just a thoughtHi, Ok. First this is not a knee jerk reaction to just having Josh leave. I've been thinking about it for some time. First, I was going to surprise you but then thought I better discuss with you. I no your first reaction will be to say not to do it but think about it anyway. What if I were to come back over the Labor Day weekend and go to Nashville with you? It would be good to see you and would be good to see your parents too. I could fly into Cincy on Thursday night (Sept. 3rd) and you could pick me up and we could get a hotel for the night and then drive down to Nashville on Friday morning. We could spend Saturday and Sunday with them and drive back Monday morning (early) and you could drop me at Cincy airport for a return flight at 4:55pm. I think it would be good to do the cincy thing since coming into Dayton is more limited; I don't want to see the dogs only for a minute before leaving again and, my coming into cincy where we could spend the drive to Nashville catching up on things would mean we wouldn't be doing all that while in Nashville. On other matters: If you can, download the photos from Josh's camera before he goes back to school. That way we can send them to some of our friend and family. Also, I wrote him a check on the liberty account for $500.00. I've opened an account here at Glacier Bank (got a free car wash kit too) but the checks are temporary so they may not be as easy for him to deposit. Let me know what you think of the labor day trip idea. Love, Jane