Kalispell City Airport (2)Joey: Sorry I did not get to spend more time with you on your recent visit to Montana for the Aviation Conference. Thank you for visiting our GA airport in Kalispell. I do have one item I could use some professional help on. Our City Council and some senior management have it stuck in their heads that our little GA airport should have a detailed business plan in place to show how it makes this huge profit. It has to justify its existence. And how this huge profit can be used to maintain the airport. As you know, small GA airports barely survive little lone generate enough profit to maintain itself. Like the large commercial airports and large GA airports, we need to rely on FAA funding to stay alive. It appears the leadership wants us to prove that the airport can stay in the black without any outside assistance, including the City as its owner. Of course this is not possible. The FAA has offered to build us a completely new airport at the tune of $14.8 million dollars and then give us up to $150,000 annually to maintain it. Now that is possible. Even though our Economic Impact Study shows that we generate, directly and indirectly, $24 million dollars for our community they don't understand the intangible asset of having an airport in your community. I have to put a dollar value on just having an airport. Of course we are fighting the conventional wisdom that airports are only here to service a select few rich customers. I currently operate the airport on a budget of less than $100,000 and this is not computing in their brains. Do you have any information that I can use to convince our City Council that we need to accept the FAA funding like most other airports do. I need data to show them that FAA funding is almost essential to building and maintaining an FAA approved airport. I need convincing evidence to show them that it can be done. Can you help? Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065