Greetings from Steve EckelsHi Jane I hope by now you have had a chance to read the study group findings and press release. When it comes to the meeting on Monday, there will be so many things to discuss, I would humbly suggest that one guiding principal would be to "follow the law". As you have learned by now, the Airport: 1) does not have a conditional use permit 2) is not eligible for a grandfather exemption 3) will not be able to obtain a permit, because it does not "serve and protect the public health, safety and welfare" This may simplify the process, because it probably needs to be shut down immediately in order to comply with the law. Wouldn't it be a relief to return to the business of governing rather than running an airport? You probably would need to hire someone to "mop up" after the legal mess with that has been created. In any event, good luck and thanks for your careful attention to detail. Sincerely, Steve