RE: Re: Kalispell City AirportRick - The timing of the EA is up to the City, however as you indicate it makes sense to know the direction of the tower mitigation before they initiate the EA for the airport, so as to better define the scope of work. Please keep us up to date on the status of the towers, consultant selection etc. Thanks, Gary M. Gates, P.E. Airport Engineer and Planner FAA, Helena Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59602 "Rick Donaldson" <rick@RPA-HLN.CO M> To "Fred Leistiko" 08/25/2009 09:27 <fleistiko@kalispell.com> AM cc Gary Gates/ANM/FAA@FAA Subject RE: Re: Kalispell City Airport Fred, We can put together a grant application, but remember this year's funding cycle is done. The earliest you could expect to see FAA funds would be next Spring. I called Gary to verify / discuss the sequence of events that should happen next: 1) Complete the engineering selection 2) Get the paperwork on Stokes liquidation 3) Having #2, the FAA would approve you moving into an Environmental Update. However with the public climate there, the FAA will want to see some public involvement / hearing in addition to the usual update activities. We would check to see if there are any changes in environmental conditions in each category, check for law changes, and contacting agencies on any changed conditions for the preferred option only. The EA update will be required before the FAA will reimburse for land. But they don't really want to give the go-ahead on an EA update until the tower removal is a sure thing. I have talked with Dan our environmental specialist. A ballpark estimate on time required would be 3 - 4 months depending on what all the FAA wants to see for sure. So we could get the EA update completed before spring when the money is available anyway. 4) Complete FAA Preapplication. 5) Complete MT Aeronautics Grant / Loan Application 6) There are two ways to grant the EA update. It could be done as a stand alone "planning" grant. Planning grant costs are fixed on cost, not amendable, and cannot be done ahead of the grant and reimbursed. So I would not recommend that since time is of the essence. Instead, we can tag the EA Update onto the first phase of land acquisition. This would provide more flexibility in schedule and grant amendment capability. The downside is that the EA Update costs would not be participated in by the FAA until the Grant is issued next year. If RPA is re-selected, I would propose that we could help carry most of the EA Update cost if necessary until you receive the grant if the City is still having a hard time with cash flow. 7) Complete FAA Grant Application. 8) When the FAA receives permission to issue funds for grants next year (usually spring sometime) you will have access to all your Non-Primary entitlement funds. There may be some opportunity for State Apportionment (SA) funds, but don't count on it, as they have already planned much of next year. 2011 may be more likely for State Apportionment funds. 9) To get the grant funds, a Final Land Report will need to be completed, which we could do as the EA Update is underway. Please move forward on the advertisement for engineering services. We will start to plan on the Environmental Update sequence of events and present it to the FAA for concurrence. Keep us informed on the Stokes' status and get copies of any paperwork documenting his demise. We will also prepare a draft of a FAA Preapplication and complete the refresh on the CIP for your review. I am copying Gary in case he has any comment of correction to the above. Rick Donaldson, P.E. | Vice President Robert Peccia & Associates Inc. | PO Box 5653 | Helena, MT 59604 406.447.5000 | 406.447.5036 (fax) | 406.439.4905 (cell) | rick@rpa-hln.com http://www.rpa-hln.com The materials transmitted by this electronic mail are confidential, are only for the use of the intended recipient, and may be subject to applicable privileges. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. On 8/24/2009 at 6:04 PM, "Fred Leistiko" <fleistiko@kalispell.com> wrote: Then we know what we have to do then. If this Stokes thing gets resolved, I would like an application submitted immediately for the land acquisitions to date. I need to get some funds flowing back to the airport ASAP. We should also be prepared to submit for the NPE as soon as possible. We need to get together on the CIP so we don’t miss that deadline which is September 11th, I believe. What do you need from me to fill in the forms provided from the ADO? Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Rick Donaldson [mailto:rick@RPA-HLN.COM] Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:25 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Fwd: Re: Kalispell City Airport Fred, I don't think Phil did any Grant Applications for that work. (See Gary's message below) It wouldn't really serve any purpose if we knew it would not be accepted. RPA did however complete a Final Report (for the North End Surfacing) as if it were an AIP project in order complete that project and document the work and costs for a future grant application. For the land portions, transmission and summary of all the land appraisals and transactions was done for Gary's files but no final land report since it is on-going. I will contact Phil in an attempt to verify this. Rick Donaldson, P.E. | Vice President Robert Peccia & Associates Inc. | PO Box 5653 | Helena, MT 59604 406.447.5000 | 406.447.5036 (fax) | 406.439.4905 (cell) | rick@rpa-hln.com http://www.rpa-hln.com The materials transmitted by this electronic mail are confidential, are only for the use of the intended recipient, and may be subject to applicable privileges. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. On 8/20/2009 at 7:37 AM, <Gary.Gates@faa.gov> wrote: Rick, I donot find that we received a grant application for future work, only preapplications as you indicate. Gary M. Gates, P.E. Airport Engineer and Planner FAA, Helena Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59602 Gary, Fred asked me to unearth two grant applications completed and submitted by Phil Porrini for work already accomplished but not granted. I can find a Final Report for the north end surfacing project, record of land acquisition file transmittal and several pre-applications throughout the years. I do not see any actual Grant Applications. Are you aware of Grant Applications submitted but not acted upon? Rick Donaldson, P.E. | Vice President Robert Peccia & Associates Inc. | PO Box 5653 | Helena, MT 59604 406.447.5000 | 406.447.5036 (fax) | 406.439.4905 (cell) | rick@rpa-hln.com http://www.rpa-hln.com The materials transmitted by this electronic mail are confidential, are only for the use of the intended recipient, and may be subject to applicable privileges. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. ⁤湯琠敨愠癤牥楴敳敭瑮映牯攠杮湩敥楲杮猠牥楶散⹳†敗眠汩൬猊慴瑲琠汰湡漠桴⁥湅楶潲浮湥慴灕慤整猠煥敵据⁥景攠敶瑮⁳湡⁤牰獥湥⁴瑩਍潴琠敨䘠䅁映牯挠湯畣牲湥散‮䬠敥⁰獵椠普牯敭⁤湯琠敨匠潴敫❳猠慴畴⁳湡⁤敧൴挊灯敩⁳景愠祮瀠灡牥潷歲搠捯浵湥楴杮栠獩搠浥獩⹥†敗眠汩污潳瀠敲慰敲愠਍牤晡⁴景愠䘠䅁倠敲灡汰捩瑡潩湡⁤潣灭敬整琠敨爠晥敲桳漠桴⁥䥃⁐潦⁲潹牵਍敲楶睥മഊ䤊愠潣祰湩⁧慇祲椠慣敳 栠⁥慨⁳湡⁹潣浭湥⁴景挠牯敲瑣潩潴琠敨愠潢敶മഊഊഊഊഊ刊捩潄慮摬潳Ɱ倠䔮‮⁼楖散倠敲楳敤瑮਍潒敢瑲倠捥楣⁡…獁潳楣瑡獥䤠据‮⁼佐䈠硯㔠㔶″⁼效敬慮‬呍㔠㘹㐰਍〴⸶㐴⸷〵〰簠㐠㘰㐮㜴㔮㌰‶昨硡 ⁼〴⸶㌴⸹㤴㔰⠠散汬 ⁼楲正牀慰栭湬挮浯਍瑨灴⼺眯睷爮慰栭湬挮浯਍਍桔⁥慭整楲污⁳牴湡浳瑩整⁤祢琠楨⁳汥捥牴湯捩洠楡牡⁥潣普摩湥楴污‬牡൥漊汮⁹潦⁲桴⁥獵⁥景琠敨椠瑮湥敤⁤敲楣楰湥ⱴ愠摮洠祡戠⁥畳橢捥⁴潴਍灡汰捩扡敬瀠楲楶敬敧⹳†湁⁹湵畡桴牯穩摥搠獩敳業慮楴湯‬楤瑳楲畢楴湯‬牯਍潣祰湩⁧景琠楨⁳潣浭湵捩瑡潩獩猠牴捩汴⁹牰桯扩瑩摥‮䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶爠捥楥敶൤琊楨⁳潣浭湵捩瑡潩湩攠牲牯‬汰慥敳椠浭摥慩整祬渠瑯晩⁹桴⁥敳 摮牥愠摮਍敤瑳潲⁹污潣楰獥漠⁦桴⁥潣浭湵捩瑡潩湡⁤湡⁹瑡慴档敭瑮⹳਍਍਍਍਍湏㠠㈯⼴〲㤰愠⁴㨶㐰倠ⱍ∠牆摥䰠楥瑳歩≯㰠汦楥瑳歩䁯慫楬灳汥⹬潣㹭眠潲整ഺ 吠敨敷欠潮⁷桷瑡眠⁥慨敶琠潤琠敨⹮†晉琠楨⁳瑓歯獥琠楨杮朠瑥൳ 爠獥汯敶Ɽ䤠眠畯摬氠歩⁥湡愠灰楬慣楴湯猠扵業瑴摥椠浭摥慩整祬映牯琠敨氠湡൤ 愠煣極楳楴湯⁳潴搠瑡⹥†⁉敮摥琠敧⁴潳敭映湵獤映潬楷杮戠捡潴琠敨਍†楡灲牯⁴十偁‮圠⁥桳畯摬愠 獬敢瀠敲慰敲⁤潴猠扵業⁴潦⁲桴⁥偎⁅獡猠潯൮ 愠⁳潰獳扩敬‮圠⁥敮摥琠敧⁴潴敧桴牥漠桴⁥䥃⁐潳眠⁥潤馀⁴業獳琠慨൴ 搠慥汤湩⁥桷捩⁨獩匠灥整扭牥ㄠ琱ⱨ䤠戠汥敩敶‮圠慨⁴潤礠畯渠敥⁤牦浯洠⁥潴਍†楦汬椠桴⁥潦浲⁳牰癯摩摥映潲桴⁥䑁㽏਍਍਍†桔湡獫ബ 䘠敲⁤⹁䰠楥瑳歩൯ 䄠物潰瑲䴠湡条牥਍†楃祴漠⁦態楬灳汥൬ 倠伮‮潂⁸㤱㜹਍†態楬灳汥ⱬ䴠⁔㤵〹ള 㐠㘰㈭〵㌭㘰വഊഊഊ 䘠潲㩭删捩潄慮 摬潳浛楡瑬㩯楲正剀䅐䠭乌䌮䵏൝ 匠湥㩴吠畨獲慤ⱹ䄠杵獵⁴〲‬〲㤰㠠㈺‵䵁਍†潔›牆摥䰠楥瑳歩൯ 匠扵敪瑣›睆㩤删㩥䬠污獩数汬䌠瑩⁹楁灲牯൴ഊഊഊ 䘠敲Ɽ਍਍†⁉潤❮⁴桴湩桐汩搠摩愠祮䜠慲瑮䄠灰楬慣楴湯⁳潦⁲桴瑡眠牯⹫†匨敥䜠牡❹൳ 洠獥慳敧戠汥睯 䤠⁴潷汵湤琧爠慥汬⁹敳癲⁥湡⁹異灲獯⁥晩眠⁥湫睥椠⁴潷汵൤ 渠瑯戠⁥捡散瑰摥‮删䅐搠摩栠睯癥牥挠浯汰瑥⁥⁡楆慮敒潰瑲⠠潦⁲桴⁥潎瑲൨ 䔠摮匠牵慦楣杮 獡椠⁦瑩眠牥⁥湡䄠偉瀠潲敪瑣椠牯敤⁲潣灭敬整琠慨൴ 瀠潲敪瑣愠摮搠捯浵湥⁴桴⁥潷歲愠摮挠獯獴映牯愠映瑵牵⁥牧湡⁴灡汰捩瑡潩⹮਍†潆⁲桴⁥慬摮瀠牯楴湯ⱳ琠慲獮業獳潩湡⁤畳浭牡⁹景愠汬琠敨氠湡൤ 愠灰慲獩污⁳湡⁤牴湡慳瑣潩獮眠獡搠湯⁥潦⁲慇祲猧映汩獥戠瑵渠楦慮慬摮਍†敲潰瑲猠湩散椠⁴獩漠⵮潧湩⹧਍਍†⁉楷汬挠湯慴瑣倠楨湩愠瑡整灭⁴潴瘠牥晩⁹桴獩മഊഊഊഊഊ 删捩潄慮摬潳Ɱ倠䔮‮⁼楖散倠 敲楳敤瑮਍†潒敢瑲倠捥楣⁡…獁潳楣瑡獥䤠据‮⁼佐䈠硯㔠㔶″⁼效敬慮‬呍㔠㘹㐰਍†〴⸶㐴⸷〵〰簠㐠㘰㐮㜴㔮㌰‶昨硡 ⁼〴⸶㌴⸹㤴㔰⠠散汬 ർ 爠捩䁫灲ⵡ汨⹮潣൭ 栠瑴㩰⼯睷⹷灲ⵡ汨⹮潣൭ഊഊഊ 吠敨洠瑡牥慩獬琠慲獮業瑴摥戠⁹桴獩攠敬瑣潲楮⁣慭汩愠敲挠湯楦敤瑮慩ⱬ愠敲਍†湯祬映牯琠敨甠敳漠⁦桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬湡⁤慭⁹敢猠扵敪瑣琠൯ 愠灰楬慣汢⁥牰癩汩来獥‮䄠祮甠慮瑵潨楲敺⁤楤獳浥湩瑡潩Ɱ搠獩牴扩瑵潩Ɱ漠൲ 挠灯楹杮漠⁦桴獩挠浯畭楮慣楴湯椠⁳瑳楲瑣祬瀠潲楨楢整⹤†晉礠畯栠癡൥ 爠捥楥敶⁤桴獩挠浯畭楮慣楴湯椠牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡⁥浩敭楤 瑡汥⁹潮楴祦琠敨਍†敳摮牥愠摮搠獥牴祯愠汬挠灯敩⁳景琠敨挠浯畭楮慣楴湯愠摮愠祮愠瑴捡浨湥獴മഊഊ 传⼸〲㈯〰‹瑡㜠㌺‷䵁‬䜼牡⹹慇整䁳慦⹡潧㹶眠潲整ഺഊഊ †删捩Ⱬ䤠搠湯瑯映湩⁤桴瑡眠⁥敲散癩摥愠朠慲瑮†灡汰捩瑡潩潦⁲畦畴敲਍††潷歲ബ †漠汮⁹牰慥灰楬慣楴湯⁳獡礠畯椠摮捩瑡⹥਍਍††慇祲䴠‮慇整ⱳ倠䔮മ †䄠物潰瑲䔠杮湩敥⁲湡⁤汐湡敮൲ †䘠䅁‬效敬慮䄠物潰瑲⁳楄瑳楲瑣传晦捩൥ †㈠㈷‵歓 睹祡䐠楲敶‬畓瑩⁥ല †䠠汥湥ⱡ䴠⁔㤵〶ലഊഊഊ †䜠牡ⱹ਍਍††牆摥愠歳摥洠⁥潴甠敮牡桴琠潷朠慲瑮愠灰楬慣楴湯⁳潣灭敬整⁤湡⁤畳浢瑩整൤ †戠൹ †倠楨潐牲湩⁩潦⁲潷歲愠牬慥祤愠捣浯汰獩敨⁤畢⁴潮⁴牧湡整⹤਍਍††⁉慣楦摮愠䘠湩污删灥牯⁴潦⁲桴⁥潮瑲⁨湥⁤畳晲捡湩⁧牰橯捥ⱴ爠捥牯൤ †漠൦ †氠湡⁤捡畱獩瑩潩楦敬琠慲獮業瑴污愠摮猠癥牥污瀠敲愭灰楬慣楴湯൳ †琠牨畯桧畯൴ †琠敨礠慥獲‮䤠 搠潮⁴敳⁥湡⁹捡畴污䜠慲瑮䄠灰楬慣楴湯⹳†牁⁥潹⁵睡牡൥ †漠൦ †䜠慲瑮䄠灰楬慣楴湯⁳畳浢瑩整⁤畢⁴潮⁴捡整⁤灵湯ിഊഊ †删捩潄慮摬潳Ɱ倠䔮‮⁼楖散倠敲楳敤瑮਍††潒敢瑲倠捥楣⁡…獁潳楣瑡獥䤠据‮⁼佐䈠硯㔠㔶″⁼效敬慮‬呍㔠㘹㐰਍††〴⸶㐴⸷〵〰簠㐠㘰㐮㜴㔮㌰‶昨硡 ⁼〴⸶㌴⸹㤴㔰⠠散汬 ർ †爠捩䁫灲ⵡ汨⹮潣൭ †栠瑴㩰⼯睷⹷灲ⵡ汨⹮潣൭ഊ †吠敨洠瑡牥慩獬琠慲獮業瑴摥戠⁹桴獩攠敬瑣潲楮⁣慭汩愠敲挠湯楦敤瑮慩ⱬ愠敲਍††湯祬映牯琠敨甠敳漠⁦桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬湡⁤慭⁹敢猠扵敪瑣琠൯ †愠灰楬慣汢⁥牰癩汩来獥‮䄠祮甠慮瑵潨楲敺⁤楤獳浥湩瑡潩Ɱ搠獩牴扩瑵潩Ɱ਍††牯਍††潣祰湩⁧景琠楨⁳潣浭湵捩瑡潩獩猠牴捩汴⁹牰桯扩瑩摥‮䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶਍††敲散癩摥਍††桴獩挠浯畭楮慣楴湯椠 牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡⁥浩敭楤瑡汥⁹潮楴祦琠敨猠湥敤⁲湡൤ †搠獥牴祯愠汬挠灯敩⁳景琠敨挠浯畭楮慣楴湯愠摮愠祮愠瑴捡浨湥獴മഊ