SPAM-LOW: 2010 FAA NW Mountain Region Airports Conf airplane and tower<http://depts.washington.edu/uwconf/faa/promo/image001.png> FAA seal<http://depts.washington.edu/uwconf/faa/promo/faaSeal.png> FAA Northwest Mountain Region Airports Conference April 13-14, 2010 Westin Seattle Hosted by the University of Washington Join us for this popular annual conference for aviation professionals. The FAA Northwest Mountain Region Airports Conference is packed with money this year – money experts, that is. Airport Planning and Funding, Grant Assurances and Compliance, SMS, and details about airport development and maintenance…it's all there. We'll have the people who make the funding process work, and those who make sure the work is done right, both in the office and the field. A special focus will be our lead presentations on Winter Ops for Practitioners, and Planning (and Funding) an Airport Development Program. There is also information on Next Gen and a special session put on by TSA. Runway Safety and Environmental Sustainability will also be discussed. This is also the time to meet peers and professionals in small groups and social hours, to make sure the information you take away is both up-to-the minute and relevant to your needs! Program and registration information is available at <http://www.uwconferences.org/faa/> www.uwconferences.org/faa/ University of Washington Educational Outreach, Conference Management, PO Box 359490, Seattle, WA 98195-9490 Phone: 206-616-1902 or email faanw@u.washington.edu If you prefer not to receive e-mail announcements for this conference, please reply to Debra Bryant at faanw@u.washington.edu with “Remove” in the subject line.