roads. The city now more actively encourages and requires open space in new subdivisions, especially those with high density lot configurations or those that encompass sensitive areas, such as wetlands or floodplain. Therefore, we have added open space and roads into the tables since 2006, to more accurately depict actual average lot sizes. (Tables 6, 7 and 8) Table 6 Land Subdivision Activity Summary, City of Kalispell 1973-2010 all types 73-95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 TOTAL Total # 803 118 84 91 34 41 86 121 245 510 419 582 319 252 240 0 3,945 new lots Acres in 456.5 49.1 39.2 43 27.6 17.4 22.3 48.7 125.1 136.4 110 225.5 69.19 177.7 84.66 0 1,632.35 lots Acres open 34.1 6.08 26.56 11.7 0 78.44 space Acres in 44.6 25.03 31.53 24.38 0 125.54 roads Total 456.5 49.1 39.2 43 27.6 17.4 22.3 48.7 125.1 136.4 110 304.2 100.3 209.16 109.04 0 1,798 acres * Open space or road area was not calculated separately previous to 2006. Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department Table 7 Land Subdivision by Type & Average Lot Sizes, City of Kalispell, 2006 - 2010 Average Average Non Total Total Residential Lot Total Non Total Non Residential Lot Residential Residential Size 2010, Residential Lots Residential Size 2010, Lots 2010 Acres 2010 excluding roads 2010 Acres 2010 excluding roads and open space and open space 0 0 0 0 0 0 Average Average Non Total Total Residential Lot Total Non Total Non Residential Lot Residential Residential Size 2009, Residential Lots Residential Size 2009, Lots 2009 Acres 2009 excluding roads 2009 Acres 2009 excluding roads and open space .28 3 5.913 and open space 237 103.12 1.19 Acres in open 11.7 0 space Acres in lots 67.26 5.696 Acres in roads 24.16 .217 19 Average Average Non Total Total Residential Lot Total Non Total Non Residential Lot Residential Residential Size 2008, Residential Lots Residential Size 2008, Lots 2008 Acres 2008 excluding roads 2008 Acres 2008 excluding roads & open space 117.4 .25 26.56 91.76 & open space 17.85 247 5 Acres in open 0 space Acres in lots 61.83 89.24 Acres in roads 29.01 2.52 Average Non Average Total Total Residential Lot Total Non Total Non Residential Lot Residential Residential Size 2007, Residential Lots Residential Size 2007, Lots 2007 Acres 2007 excluding roads 2007 Acres 2007 excluding roads & open space 10.412 & open space 311 89.884 .19 8 1.23 Acres in open 6.08 0 space Acres in lots 59.354 9.832 Acres in roads 24.45 Average .58 Average Non Total Total Residential Lot Total Non Total Non Residential Lot Residential Residential Size 2006, Residential Lots Residential Size 2006, Lots 2006 Acres 2006 excluding roads 2006 Acres 2006 excluding roads 167.49 & open space 136.69 & open space 524 .19 58 2.16 Acres in open 32.25 1.85 space Acres in lots 100.37 125.06 Acres in roads 34.87 9.78 Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department Table 8 Land Subdivision Activity Summary, City of Kalispell, 2001-2010 % change in total number of lots created % change in acres of new subdivisions created • change - 2001 - 2002 +41 % +118.1 % • change - 2002 - 2003 +102% +156.8% • change - 2003 - 2004 +108% +9.0% • change - 2004 - 2005 -17.8% -19.3% • change - 2005 - 2006 +30.7 +176.5% • change - 2006 - 2007 -45.2% -67.4% • change - 2007 - 2008 -21 % +108.5% • change - 2008 - 2009 -4.8% -56.2% • change - 2009 - 2010 -100 -100 Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department 20 Table 9 contains a complete list of subdivisions approved since 2006. Maps showing the location of these subdivisions are provided in the appendix of this document. Table 9 Approved Final Subdivision Plats by Lot Type, City of Kalispell (Total acres include roads, parks and open space) Subdivisions Approved in 2010 Com, Park - Single Duplex Multi NAME SUBDIVISION# of Ind or family Townhouse family open Total Road lots Public lots lots lots space acres or location lots acres 0 Subdivision Lots Created during 2010 Subdivisions Approved in 2009 Com, Park- # of Ind or Single Duplex Multi open Total Road SUBDIVISION NAME family Townhouse family lots Public lots lots lots space acres or location lots acres Stillwater Rd Timberwolf Center Ph1B 1 1 Public 0 1.963 & Timberwolf Pkwy Silverbrook Estates Ph U S Hwy 93 & 1A 178 178 8.81 82.05 Lazy Creek Way Westview Estates Ph 3 30 30 2.19 12.143 W Reserve Dr & Ali Loop Ashley Heights 26 26 .198 8.432 Sunnyside Dr & Bismark St Cornerstone 2 1 Com 0 3.95 Hwy 93 N & Community Church 1 Pub Northridge Dr Madsen 7th Ave Sub 3 1 2 0 .5 7th Ave W Total2009 240 3 235 2 11.7 109.04 Subdivisions Approved in 2008 Com, Park - Single Duplex Multi NAME SUBDIVISION# of Ind or family Townhouse family open Total Road lots Public lots lots lots space acres or location lots acres Diamond Ridge Estates 23 23 0 12.15 Three Mile Dr Silverbrook Estates 107 1 107 17.49 73.16 Hwy 93 N & Ph 1 Church Dr Mountain Vista Estates Three Mile Dr Ph 3 40 1 (Fire) 25 14 .681 9.741 & Jackson Peak Dr 21 Subdivisions Approved in 2008 - continued Aspen Creek 40 30 10 1.858 11.54 Three Mile Dr Ph 2 W Reserve Dr Glacier High School 1 1 0 59.81 & Stillwater Rd Three Mile Views 18 18 .36 2.81 Three Mile Dr Hwy 93 & Hutton Ranch Plaza 1 1 0 17.7 Hutton Ranch Ph 2 Rd Spring Prairie Mixed 1 1 0 5.31 Stillwater Rd Professional One Glacier Village Greens 12 12 6.167 8.032 E Nicklaus Ph22A Ave Timberwolf Center 1 1 0 7.884 Stillwater Rd L1 Ph 1A Legends Court 3 3 0 .47 4th Ave W Western Acres Amd L2 3 1 2 0 .47 7th Ave W 4thAve E & Eastside Townhouses 2 2 0 .16 13tSt TOTAL 2008 ■ 252 5 189 58 0 26.556 209.16 Subdivisions Approved in 2007 Com, Single Duplex Multi Park - SUBDIVISION NAME SUBDIVISION Ind or family Townhouse family open Total Road lots Public lots lots lots space acres or location lots acres Glacier Village Greens converted W Nicklaus Amd Ph 20 0 20 TH lots to n/a 0 Ave 10 SF lots Glacier Village Greens 12 12 0 2.026 E Nicklaus Ph 18 Ave Spring Creek Estates 174 174 1.804 51.1 Three Mile Dr Ph 1 Westwood Park 29 13 16 2.845 8.959 Corporate Dr Holiday Inn Express 1 1 0 3.45 Hwy 93 N & Treeline Rd Mountain Vista Estates\ 67 47 20 16.94 Three Mile Dr Ph 2 .25 Westview Business Center 3 3 0 1.895 N Meridian Rd No.2 Northland Ph 3 25 25 1.183 9.308 Northridge Dr Subdivision # 272 1 1 0 .332 Denver Ave Fox Trotter Meadows 1 1 0 1.059 Stillwater Rd Ph 1 Amd L6, Blk 251 of 2 2 0 3 Ave E/14 th Kalispell .16 St 0) Subdivisions Approved in 2007 - continued Amd L2 of Westbrook 2 2 0 4.156 Hwy 2 W & Meridian Rd Amd L1 B, L1 of Blk 1 2 2 0 .911 Meridian Rd & Adams Add Three Mile Dr TOTAL 2007 319 8 261 50 0 6.082 100.3 Subdivisions Approved in 2006 Com, Ind Single Duplex Multi Park SUBDIVISION # of or Public family Town family open Total Road NAME lots lots lots house lots space acres or location acres lots Blue Heron Estates 14 14 2.434 8.49 Stillwater Rd Ph 3 Three Mile Dr Stillwater Bluffs 32 8 24 3.46 12.6 Country Way S Northland Ph 2 33 33 2.128 13.42 Parkridge Dr LaMew 3 3 0 .69 Center Street Granary Ridge 16 16 .73 3.33 Whitefish Stage Rd Appleway 6 6 0 1.47 Appleway Dr Business Park Old School Station 17 17 1.85 55.13 Hwy 93 S, Demersville Rd Ashley Park Ph 8 46 26 20 0 10.8 South Meadows Dr Fire Station 62 1 1 0 1.94 W of Costco Hutton Ranch Ph1 17 17 0 31.17 Hwy 93 N Spring Prairie 4 4 0 17.38 Hwy 93 N Center Ph 1 Cascade Business 6 6 0 11.28 Two Mile Dr, Park Financial Dr Mountain Vista 59 41 18 6.787 23.48 Three Mile Dr Estates Ph 1 Farm to Market Aspen Creek Ph 1 52 2 32 18 5.149 19.23 Three Mile Dr Terrace View 3 3 6.826 8.34 Whitefish Stage Rd Estates California St Blue Heron 8 8 0 1.02 Three Mile Dr Townhouses West View Estates 51 51 20.43 W Reserve, Ph 1 & 2 .094 Stillwater Rd Amd Lts 74-78 10 10 0 Stratford Dr Stratford Village 3 .88 South Meadows Dr Amd Plat of Empire 69 35 34 12.27 Stillwater Dr Estates Ph5 .454 Parkridge Dr Lone Pine Trails 81 29 52 3.106 23.08 Foy's Lake Rd Learn Ln, Cedar Commons 6 6 .456 1.01 3`d Ave E Strafford Village 4 23 3 20 0 3.37 Bluestone Dr South Meadows Village Heights 8 8 .623 2.453 Whitefish Stage Rd 23 Subdivisions Approved in 2006 - continued Spring Prairie 4 4 0 16.56 Hwy 93 N Center Ph 2 Serenity Lane 4 1 3 0 577 6 AveW, Addition S of 11tSt Meadow Park 2 2 0 1.23 End of Unit No. 3 S Woodland Dr Resub of L1, North 2 2 0 98 8 Ave E N East Addition E Oregon St Torgerson Add 2 2 0 57 7 Ave W No. 370 Western Dr Heritage Bank 1 1 0 .764 North Main St TOTAL 2006 582 58 283 232 9 34.1 304.2 Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department Vacant Lot Inventory Beginning with the 2009 report, we began an inventory of the approximate number of vacant lots in subdivisions that have been approved in the City of Kalispell since 2004. At the end of 2010, there were approximately 890 vacant residential lots and 33 non-residential lots in these subdivisions. All of these lots have city services available and are ready for construction. It is important to remember that these numbers include vacant lots in subdivisions approved since 2004 only, and that this is not a complete list of vacant lots and parcels in the city. An existing landuse inventory updated at the end of 2010, shows that approximately 37 percent of the land in the city of Kalispell is vacant. Vacant lands do not include parks, or other openspace or vacant school lands. This is a result of the large annexations that were planned for future development, which have not occurred. A list of subdivisions approved since 2004 and the approximate number of vacant lots within each subdivision as of December 31, 2010 is provided in Tables 10 and 11. When looking at these numbers, two points should be made. Between 2004 and 2008, the height of the housing and real estate market, an average of about 250 lots a year were being sold and constructed on. At this rate, the current number of vacant lots would equate to about a 3 1/2 year supply in the city of Kalispell. However, in today's market the demand is more likely to be 50 to 100 lots per year. During the peak of the housing and real estate boom there were not enough lots on the market to keep up with the demand, which drove prices up at record rates. hi the current market there are several years supply and not so much demand. Correspondingly, lot prices have dropped and market conditions have left a greater supply of vacant lots in the city. Secondly, approximately 261 of these lots are in Silverbrook Estates, along Church Drive at the north end of the city. The Silverbrook development was originally intended to accommodate higher end homes. Sales of lots in higher end subdivisions are slow in the current market. If vacant lots in Silverbrook Estates were not counted, there would be approximately a 2 1/2 year supply of vacant lots in a fast paced market, a 6 year supply in the current market and up to a 12 year supply in a very slow market. During 2009 and 2010, the Silverbrook developer has completed or begun construction of 24 single family spec homes intended to be moderately priced to accommodate the current market. 24 Table 10 Approximate Number of Vacant Non -Residential Lots in Subdivisions Approved in the City of Kalispell between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2010 Vacant Type of Vacant Approved Name Lots General Location Lots 12-09 Stillwater Rd & 2009 Timberwolf Center Ph 113 0 Commercial Timberwolf Pkwy US Hwy 93 N & 2009 Cornerstone Community Church 0 Commercial Northridge Dr US Hwy 93 N & 2008 Hutton Ranch Plaza Ph 2 0 Commercial Hutton Ranch Rd W Reserve Dr & 2008 Glacier High School 0 Public Stillwater Rd Spring Prairie Mixed Professional 2008 0 Public Stillwater Rd One 2008 Timberwolf Center L1 Ph 113 0 Public Stillwater Rd 2008 Mountain Vista Estates Ph 3 1 Public/Fire Three Mile Dr US Hwy 93 N & 2007 Holiday Inn Express 0 Commercial Treeline Rd Westview Business Center & 2007 4 Commercial N Meridian Rd Westview Business Center No 2 US Hwy 2 W & 2007 Westbrook Amd L 2 0 Commercial Meridian Rd Meridian Rd & 2007 Adams Add Amd LIB of B 1 0 Commercial Three Mile Dr 2006 Appleway Business Park 4 Commercial Appleway Dr US Hwy 93 N & 2006 Hutton Ranch Plaza Ph 1 2 Commercial Hutton Ranch Rd 2006 Spring Prairie Center Ph 1 0 Commercial US Hwy 93 N Two Mile Dr & 2006 Cascade Business Park 0 Commercial Financial Dr 2006 Spring Prairie Center Ph 2 1 Commercial US Hwy 93 N 2006 Heritage Bank 0 Commercial N Main St US Hwy 93 S & 2006 Old School Station 14 Industrial Demersville Rd 2006 Kalispell Fire Station 62 0 Public Reserve Loop 2005 Greenery Park 3 Commercial Four Mile Dr 2005 Gateway West Sub Unit No 2 0 Commercial US Hwy 2 W 2005 Daley Field Amd L 3 3 Commercial US Hwy 93 S 2005 Amd Pt of Gateway West Add 34 0 Commercial Two Mile Dr L 2B of Amd L 2A of Amd Three N Meridian Rd & 2005 1 Commercial Mile Drive Corner Three Mile Dr Amd of Amd L 11 & 12, B 53 of 2005 0 Commercial 3rd Ave W & 2nd St Kalispell Total Vacant Non Residential Lots 33 Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department; Existing Land Use Inventory, December 2010 25 Table 11 Approximate Number of Vacant Residential Lots in Subdivisions Approved in the City of Kalispell between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2010 Approved Name Vacant Lots 12-10 Type of Vacant Lots General Location 2009 Ashley Heights 23 Single Family Sunnyside Dr & Bismark St 2009 Madsen 7th Ave Sub 2 Duplex 7th Ave W 2009 Silverbrook Estates Ph 1A 164 Single Family US Hwy 93 N & Church Dr 2009 West View Estates Ph 3 29 Single Family W Reserve Dr 2008 Aspen Creek Ph 2 29 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2008 Aspen Creek Ph 2 8 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2008 Diamond Ridge Estates 18 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2008 Eastside Townhouses 0 Townhouse 4th Ave E & 13th St 2008 Glacier Village Greens Ph 22A 12 Townhouse E Nicklaus Ave 2008 Legends Court 0 Single Family 4th Ave W 2008 Mountain Vista Estates Ph 3 4 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2008 Mountain Vista Estates Ph 3 6 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2008 Silverbrook Estates Ph 1 97 Single Family US Hwy 93 N & Church Dr 2008 Three Mile Views 10 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2008 Three Mile Views 2 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2008 Western Acres Amd L 2 0 Single Family & Townhouse 7th Ave W 2007 Fox Trotter Meadows Ph 1 0 Single Family Stillwater Rd 2007 Glacier Village Greens Ph 18 8 Townhouse E Nicklaus Ave 2007 Glacier Village Greens Ph 20 8 Single Family W Nicklaus Ave 2007 Kal Add 7, Amd L 6, B 251 0 Duplex 3rd Ave E & 14th St 2007 Mountain Vista Estates Ph 2 24 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2007 Mountain Vista Estates Ph 2 4 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2007 Northland Ph 3 23 Single Family Northridge Dr 2007 Spring Creek Estates Ph 1 126 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2007 Subdivision 272 0 Single Family Denver Ave 2007 Westwood Park 12 Single Family Corporate Dr 2007 Westwood Park 13 Townhouse Corporate Dr 2006 Ashley Park Ph 8 0 Single Family & Townhouse South Meadows Dr 2006 Aspen Creek Ph 1 29 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2006 Aspen Creek Ph 1 12 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2006 Blue Heron Estates Ph 3 4 Single Family Stillwater Rd & Three Mile Dr 2006 Blue Heron Townhouses 0 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2006 Cedar Commons 0 Multifamily 3rd Ave E 2006 Crystal Falls 0 Townhouse 5th Ave W 2006 Empire Estates Ph 5 2 Single Family Stillwater Rd & 26 Vacant Type of Vacant Approved Name Lots General Location Lots 12-10 Parkridge Dr 2006 Granary Ridge 0 Townhouse Whitefish Stage Rd 2006 LaMew Sub 0 Single Family Center St 2006 Lone Pine Trails 27 Single Family Foys Lake Rd & Learn Ln 2006 Lone Pine Trails 38 Townhouse Foys Lake Rd & Learn Ln 2006 Meadow Park Unit No 3 2 Single Family End of S Woodland Dr 2006 Mountain Vista Estates Ph 1 4 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2006 Mountain Vista Estates Ph 1 4 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2006 Northeast Addition Resub of L 1 0 Single Family E Oregon St & 8th Ave EN 2006 Northland Ph 2 19 Single Family Parkridge Dr 2006 Serenity Lane Addition 3 Multifamily 6th Ave W & S of 11th St 2006 Stillwater Bluffs 11 Single Family Country Way S Stratford Dr & 2006 Stratford Village 3 Amd L 74-78 0 Townhouse South Meadows Dr South Meadows Dr & 2006 Stratford Village 4 1 Single Family Bluestone Dr South Meadows Dr & 2006 Stratford Village 4 2 Townhouse Bluestone Dr Whitefish Stage Rd & 2006 Terrace View Estates 2 Single Family E California St 2006 Torgerson Add No 370 0 Townhouse 7th Ave W & Western Dr 2006 Village Heights 2 MultiFamily Whitefish Stage Rd 2006 Village Heights 6 Townhouse Whitefish Stage Rd W Reserve Dr & 2006 West View Estates Ph 1 & 2 34 Single Family Stillwater Rd Stillwater Rd & 2005 Cottonwood Park 1 Single Family Three Mile Dr Stillwater Rd & 2005 Cottonwood Park 0 Townhouse Three Mile Dr Single Family & Stillwater Rd & 2005 Empire Estates Ph 3 0 Townhouse Three Mile Dr Stillwater Rd & 2005 Empire Estates Ph 4 1 Single Family Three Mile Dr Stillwater Rd & 2005 Empire Estates Ph 4 4 Townhouse Three Mile Dr 2005 Glacier Village Greens Ph 17 2 Single Family Palmer Dr 2005 Greenery Park 0 Townhouse Four Mile Dr 2005 Hold 'Em Sub 0 Single Family 5th Ave E Single Family & 2005 Lacie Sub 0 5th Ave W Townhouse 27 Vacant Type of Vacant Approved Name Lots General Location Lots 12-10 2005 Leisure Heights No 2 21 Single Family Willow Glen Dr 2005 Mosby Tracts 0 Single Family 14th St E & 6th Ave Single Family 2005 Muskrat Slough 13 Willow Glen Dr or Duplex 2005 Northland Ph 1 4 Single Family Stillwater Rd 2005 Orchard Village 0 Multifamily Appleway Dr 2005 River Glen 1 Single Family S Woodland Dr 2005 Sinopah Sub 4 Single Family Northwest Ln 2005 Sinopah Sub 6 Townhouse Northwest Ln Meridian Rd & 2005 Springfield Sub 0 Single Family 5th St W Sunnyside Dr & 2005 Western Acres Resub L 7 0 Townhouse 7th Ave W 2004 Ashley Meadows 1 Single Family Denver Ave Single Family & 2004 Ashley Park Ph 7 0 Merganser Dr Townhouse 2004 Blue Heron Estates No 1 2 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2004 Blue Heron Estates No 2 1 Single Family Three Mile Dr 2004 Demeester Sub 0 Townhouse 7th Ave W Single Family & Stillwater Rd & 2004 Empire Estates Ph 1 0 Townhouse Three Mile Dr Single Family & 2004 Empire Estates Ph 2 0 Stillwater Rd Townhouse 2004 Glacier Village Greens Ph 14 0 Townhouse E Nicklaus Ave 2004 Glacier Village Greens Ph 3C 1 Single Family E Nicklaus Ave Willow Glen Dr & 2004 Leisure Heights No 1 4 Single Family Leisure Dr 2004 North Meadow Sub 0 Single Family Denver Ave 2004 Northview Heights Ph 2 0 Single Family N Riding Rd 2004 Stratford Village Ph 3 0 Single Family Teal Dr 2004 Subdivision 182 0 Single Family 5th Ave E Single Family & 2004 Sunnyside Sub Ph 2 0 Sunnyside Dr Townhouse 2004 Three Mile Drive Sub 0 Single Family Three Mile Dr 7th Ave W & 2004 Western Pines Townhouses 0 Townhouse Western Dr Total Vacant Residential Lots 890 Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department; Existing Land Use Inventory, December 2010 28 CITY OF KALISPELL LAND SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY PLATS & FINAL PLATS PENDING APPROVAL These are proposed subdivisions that the preliminary plats have been approved or that a final plat application has been submitted but has not been approved yet. When a preliminary plat application is approved, the applicant has 3 years to submit the final plat for approval. A final plat can differ slightly from the preliminary plat, in design and lot configuration, and may have more or less lots than originally proposed. Table 12 is intended to show an approximate number of lots that are planned for final approval within the next 3 years. During 2008 the nationwide housing and economic downturn hit the Flathead Valley. The demand for new housing locally continued to decline through 2010, as people lost jobs and home foreclosures continued to rise. Median home prices also began to drop. Housing inventory remains high with a smaller number of buyers. During the past year, several preliminary development plans were put on hold. There have been multiple requests for preliminary plat extensions, allowing developers an additional year to submit final plans before the preliminary application expires. During 2010, a modified preliminary plat application was submitted for the Willow Creek project located on the north side of Foy's Lake Road and adjacent to the Alternate Highway 93 route. The subdivision is now planned for 397 single family and 74 townhouse lots. The preliminary plat for Phase 3 of Spring Prairie Center was allowed to expire in the fall of 2009. In December of 2010, the developer submitted a new preliminary plat for 10 commercial lots encompassing 21.92 acres. The preliminary plat plan is scheduled to be reviewed by the Kalispell Planning Board in January of 2011. The Planned Unit Development (PUD), Silverbrook Estates, encompassing 325 acres and located on U.S. Highway 93 North and Church Drive was annexed into the city in late 2006 and completed final platting of all of Phase 1 during 2008 and 2009. A preliminary plat for Phase 2 was submitted in late 2008 and is planned to include 13 commercial lots, 1 lot for a future fire station, 196 single family lots and 90 townhouse lots. The commercial use is planned to be at the intersection of Highway 93 North and Church Drive. The remaining phases of Westview Estates on West Reserve Drive are planned to include approximately 47 single family lots and one lot intended to accommodate an apartment complex. The preliminary plat for Bloomstone on Four Mile Drive was approved in 2008 and if an extension is not requested it will expire in April of 2011. The Preliminary Plat for Bloomstone was originally approved for 89 single family and 32 townhouse lots, and a 64 unit apartment complex. Conceptual plans were submitted in 2008 for the Starling Planned Unit Development, encompassing approximately 640 acres which includes all of Section 35 on the west side of Stillwater Road and south of West Reserve Drive. The project was proposed to include 2,500 to 3,000 homes on about 420 acres, 40 acres of mixed use, 147 acres of open space, 15 acres for an elementary school and approximately 19 acres of internal streets. The project was expected to be phased in over a period of approximately 20 years. The preliminary plat of Phase 1 of the Starling development was approved in 2007 for 131 single 29 family lots, 98 townhouse lots and 64 apartment units. The developers have requested an extension, giving them until August of 2011 to submit a final plat application. The final plat of Phase 3 of Mountain Vista Estates was approved during 2008. The preliminary plat for Phase 4 was approved to create 19 single family lots when final platted. The developer has requested an extension for Phase 4 which will give them until August of 2011 to submit a final plat application. Glacier Village Greens is planned to add another 15 single family and 62 townhouse lots when all phases are completed. The developer of Glacier Village Greens has also requested an extension for submitting a final plat application until November 2011. Preliminary plats that are pending final plat approval are listed below. Once again, it is important to note that preliminary subdivision plats are subject to changes between the preliminary plat and the final plat approval. Three preliminary plats expired during 2010 that included 115 residential lots. At the end of 2010, there were approximately 1,353 residential lots and 63 non-residential lots in Kalispell that have been through the preliminary plat process and still scheduled to go through the final plat process within the next 3 years. (Table 13) Table 12 Approved Preliminary Subdivisions that have not been Final Platted TOTAL COM, IND, SINGLE DUPITMULTI ROAD OR SUBDIVISION NAME LOTS PUBLIC FAMILY LOTS LOTS FAMILY ACRES LOCATION LOTS LOTS LOTS Willow Creek 471 397 74 139.9 Foy's Lake Rd (Expires 7/6/2013) Ashley Square Amd L2 of Resub Lots 1& 3 2 2 3.19 Hwy 2 W Gibson Addition #41 (Extension to 5/7/2011) Starling Ph 1 236 131 98 1 63.3 W Reserve Dr (Extension to 8/6/2011) (64 units) Stillwater Rd Ashley Park Ph 9 34 10 24 8.82 Pintail Dr (Extension to 6/4/2011) Merganser Dr Cottage Gardens 30 30 10.75 Three Mile Dr (Extension to 4/2/2011) Mountain Vista Estates Ph 4 19 19 7.65 Three Mile Dr (Extension to 8/6/2011) Northland Ph 4 19 19 5.86 Four Mile Dr (Extension to 11/5/2011) West View Estates 48 47 (1) Low 27.6 Stillwater Rd & remaining phases) Density Three Mile Dr (Expires 7/20/2011 Apt lot Glacier Village Greens E & W remaining phases 77 15 62 13.04 Nicklaus Ave (Extension to 11/3/2011) Blue Skies Sub 6 6 2.07 Valley View Dr (Extension to 2/5/2011) 30 TOTAL COM, IND, SINGLE DUP/TH MULTI ROAD OR SUBDIVISION NAME LOTS PUBLIC FAMILY LOTS FAMILY ACRES LOCATION LOTS LOTS LOTS Resub L1 Minor Sub 117 7 7 4.08 Sunnyside Dr (Extension to 2/5/2011) Denver Ave Glacier Town Center 37 37 191.6 W Reserve Dr & (Extension to 1/22/2012) Whitefish Stage Rd Bloomstone Ph 1A & 1 B 122 89 32 1 41.26 Four Mile Dr (Expires 4/21/2011) (64) units Silverbrook Estates Ph 2 299 13 196 90 167.07 Church Dr (Expires 3/23/2012) Hwy 93 N Herron 5th Ave W N t 5 Ave & Waiver 2 2 3.51 Center St (Expires 7/9/2012) Parkwood Plaza II Waiver 2 2 .47 W Idaho St (Expires 1/27/2013) Sparrow Waiver 2 2 3.43 Appleway Dr (Expires 10/19/2012) (?) units Village Plaza 2 5 5 89 Village Loop & (Extension to 5/19/2012 W Evergreen Dr Western Acres Lot 3 Waiver 3 1 2 7th Ave W Extension to .47 12/14/2011 Penco Waiver 2 2 2.47 Highway 93 S (Extension to 6/5/2011) TOTAL lots in active 1,423 63 967 382 11 697.43 Preliminary Plats Preliminary Subdivision Plats Pending Approval as of December 31, 2010 Spring Prairie Center 10 10 21.92 Hwy 93 N Ph 3 Table 13 Expired Preliminary Subdivision Plats COM, IND, SINGLE MULTI TOTAL DUP/S ROAD OR SUBDIVISION NAME PUBLIC FAMILY FAMILY ACRES LOTS LOTS LOCATION LOTS LOTS LOTS Aspen Creek Remaining phases 72 16 56 19.99 Three Mile Dr EXPIRED 4/22/2010 Autumn Creek 20 16 4 8.7 Hathaway Ln EXPIRED 10/2/2010 Fox Trotter Meadows 23 23 10.19 Stillwater Rd EXPIRED 9/4/2010 TOTAL 115 55 60 38.88 Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department 31 CITY OF KALISPELL ANNEXATIONS Annexations are generally accomplished through a petition by the property owner or developer representing the property, and are requested for the main purpose of accessing city utilities allowing for higher density residential and commercial development. The area of the City of Kalispell has more than doubled in land area since 2000. U. S. Census data determined that the area of the City of Kalispell in 1990 was 4.4 square miles and 5.46 square miles in 2000. At the end of 2010 the City of Kalispell encompassed approximately 7,528 acres or 11.76 square miles. This represents a 115% increase in area since 2000, and 167% since 1990. There were only 4 small annexations during 2010, amounting to about 13 acres. These were done mainly for the purpose of providing access to city utilities and there are no immediate development plans for these properties. (Table 14) During 2009 approximately 231 acres were annexed into Kalispell. The most significant annexation was that of approximately 208 acres south of Kalispell between Highway 93 and the planned Highway 93 Alternate Route. Plans for this area include mixed residential and commercial use and will require a Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement as development occurs. A 10 acre parcel on Three Mile Drive was annexed and was planned to accommodate an assisted living facility. No plans have come forth yet to complete this project. Other scattered small annexations occurred as a result of an effort to bring wholly surrounded properties into the city. (Table 14) In 2008, about 570 acres were annexed. Two of the largest included approximately 486 acres between Highway 93 North, West Reserve Drive and Whitefish Stage Road, better known as the Glacier Town Center site. The area is planned for mixed residential and commercial use. Gardner Investments annexed approximately 82 acres east of Highway 93, and south of Lower Valley Road. (Table 14) The development of this property is likely to be commercial/industrial in nature and will require a Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement as development occurs. Annexations in 2007 resulted in over 1,100 acres being added to the city. (Table 14) Large annexations of vacant land in 2007 were likely in anticipation that the rapid housing and population growth of the past decade would continue. As of the end of 2010, these large areas have seen very little development. Table 14 Annexations Approved 2006 - 2010, City of Kalispell PROPOSED LAND USE/ RES# DATE SEC TWN RNG LOCATION ACRES DEVELOPMENT NAME 5440 8/16/2010 20 28 22 South Woodland Ave .37 Everett — connect to utilities 5461 10/4/2010 18 28 21 8th Ave W 90 Possible future additional residential units 5462 10/4/2010 13 28 22 Hwy 2 W 2.07 Flathead Beverage (Industrial) 5463 10/4/2010 28 28 21 Hwy 93 S 9.452 Triple W Equipment (Industrial -Business) 2010 12.792 («a RES# DATE SEC TWN RNG LOCATION ACRES PROPOSED LAND USE/ DEVELOPMENT NAME 5333 1/20/2009 12 28 22 Three Mile Dr 10.2 New Vistas Assisted Living 5335 2/2/2009 3 , 28 21 Hwy 93 S & Cemetery Rd 208 Siderius Commons 5363 5/4/2009 29 28 21 Hwy 93 s & Cemetery Rd 2.48 Bertelsen (Commercial) 5373 7/6/2009 Scattered within city 10 Mixed Use (Wholly 10/21/2009 perimeter .0 surrounded areas) 2009 230.68 5253 1/7/2008 18 28 21 7th Ave W 47 Single Family & Townhouse (Western Acres Amd L3) Hwy 93 N, W Reserve Dr, Mixed residential & 5257 1/22/2008 19 28 21 Whitefish Stage Rd 485.5 commercial Glacier Town Center 5282 5/19/2008 28 28 21 Willow Glen Dr 1.0 Commercial 5285 7/7/2008 8 28 21 Shady Glen Dr / Woodland 24 Existing Single Family Park Dr (annexed for sewer only) 5289 8/18/2008 13 28 22 Meridian Rd .43 Single Family 5293 10/20/2008 1 28 22 Misc slivers per County 89 Vacant slivers audit 5326 11/17/2008 28 28 21 Hwy 93 S & Lower Valley 81.6 Mixed Commercial/Industrial Rd (Future PUD) 2008 570.13 33 RES# DATE SEC TWN RNG LOCATION ACRES PROPOSED LAND USE/ DEVELOPMENT NAME 5175 2/5/2007 13 28 22 Valley View Dr, 1.85 Single Family Foy's Lake Rd (Blue Skies — proposed sub) Single Family 5183 3/5/2007 02 28 22 Stillwater Rd. 11.25 (Fox Trotter Meadows Proposed sub) Single Family 5189 4/2/2007 02 28 22 Three Mile Dr 10.75 (Cottage Gardens Proposed sub) 5206 6/4/2007 19 28 21 Merganser Dr 9.08 Single Family & Townhouses (Ashley Park Ph 9) Single Family 5208 7/2/2007 19 29 21 Hwy 93 N 80.7 (Valley Ranch proposed sub) 5211 7/2/2007 24 29 22 Hwy 93 N 181.6 Single Family (Stillwater 180 —proposed sub) W Reserve Dr Single Family, Townhouses 5216 8/6/2007 35 28 22 Stillwater Rd 640 Duplexes & Multi -Family (Starling — proposed) 5218 8/6/2007 19 28 21 Sunnyside Dr 11.1 Single Family (Ashley Heights) Single Family 5220 8/6/2007 02 28 22 Three Mile Dr 7.6 (Mountain Vista Ph 4) (expired prelim plat) Commercial 5222 8/6/2007 20 28 21 Hwy 93 S 1.385 (Fireplace Shop) to connect to utilities Single Family, Townhouses 5251 12/3/2007 13 28 22 Foy's Lake Rd 162.326 Duplexes & Multi -Family (Willow Creek Proposed Sub) 2007 1,117.641 34 RES# DATE SEC TWN RNG LOCATION ACRES PROPOSED LAND USE/ DEVELOPMENT NAME W Evergreen Dr Single Family Res 5087 2/6/2006 32 29 21 Whitefish Stage Rd 2.54 Existing homes — connect to utilities) Single Family Res 5088 2/6/2006 17 28 21 Woodland Ave 1.0 Existing homes — connect to utilities) Residential & Offices 5089 2/6/2006 32 29 21 Whitefish Stage Rd .55 Existing home — connect to utilities) Hwy 93 S/ Cemetery Commercial (Town Pump) 5090 2/6/2006 29 28 21 Rd Willow Glen Dr .95 (Existing Gas Station, Store & Casino) 5096 3/6/2006 20 28 21 Willow Glen Dr 3.39 Single Family & Townhouses Kelly Rd (future development) 5122 6/19/2006 30 29 21 Hwy 93 N 15.4 Commercial Reserve Dr (Eisinger Motors) 5124 7/3/2006 12 28 22 Three Mile Dr 12.8 Single Family & Townhouses (Diamond Ridge Estates) Hwy 2 W Single Family & Townhouses 5152 9/5/2006 12 28 22 Hathaway Ln 8.7 (Autumn Creek Sub) Expired Prelim Plat) 5144 9/5/2006 01 28 22 Four Mile Dr 14.65 Condominiums (The Meadows PUD) 5155 10/16/2006 17 28 21 Fifth Ave E Multi -Family .33 (add units) 5157 11 /6/2006 19 28 21 Sunnyside Dr 4.07 Shelter & Single Family Denver Ave (Minor Sub 117) 5167 12/4/2006 25 29 22 Stillwater Rd 57.3 Single Family & Townhouses (Westview Estates Sub) Hwy 93 N, Single Family & Townhouses 5168 12/4/2006 13 29 22 Church Dr 325.13 Commercial (Silverbrook Estates) 2006 446.81 Source: City of Kalispell Planning Department 35 FLATHEAD COUNTY OVERVIEW In the spring of 2009, Census employees began going door to door to update addresses nationwide, and in February and March of 2010, Census questionnaires were mailed or delivered to every known household in the United States. April 1, 2010 was Census Day, and between April and July, Census takers visited households that did not return the questionnaire, to insure that every household was being represented. The Census Bureau recently delivered state population data to the President for apportionment, and will begin releasing additional Census 2010 data in March of 2011. As of Census Day, the U.S. Census Bureau determined Montana's population to be 989,415. This represents a 9.7% increase since the last Census Day on April 1, 2000. For the past 9 years, since the 2000 Census, estimates for cities and counties were the only information available. The 2010 Census data, when complete, should reflect a more accurate count of population and households in cities and counties in Montana. Until the city and county 2010 Census data is released, we are using the latest Census estimates from July 2009 for cities and counties. According to 2009 Census estimates, nineteen (19) of the 56 Montana counties had populations in excess of 10,000, and of those nineteen counties, 6 had decreases in population since 2000. Of all Montana counties, 34 of 56 lost population between 2000 and 2009. Flathead County continues to be one of the fastest growing counties in the state. Since 2000, Flathead County had been the second fastest growing county in the state in percentage and has now fallen slightly to third in numerical increase. Flathead County is the 4th most populated county in Montana and represents about 9% of Montana's total population, and 20.8 percent of the increase in the state population between 2000 and July of 2009. In other words, Flathead County has absorbed about a fifth of the increase in population of the ENTIRE STATE between 2000 and 2009. (Figures 8 and 9 and Table 13 ) Figure 8 Montana County Population Change Percent Change Between Census 2000 and 2009 Estimates P.rcnrt champs = mum 101 •+p4ft 31 - -soft -0T ©66041 �soft ov - 100 to 332 RA7e11■fl/ Pliant C1 W pr B 1 V S Pemort CJ1■CW 9 1 rw wMl.ri w�w/y� r a.rn� r... �,�,r,� „1 (a.�■ar a.aw � a•wosnsfta ....r w xs Source: Census and Economic Information Center, Montana Department of Commerce KIel Figure 9 Montana County Population Change Numeric Change Between Census 2000 and 2009 Estimates -116 � q� +ttw :aww■' PW4W 4o+ an i1Y 467 r■ S■em q-i.•• UFWM 7,666 i67 Jqy d[i Wr YcCe� 40 k C. Sep, M6 Ey1q 40 -son y� E4■n -W _ A� ~ 4M �� '� µ wn:b MrM rd µerr 1ryq FM.r .7.e -716 U" Sps -13t -112 16 e 1 W SWOON arm M Pet Sirb^ itl.ou Rr .160 Ywtrn Lq prtrn •104 Nurnarc Change .m 1 i - a -4 0 Montana Montana Numnx Change 72 799 40910 .1 U 5 Numem Change 25.581,948 ]Pr i r}� M •wwf ter 7■q' Some Montana counties with a population of 10,000 or more, have lost population since 1990, and/or 2000, including Silver Bow, Hill, Fergus, Custer and Roosevelt. These counties are not included in the following Figures 10 and 11, charts but are included listed in Table 13. Population Increase in Counties with a Population of 10,000 or more, 2000-2009 Figure 10 Figure 11 aterenWprwap�}fiaa Insraare IrLK"4&4`4 FzrL" Grawl%CQPrnks wnh 20641-2009 Rumerkalemulaalan la€aeafe In Mamana s Fanelt Graw611 CawMks 4 388tl-20H Source: Census and Economic Information Center, Montana Department of Commerce 37 Table 13 Montana Counties Population Trends in Counties with a Population over 10,000 (Listed descending by July 1, 2009 estimated population) MONTANA Census Day April 1, 2010 - 989,415 April 1, 2000 - 902,195 Increase of 9.7% between April 1, 2000 & April 1, 2010 2009 Census Estimate 2000 Census Number Change 00-09 % change 00-09 1990 Census Number Change 90-00 % change 90-00 MONTANA 974,989 902,195 72,794 8.1% 799,065 103,130 12.9% Yellowstone 144,797 129,352 15,445 11.9% 113,419 15,933 14.0% Missoula 108,623 95,802 12,821 13.4% 78,687 17,115 21.8% Gallatin 90,343 67,831 22,512 33.2% 50,463 17,368 34.4% Flathead 89,624 74,471 15,153 20.3% 59,218 15,253 25.8% Cascade 82,178 80,357 1,821 2.3% 77,691 2,666 3.4% Lewis and Clark 61,942 55,716 6,226 11.2% 47,495 8,221 17.3% Ravalli 40,431 36,070 4,361 12.1% 25,010 11,060 44.2% Silver Bow 32,949 34,606 -1,657 -4.8% 33,941 665 2.0% Lake 28,606 26,507 2,099 7.9% 21,041 5,466 26.0% Lincoln 18,717 18,837 -120 -0.6% 17,481 1,356 7.8% Hill 16,632 16,673 -41 -0.2% 17,654 -981 -5.6% Park 15,941 15,694 247 1.6% 14,484 1,210 8.4% Glacier 13,550 13,247 303 2.3% 12,121 1,126 9.3% Big Horn 13,015 12,671 344 2.7% 11,337 1,334 11.8% Jefferson 11,470 10,049 1,421 14.1% 7,939 2,110 26.6% Fergus 11,208 11,893 -685 -5.8% 12,083 -190 -1.6% Custer 11,189 11,696 -507 -4.3% 11,697 -1 0.0% Sanders 11,096 10,227 869 8.5% 8,669 1,558 18.0% Roosevelt 10,303 10,620 -317 -3.0% 10,999 -379 -3.4% Source: U.S. Census Bureau Population Division, Decennial Census, 2000, and 2009 Annual Estimates of Resident Population for Counties of Montana: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2009 (CO-EST2009-01-30) Release Date: March 2010 Incorporated vs. Unincorporated Population The three incorporated areas in Flathead County have experienced substantial population increases over the past decade as the cities of Kalispell, Whitefish and Columbia Falls expanded their boundaries for both residential and commercial development. Development projects that are planned within a reasonable distance of incorporated areas, often request to be annexed into the city to receive water and sewer service, which allows for higher density development. This would explain why the population in rural Flathead County is not increasing at the same pace as the cities. As of July 1, 2009, it was estimated that 39.5 percent of the population of Flathead County resided within the three cities of 38 Kalispell, Whitefish and Columbia Falls, compared to 30.7 percent in 2000 and 32.4 percent in 1990. (Figure 12 through 15 and Tables 14 and 15) While the majority of those living in Flathead County reside in the rural areas, there has been a notable increase in those who are choosing to reside in the incorporated cities. This is especially noticeable in high growth areas, such as Flathead, Gallatin, and Ravalli Counties. Several factors may be contributing to this trend. The escalating price of real estate over the past few years in counties with high growth rates may have prevented some people from purchasing larger parcels outside of incorporated areas. An aging population, rising fuel costs and longer commutes may also contribute to the increasing urban growth rates. Figure 12 Montana Population by County - 2009 Incorporated Versus Unincorporated Areas J ncdn Glacier All Dana Shendai . a v Y Elaine Valley FlatheadTDtle Phillips Pondaa � Roosevelt Lake Teton� Chodeau RcYi aid Kk Core �ndas Lewis & Cascade Fergus GarfieldDamon Clark Judith Petroleum ■ m Missoula A basin a Raine � v Granite O 1Mieatand Ivusselshell Rosebud Fallon Gd den tester lea ettersm �0dd h,�agier v �aY reasure Beer Lod Simeet Ravalli Silber Grass fk]W Gallatin Yellowone Park Sig Horn Carter M1,tadison Powder Rver . Carbon ■ Beaverhead Key Circle Size - - Unincorporated Population 7,000 People Incorporated Population Map by Census &Economic Ind —A— C e nteq Montana D e partment N Commerce 301 S. PA, P—nue, Helena, Montana 50620, 40&841-2740 email: ceic@mt.g- http:llceic.mt. gov SourceIt S. Census Buie au, Decennial Censuses of Population and Housing and Popu1a5on Psti—a , Dnmion. Released' June 22.2010. Ju ne 2010- In ws ll�.mxd Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census of Population and Housing and Population Estimates Division, Released June 22, 2010 Map by Census and Economic Information Center, Montana Department of Commerce 39 Table 13 Flathead County Rural vs. Urban Population Trends 1990-2009 July 2009 % of % of % Increase % of % Increase Census Total 2000 Census Total 00-09 1990 Census Total 90-09 Estimate Kalispell 21,640 24.1 14,223 19.1 52.1 11,917 20.1 81.6 Whitefish 8,400 9.4 5,032 6.6 66.9 4,368 7.4 92.3 Columbia Falls 5,361 6.0 3,645 4.9 47.1 2,921 4.9 83.5 Total Urban 35,401 39.5 22,900 30.7 54.6 19,206 32.4 84.3 Population Total Rural 54,223 60.5 51,571 69.3 5.1 40,012 67.6 35.5 Population Total Flathead 89,624 100 74,471 100 20.3 59,218 100 51.3 County Kalispell - Numerical increase of 7,414 since 2000 and 9,723 since 1990 48.9% of total countywide increase since 2000 and 32.0% since 1990 Whitefish - Numerical increase of 3,368 since 2000 and 4,032 since 1990 22.2% of total countywide increase since 2000 and 13.3% since 1990 Columbia Falls - Numerical increase of 1,716 since 2000 and 2,440 since 1990 11.3% of total countywide increase since 2000 and 8.0% since 1990 Total Urban Population - Numerical increase of 12,501 since 2000 and 16,195 since 1990 82.5% of total countywide increase since 2000 and 53.3% since 1990 Total Rural Population - Numerical increase of 2,652 since 2000 and 14,211 since 1990 17.5% of total countywide increase since 2000 and 46.7% since 1990 Total Flathead County- Numerical increase of 15,153 since 2000 and 30,406 since 1990 100% of total countywide increase since 2000 and 100% since 1990 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census 1990 and 2000 and Population and Housing and Population Estimates Division Since 2000 the increase in the City of Kalispell's population accounts for almost half of the overall increase in the county's population. The City of Whitefish accounts for about 22 percent and Columbia Falls, about 11 percent of the countywide population increase since the 2000 Census. Since 2000, the growth in the unincorporated portions of the county accounts for 17.5 percent of the total growth in the county. Population increases in concentrated communities like Evergreen, Bigfork and Lakeside are counted as rural and have seen significant population increases over the last decade. These communities are considered Census Designated Places (CDP) and population numbers will not be available for these communities until the 2010 Census data is released in 2011. Figures 13 through 15 demonstrate the increased rate of population growth in Flathead County incorporated areas, as compared to rural population growth. The City of Kalispell population has been steadily increasing since the 1960's with especially significant increases since 1990. The annexation of large areas into the incorporated cities for development of high density mixed use and residential housing is a major contributing factor to the differences in the rate of population increase. These large annexations have occurred more so in Kalispell than in Whitefish or Columbia Falls. 40 60.000 55.000 50,000 45.000 40.000 C 0 3s.000 0 30,000 Q. 25.000 20.000 15.000 10,000 5.000 0 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Figure 13 Flathead County Total Population Flathead County Population - Incorporated vs. Unincorporated ■ Incorporated Q Unincorporated 11. M I qho i a7n 10M 144n 2 nnn 7nn7 moFt Figure 14 Flathead County Numerical Increase Incorporated vs Inincorporated Population Growth ulncorporated ®Unincorporated low 0 1 1960-1970 1970-19R0 1980-1990 1940-2000 2000-2009 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census 1960-2000 and Population and Housing and Population Estimates Division 41 Figure 15 Flathead County Urban and Rural Population by Incorporated Area Percent Change 1960 — 2009 ■ Kalispell IJ Whitefish 0 Columbia Falls o Rural County 80919 70% 60% 50% 40°fa 30% 20% 10% 0°1 -10% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census 1960-2000 and Population and Housing and Population Estimates Division EA HOUSING MARKET TRENDS Decennial Census data is released only every ten years. The 2010 Decennial Census data is scheduled to be released beginning in March of 2011. The Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that collects data throughout the year and produces important statistics about population and housing and how communities are changing. It covers the same type of information that is collected every 10 years from the decennial census long form questionnaire. The American Community Survey eliminated the need for the separate long form in the 2010 Census. The American Community Survey is available annually for counties with a population of 65,000 or more. For Flathead County, much of the information is obtained from the annual American Community Survey. The American Community Survey (ACS) has some issues when comparing with Decennial Census data. The American Community Survey is a more inclusive universe and uses ALL owner occupied units in tabulating median value. The Decennial Census is based on a sampling of "specified owner occupied" units. It is important to keep these comparability issues in mind when looking at the numbers. Median home value should not be confused with median home price. Median value assumes that'/2 of homes have a value of less and have a value of more. Median home value data is determined by the U.S. Census Bureau and is based on owner -occupied homes only. This value is the owner's estimate of how much the property (house and lot, mobile home and lot, or condominium unit) would sell for if it were for sale. (Table 15) Table 15 American Community Survey (ACS) Specified Owner Occupied Median Home Values 1980-2009 MEDIAN HOME VALUES % change (to nearest percent) American Community Survey Estimates Decennial Census 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2000 1990 1980 80-90 90-00 00-09 Kalispell ** ** ** ** ** 104,000 56,400 45,189 +25% +84% ** Whitefish ** ** ** ** ** 128,500 57,900 42,700 +36% +122% ** Columbia Falls ** ** ** ** ** 100,200 49,900 43,373 +15% +101 % ** Evergreen ** ** ** ** ** 101,900 54,800 47,858 +14% +86% ** Flathead County 234,800 250,900 254,200 204,300 183,000 118,600 64,200 52,796 +22% +96% +98.0% Montana 176,300 180,300 170,000 155,500 131,600 99,500 56,600 48,841 +16% +76% +77.2% United States 185,200 197,600 194,300 185,200 167,500 119,600 79,100 55,835 +42% +51% +54.8% Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Profile of General Demographic Characteristics (Table DP-1, DP-2, DP-3 and DP-4); Census of Population and Housing, Summary Tape File lA and 3A; 1980, 1990, and 2000; 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 American Community Survey for Flathead County ** Not available from U.S. Census Bureau/American Community Survey 43 The median home value in Flathead County surpassed the nationwide value beginning in about 2000, and continued to rise at a faster pace than state or nationwide values. Assuming these numbers are somewhat accurate, median home values in Flathead County are still falling, but continue to remain higher than the statewide and nationwide median values. National & Regional Existing Home Sales and Prices Overview The National Association of Realtors (NAR) Public Affairs Office issues a news release on or near the 25th of each month with the latest existing -home sales figures. The releases include analysis and quotes by NAR's Chief Economist regarding sales volume, prices, inventory and interest rates. The information in this section is the latest data available at the time this report was prepared. The NAR data release schedule is available at http://www.realtor.org/ tress room/news release_ schedule In late 2009, Congress passed legislation that extended the First -Time Home Buyer Tax Credit up to $8,000 to first-time home buyers until April 30, 2010 and expanded the credit to grant up to $6,500 credit to current home owners purchasing a new or existing home between November 7, 2009 and April 30, 2010. Long term mortgage rates have declined to record levels, and lower home prices have helped to stimulate the market. The national median existing home price for all housing types was $170,600 in November, up 0.4 percent from November 2009. The median price is where half of the homes sold for more and half sold for less. Distressed properties, which accounted for 33 percent of sales in November, continue to downwardly distort the median price because they usually sell at a discount relative to traditional homes in the same area. Regionally, as of the end of November 2010, existing home sales in the West jumped 11.7 percent to an annual level of 1.15 million in November but are 19.0 percent below the sales peak in November of 2009. The median price in the West was $212,500, up 0.4 percent from November 2009. Existing home sales in the Midwest increase 6.4 percent in November to a level of I million but are 35.1 percent below the year ago surge. The median price in the Midwest was $139,900, down 1.1 percent from November 2009. Existing home sales in the Northeast rose 2.7 percent to an annual level of 770,000 in November, but are 33.0 percent lower than November of 2009. The median price in the Northeast was $242,500, which is 9.2 percent higher than a year ago. In the South, existing home sales rose 2.9 percent to an annual pace of 1.76 million in November but are 26.1 percent lower than November of 2009. The median price in the South was $148,000, down 2.6 percent from a year ago. Many factors affect what happens to the housing market, including a continued recession and a growing deficit. The information contained in Tables 16 through 18 was obtained from the National Association of Realtors and includes current sales rates, actual totals and median prices by month going back 12 months and annual totals for three years. The data includes all existing -home sales single-family, condos and co-ops, rolled into monthly and annual totals. 44 Table 16 Selected Data from the December 2010 National Association of Realtors Existing Home Sales - Number of Homes Sold Year U.S. Northeast Midwest South West 2007 5,652,000 1,006,000 1,327,000 2,235,000 1,084,000 2008 4,913,000 849,000 1,129,000 1,865,000 1,070,000 2009 5,156,000 868,000 1,163,000 1,914,000 1,211,000 2009 Nov 6,490,000 1,150,000 1,540,000 2,380,000 1,420,000 2009 Dec 5,440,000 920,000 1,160,000 2,020,000 1,350,000 2010 Jan 5,050,000 820,000 1,080,000 1,870,000 1,280,000 2010 Feb 5,010,000 840,000 1,110,000 1,840,000 1,220,000 2010 Mar 5,360,000 900,000 1,210,000 1,970,000 1,290,000 2010 Apr 5,790,000 1,090,000 1,330,000 2,140,000 1,230,000 2010 May 5,660,000 890,000 1,330,000 2,150,000 1,290,000 2010 Jun 5,260,000 880,000 1,230,000 1,990,000 1,160,000 2010 Jul 3,840,000 630,000 800,000 1,540,000 870,000 2010 Aug4,120,000 690,000 830,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 2010 Set 4,530,000 760,000 950,000 1,770,000 1,050,000 2010 Oct r 4,430,000 750,000 940,000 1,710,000 1,030,000 2010 Nov p 4,680,000 770,000 1,000,000 1,760,000 1,150,000 vs. last month: 5.6% 2.7% 6.4% 2.9% 11.7% vs. last year: -27.9% -33.0% -35.1% -26.1% -19.0% ear -to -date: Table 17 Selected Data from the December 2010 National Association of Realtors Existing Home Sales - Inventory of Homes for Sale U.S. Northeast Midwest South * West * Inventory* 3,974,000 Mos. Supply 8.9 2007 * * 2008 * * * * * 3,700,000 10.4 2009 * * * * * 3,283,000 8.8 2009 Nov 471,000 79,000 106,000 176,000 110,000 3,521,000 6.5 2009 Dec 413,000 66,000 86,000 160,000 101,000 3,283,000 7.2 2010 Jan 275,000 41,000 54,000 104,000 76,000 3,277,000 7.8 2010 Feb 300,000 52,000 67,000 112,000 69,000 3,531,000 8.5 2010 Mar 429,000 67,000 99,000 160,000 103,000 3,626,000 8.1 2010 Apr 522,000 94,000 120,000 191,000 117,000 4,029,000 8.4 2010 May 526,000 79,000 130,000 195,000 122,000 3,893,000 8.3 2010 Jun 555,000 95,000 131,000 205,000 124,000 3,887,000 8.9 2010 Jul 391,000 73,000 83,000 150,000 85,000 4,007,000 12.5 2010 Au 414,000 73,000 83,000 163,000 95,000 4,117,000 12.0 45 U.S. Northeast Midwest South West Inventory* Mos. Supply 2010 Set 378,000 64,000 82,000 148,000 84,000 4,000,000 10.6 2010 Oct r 359,000 61,000 72,000 140,000 86,000 3,863,000 10.5 2010 Nov p 353,000 55,000 71,000 -9.8% -1.4% -30.4% -33.0% 0.754 0.992 134,000 93,000 -4.3% 8.1% -23.9% -15.5% 1.702 1.054 1 3,710,000 -4.0% 5.4% 9.5 -9.5% 46.2% vs. last month: -1.7% vs. last year: -25.1% Year to date 4.502 Table 18 Selected Data from the December 2010 National Association of Realtors Existing Home Sales - Median Sales Price Year U.S. Northeast I Midwest South West Median Sales Price 2007 $219,000 $279,100 $165,100 $179,300 $335,000 2008 198,100 266,400 154,100 169,200 271,500 2009 172,500 240,500 144,100 153,000 211,100 Not Seasonally Adjusted 2009 Nov r 170,000 222,000 140,400 151,900 211,700 2009 Dec 170,500 240,700 135,300 148,400 216,200 2010 Jan 164,900 245,400 130,100 139,900 205,000 2010 Feb 164,600 254,200 128,600 140,100 200,600 2010 Mar 169,600 239,400 135,600 147,900 216,100 2010 Apr 172,300 243,100 140,900 149,200 217,200 2010 May 174,600 226,500 148,800 153,700 220,100 2010 Jun 183,000 253,000 155,800 159,400 220,500 2010 Jul 182,100 263,000 151,100 156,000 223,800 2010 Aug177,500 256,200 147,200 152,600 217,500 2010 Sept 171,500 239,000 139,300 148,500 217,200 2010 Oct r 170,400 238,100 139,400 148,400 210,800 2010 Nov p 170,600 242,500 138,900 148,000 212,500 vs. last year: 0.4% 9.2% -1.1 % -2.6% 0.4% Source: 2010 Natioanl Association of Realtors; Note: Annual inventory figures are from December of each year; (r) means revised; (p) means preliminary Next release: Existing -Home Sales for December 2010 will he released on January 20, 2011 Local Housing Market Many factors have caused considerable softening of the housing market nationwide over the last two years. The National Association of Realtors stresses that markets are very local. The trend was somewhat delayed in reaching the Flathead. The Flathead area enjoyed several years of a housing and commercial construction boom and economic growth, which created jobs in most sectors of the local economy. In Flathead County, many jobs have been lost in the construction, timber, and several other sectors over the past two years. Home foreclosures in Flathead County began to increase significantly in 2008 and are still on the rise. (Figure 15) The recession took a while to reach the Flathead, and State economists predict that recovery in Montana counties that experienced rapid growth during the last decade may lag behind the national and statewide recovery. Figure 15 Home Foreclosures (includes Preforclosures, Sheriffs Sales and Foreclosures) 10.5 X0 9.5 �.0 a.5 910 7.5 7.0 M 5.5 O t 5, 0 LI a+ 4.5 Q LA4.0 3.5 � 3.0 2.9 10 1.5 1.0 0.5 4.0 ,65 Source: Kelley Appraisal from Foreclosure.com January 2011 Jim Kelley of Kelley Appraisal in Kalispell collects data regarding sales, home prices, foreclosures and other information regarding real estate market trends in Flathead County and selected communities. Again, it is important to note that the "median home value" provided by the U.S. Census is NOT the same as "median home price" and caution should be used if these numbers are compared. Median price assumes that half of homes cost less and half cost more. The cost of purchasing a home in Flathead County rapidly increased over the past decade. The most significant increases, both in price and number of sales were between 2003 and 2007. However, the 47 median sale price of homes began dropping in 2008 after several years of rapid increases. By 2009, the number of homes sold countywide had declined for a third year. The number of homes sold countywide in 2010 increased 13.7% over 2009 sales. (Figure 17 and Table 19) Median prices still appear to be decreasing slightly. (Figure 18 and Table 19) It is too soon to determine if the housing market has hit bottom locally. Factors possibly related to increased sales are a large inventory, including foreclosures, low interest rates, and declining prices. The following figures and tables show trends for home sales in the Flathead area, but do not reflect sales of real estate without homes. 2,000 1,800 1,600 1.400 1,200 1.000 $00 600 400 200 , 0� Figure 17 Flathead County Home Sales, 1984 - 2010 �sr 10 0e d1 IPO Iy .+� f . 9�1Pe a, lt� ,off '0 '' d °�0 0 `.)rn Tr 1p� II Source: Kelley Appraisal, January 2011 48 SiI�•• I, $2SO,C-00 $225.000 5200,00(i 5175,000 5150,000 $125.000 5100.000 S75,000 S5O.W S25AKI 5C. Figure 18 Flathead County Home Sale Prices, 1984 through 2010 Flathead County Home Sales - Median Sales Price, 19,94 - 2010 ti ti ti w ti ti The numbers provided by Kelley Appraisal (Table 19) include all types of housing and represent the entire Flathead County market area including the cities of Kalispell, Whitefish and Columbia Falls. A further breakdown of home sales in selected unincorporated communities and the general market areas surrounding them is also provided in Figures 19 through 22 and Table 20. Table 19 Flathead County Home Sales, 1984 through November 2010 Year # of sales % change over previous year Average Price % change over previous year % change Median Price over previous year 83 $51,185 $47,500 84 454 $54,657 +6.8 $50,000 +5.3 1985 495 +9.0 $59,181 +8.3 $52,500 +5.0 86 546 +10.3 $58,298 -1.5 $53,000 +1.0 87 531 -2.7 $60,044 +3.0 $53,950 +1.8 88 499 -6.0 $64,260 +7.0 $56,000 +3.8 89 812 +62.7 $72,319 +12.5 $60,000 +7.1 49 Year # of sales % change over previous year Average Price % change over previous year Median Price % change over previous year 1990 1,065 +31.2 $78,285 +8.2 $63,500 +5.8 91 1,219 +14.5 $87,950 +12.3 $67,500 +6.3 92 1,302 -6.8 $110,896 +26.1 $81,500 +20.7 93 1,068 -18.0 $112,823 +1.7 $88,300 +8.3 94 1,096 -2.6 $121,790 +7.9 $93,700 +6.1 1995 1,064 -3.0 $137,716 +13.1 $102,250 +9.1 96 923 -13.3 $133,520 -3.0 $105,000 +2.7 97 912 -1.2 $136,827 +2.5 $106,500 +1.4 98 1,098 +20.4 $147,195 +7.6 $115,000 +8.0 99 1,132 +3.1 $150,780 +2.4 $118,000 +2.6 2000 1,139 +0.6 $169,538 +12.4 $120,000 +1.7 01 1,385 +21.6 $168,974 -0.3 $128,000 +6.7 02 1,519 +9.7 $184,054 +8.9 $138,000 +7.8 03 1,577 +3.8 $225,547 +22.5 $159,900 +15.9 04 1,759 +11.5 $278,201 +23.3 $186,500 +16.6 2005 1,789 +1.7 $309,299 +11.2 $220,000 +18.0 06 1,870 +4.5 $356,683 +15.3 $245,000 +11.4 07 1,357 -27.4% $361,798 +1.4% $250,000 +2.0 08 984 -28.5% $327,882 -4.4% $239,000 -9.4% 09 912 -7.3% $277,622 -15.3% $200,000 -16.3% 2010 1,037 +13.7% $272,101 -2.0% $197,500 -1.3% Source: Jim Kelley, Kelley Appraisal; January 2011 50 Table 20 Selected Flathead County Communities Home Sales, 2005 - 2010 2005 2006 2007 # of Median Price # of homes Median Price # of homes Median Price homes $ sold $ sold $ sold Kalispell City 412 167,250 311 180,000 355 190,000 Kalispell + 3 miles 709 180,000 770 203,000 583 207,000 Whitefish City 205 268,100 169 290,000 171 322,000 Whitefish 318 302,500 273 320,000 278 335,000 + 3.5 miles Columbia Falls 82 170,250 58 160,000 73 183,000 Columbia Falls 181 199,000 212 196,750 151 211,500 + 3.5 miles Bigfork + 5 miles 175 288,000 ill 429,000 96 370,937 Lakeside + 5 miles 90 258,250 108 394,750 58 405,000 Total all Flathead 1,789 220,000 1,870 245,000 1,357 250,000 County 2010 2008 2009 *will be updated Feb 2011 Kalispell City 275 188,500 268 173,000 Kalispell + 3 miles 444 199,450 416 185,000 Whitefish City 115 315,000 105 250,000 Whitefish 182 305,000 157 256,825 + 3.5 miles Columbia Falls 58 189,500 56 161,500 Columbia Falls 115 202,000 118 179,000 + 3.5 miles Bigfork + 5 miles 78 305,000 67 315,000 Lakeside + 5 miles 42 294,950 43 305,000 Total all Flathead 984 239,000 912 200,000 1,037 197,500 County Source: Jim Kelley, Kelley Appraisal: January, 2010 51 Figure 19 Selected Flathead County Community Home Sales, 2005 — 2010 (will be updated Feb 2011) W= All Flathead County -wP--KalispeJl+3.5miles —a—Colvmg1-P Falls + 3.5 miles —&—Wfork + $ miles 2,O0D 1.8OD 1.00 1,400 1.200 I.Ow 800 6DD 4DD 200 0 -mn-44hirefiish + 3.5 m iles fake51,de+ 5 m IIe5 2005 20M 2001 20M 2009 Source: Jim Kelley, Kelley Appraisal: January, 2010 Figure 20 Selected Flathead County Community Median Home Sale Prices, 2005 — 2010 (will be updated Feb 2011) $500.000 $A 50= 5:00=0 5MOOD $300,000 $2 50=0 5200=0 S15OAO4 51C0,000 $ 50,000 5# oAll Flalhead County —*—Kali$pell t 3.5m11e9 -m--4Nhftrfish+ 3.5 miiies—&—COIUMbia Falls + 35 Wes miPw9lglork + 5 mires Lakeside • S miles �ti 20M 2006 2007 20M 2000 2010 Source: Jim Kelley, Kelley Appraisal: January, 2010 52 Figure 21. Number of Homes Sold (inside city limits only) (will be updated Feb 2011) �BkF�lhe�d{oun:, �I�InP�ll4ir �Whnrh�hGrr-+t[aF�urBixF�Oc[dr laP T gv-..] 9 7SQ b]QS �Ifi M MN M Wig Source: Jim Kelley, Kelley Appraisal: January, 2010 Figure 22. Median Home Prices of Homes Sold (inside city limits only) (will be updated Feb 2011) o V FU[hw louuLy KSFeAtIIG1r #11M+Fy+Gl4 Cn1+eFx►F�i4UlY 5 so= $32500 - - 538 .ox - W5.00p - 1250.0m i22Spw Simomw S175.900 S15Upffi R25 G0p S1W= ' $25 w $go= 525W so ZW5 2M ZDD? xW M 2DID Figure 23 (will be updated Feb 2011) Flathead County - Homes Sold and New Housing UnIt Starts Q New Hausirlg Units NO of Homes Sold 1,750 — 1,500 11250 1,000 750 500 250 0 'P xe � � a `'. '�� � '� °' `'off `' `'o�� '' `'�°� ``' `'c�� `' `'' `'�o Source: City of Kalispell Building Permits; Flathead County Septic Permits, Jim Kelley, Kelley Appraisal: January, 2010 53 DATA LIMITATIONS The information in this report has been collected from various sources. Building permits were used to calculate residential construction. The data is believed to be reliable but all data is subject to limitations. Subdivision information was obtained from applications that are reviewed by the City of Kalispell Planning Department, the Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council. Annexation information was obtained by mapping annexation resolutions as they occur. New housing information in this report is not related to Census information. More information regarding population, economics and housing can be obtained from the Montana Census and Economic Center at: http://ceic.commerce.state.mt.us/ The Census and Economic Information Center is a comprehensive site containing current and historical census data, as well as business, economic and other demographic data for the State of Montana. Questions and comments regarding this report should be directed to: Carol (Cookie) Davies City of Kalispell Planning Office 201 1 st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone (406) 758-7940 Additional information can be obtained at the City of Kalispell Planning Department and the Kalispell Building and Public Works Departments. Information regarding activity outside of the City of Kalispell can be obtained from the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office and the Flathead City -County Health/Sanitation Department. Information for the cities of Whitefish and Columbia Falls can be obtained by contacting that city's Building Department. A hard copy of this report is available for purchase at the City of Kalispell Planning Department or can be viewed or downloaded online at http://www.kalispell.com/planning. 54 APPENDIX Maps Figure Kl City of Kalispell, New Residential Construction, 2010 Figure K2 City of Kalispell, New Residential Construction, 2000 through 2010 Figure K3 City of Kalispell, Significant New Commercial, Industrial or Public Construction, 2005 through 2010 Figure K4 City of Kalispell Subdivision Activity, 2010 (includes pending subdivisions) Figure K5 City of Kalispell Subdivision Activity, 2000 -2010 Figure K6 City of Kalispell Annexations, 2010 Figure K7 City of Kalispell Annexations, 2000-2010 Figure K8 Vacant Lots & Parcels within the Perimeter of the City of Kalispell, December 2010 55 Figure K1 CITY OF KALISPELL, NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION - 2010 Figure K2 CITY OF KALISPELL, NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION 2000 - 2010 — City limits December 31, 2010 Figure K3 SIGNIFICANT NEW COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, GOVERNMENT, PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION CITY OF KALISPELL, 2005 - 2010 New or Significant Commercial or Industrial Construction New or Significant Government, Public, Quasi Public Construction Figure K4 CITY OF KALISPELL, SUBDIVISION ACTIVITY - 2010 N/ 4 MI Subdivisions approved in 2010 (None) Subdivisions pending approval 12/31 /10 Preliminary Subdivision Plat expired in 2010 — City Limits December 31, 2010 Alternate U.S. 93 Route miles 0 .25 .5 .75 Figure K5 CITY OF KALISPELL, SUBDIVISION ACTIVITY 2000 - 2010 Subdivisions approved 1 /01 /00 through 12/31/10 Figure KF CITY OF KALISPELL, 2010 ANNEXATION ACTIVITY — City Limits December 31, 2010 Annexations pending approval, December 31, 2010 (None)