"Green" Event Set for June 29 in KalispellTo: Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager Dear Mr. Leistiko: One of the underlying concerns today is a dwindling freshwater supply, as no fewer than 36 states are facing severe water shortages in the coming decade. Facilities such as yours that have public restrooms with multiple fixtures experience a large volume of water consumption each day due to the foot traffic through your airport. American Standard is addressing this issue with The Responsible Bathroom Water Conservation Tour, a nationwide campaign to conserve more than 2 billion gallons of water by replacing old, inefficient bathroom fixtures with new, water-saving products for a “greener” America. The tour is making more than 300 stops throughout the United States in 2010, with an upcoming tour stop set for June 29 in Kalispell. The Responsible Bathroom Water Conservation Tour will feature both economic and ecological points, including: · Hands-on demonstrations of the newest water-saving showerheads, faucets, and toilets, featured in a 44-foot-long, walk-through mobile showroom. Tour ambassadors will explain the latest products and offer user demonstrations. · Calculations of how much water and money consumers can save with efficient bathroom products. · American Standard’s partnerships with The Nature Conservancy and the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense® program. You are invited to this specific event: Tuesday, June 29 from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. at Northwest Pipe Fittings, 1780 Mt. Highway 35 in Kalispell. Please plan to attend the event. Working together, we can merge our momentum to save water. For more information, go to www.theresponsiblebathroomtour.com <http://www.theresponsiblebathroomtour.com> , e-mail me at freznor@vfimkt.com, or phone me at 248-608-3282, ext. 308. Best regards, Fritz Reznor, Media Representative The Responsible Bathroom Water Conservation Tour