Kalispell City Airport (5)I, Bert Lenon of 630 W Arizona St in Kalispell, Would like to call into question the wisdom and the fiscal ramifacations of continuing to spend money and city services on an airport in the middle of town, that benefits so few. Do we need a airport tying up this vast acreage of potentionally valuable real estate (if my taxes are any indication of value, even figuring 6 lots per acre, at approximatley $3000.00 /per lot, built out with something besides airplane owners would be, 75 acres x 6 per= 450 lots @ $3000 per year is a total of $1,350,000.00 each year to help the tax base so a lot of us older citizens don't get taxed out of HOMES, which is a srong possibillity even with low income tax discounts). Is this the best use of public property? Having AIRPLANES taking off and landing over our schools, houses, children etc. the best use of public property? How would all of you feel if you lived around it. How about all the noise and traffic over your house at all times and days. I'm not a native (Montanan) but I was blessed that my dad moved out here in 1953, so I've been here longer than most natives and Im thankful everyday. When the airprt was built it was way out of town, when I was growing up it was out of town past the county shops (old Korn Buick, Scarf Auto, current location) and the S. end of ruway was at the garbage dump. Why does the city cater to sucha small group when 5 Miles north and east (as the crow/airplane fly's) that's about a minute flying time theres a beautiful giant airport not in the middle of town. I don't want to kick then out without compensation, that could be worked out, but their most valuable asset at the airport could easily be flown to a normal airport that can easily acccomadate any number of any size aircraft that would strike their fancy. I can,t see how any regular citizen could justify using all these resources, taking over more land so people with jets can park next to hotel, it just seems like a horrible use of taxpayer $$$ and a DUPLICATION of services etc. Please have mercy on us TAXPAYERS. THANK YOU, Bert Lenon ________________________________ The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Get started. <http://www.windowslive.com/campaign/thenewbusy?ocid=PID28326::T:WLMTAGL :ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_3>