RE: MTCAA Board of Directors meeting Bailey: The 7th is fine with me, and if you guys like Great Falls, that is fine with me also. Let's start off with 10:00 A.M. on the 7th in Great Falls. I will get us a conference room at a local motel as a meeting place. Give me a day to set it up. Yes, go ahead and send out the "draft" Articles of Incorporation and the "draft" By-Laws for them to start reviewing. I have been working on a Mission Statement and a Benefits of Membership statement that we would use in our brochures and publications. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Bailey Egan [mailto:tvtranch@rangeweb.net] Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 9:31 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Re: MTCAA Board of Directors meeting Hi Fred, OK Jerry Moline responded and the 7th is fine, his first choice of location is Great Falls. Lets go ahead and send out the notice so everyone knows the time and place. Fred Lark has interest and I think he will attend so that might be a alternate. You might confirm that everything is a go and I will plan on sending out the notice on Friday. Do we want to hold the draft stuff until they arrive or should I attach what you sent to me? Thanks Fred this is coming together pretty good! Bailey ----- Original Message ----- From: Fred Leistiko <mailto:fleistiko@kalispell.com> To: Bailey Egan <mailto:tvtranch@rangeweb.net> Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 9:58 AM Subject: RE: MTCAA Board of Directors meeting Bailey: We need seven signatures on the articles of incorporation and the by-laws, so if any of them will agree to those and will sign the documents, we can go ahead with the meeting without them. I would think that they would like to be at the organizational meeting. We could send the documents out to them and they could agree to them and sign the last sheet. It is not the best way to do things, but if that is all the participation we are going to get right now, then we need to decide to go forward with it. It would be a good thing to have a couple extra people at the meeting that would agree to be a board member just in case we need them. We could always go back to the original seven and tell those who choose not to show, that we found someone else to serve. If Lyons can't make it from Havre, I will call Cut Bank or Fort Benton. Let's go with Helena on the 7th, I will get a motel with a conference room we can use for the day. I will go down on Friday night and set up the room. Or, if you want to wait a couple of days to send out the invitation, I will give you a call when I have the motel set up. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Bailey Egan [mailto:tvtranch@rangeweb.net] Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 9:58 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Re: MTCAA Board of Directors meeting Hello Fred, I think we need to go ahead and confirm a date and location. The members have had a number of days to reply and as usual some did not reply. I have 4 including you that confirm that Sat. Aug 7th is a good date and no one seem to care about which location they prefer, Helena or Great Falls. You can decide that if you like. This is common practice for me over the past years to just go ahead with a decision as there are always a few that fail to participate and it holds up the progress. Four of seven is about as good as it gets. What do you think? Bailey ----- Original Message ----- From: Fred Leistiko <mailto:fleistiko@kalispell.com> To: Bailey Egan <mailto:tvtranch@rangeweb.net> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 10:25 AM Subject: RE: MTCAA Board of Directors meeting Bailey: No problem with the communications, don't worry about it. It actually shows some transparency to those who received it. If you get any comments back from people other than the seven, don't hesitate to invite them to the organizational meeting. It might look better to show that others were in attendance at the organizational meeting. The last thing we want to have people think is that it was, or is a closed meeting. August 6th or 7th will be fine. I will arrange for a meeting facility in either city on the dates acceptable to everyone. We can start at 10:00 A.M. and go until approximately 2:00 or 3:00 P.M. That should give us enough time to make the decisions we need to make. I will prepare an agenda of items we need to make decisions on so the meeting will stay on track. I will have some "DRAFTS" of possible Mission Statements, Goals and Objectives, Benefits of Membership, and maybe even some Codes of Ethics. You might ask attendees to be thinking about these items as they drive or fly to the organizational meeting because we want to develop these so they can be published with our introductory information. Thanks, Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 From: Bailey Egan [mailto:tvtranch@rangeweb.net] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2010 10:48 PM To: Tracy O'Connor; John Smith; Jerry Moline; Fred Leistiko; Craig Canfield; Bailey Egan; Jim Lyons; Terry Airport; Chester Airport; Doug Parrott; Fred Lark; Glasgow Airport; Philipsburg Airport; Plentywood Airport; Sherry Rowland Subject: MTCAA Board of Directors meeting To The MTCAA Board of Directors, First of all I want to thank all of you for volunteering to help put together the necessary documents for the Montana Community Airport Association. We had over 125 people attend all or portions of our last session at the Montana Aviation Conference in Missoula. With those kind of numbers we decided to make this an official organization. To do that I asked Fred Keistiko to find out what we needed to do to get the recognition of the State of Montana and the tax people so we could do business. Fred has been involved in numerous projects like this and was more than willing to lead us through the necessary steps. He has called some of you and I have contacted the others. We need the seven of you that are supporters of what we are proposing to do to gather one time, maybe two, so we can put together some by-laws and draft the articles of incorporation, set the date and place for the Fall conference and discuss the possible ideas for the agenda. This needs to be done soon so we can get on with the planning of the conference before Fall gets here. We are thinking of Helena or Great Falls as a place of meeting to do this business and maybe on the first week end of August. I'm sure Fred will keep us lined out so we can draft all the necessary documents to present to the membership for their approval at the Fall Conference. OK first we need to set a date when all can plan on being together for a good portion of a day. I'm listing all the info for communication that I have on all of you. Some have more than one E-mail so please let me know where you want you communications sent, also correct phone #s etc. Please respond to this E-mail. Thank You Bailey Egan, Acting Chairman MTCAA Jim Lyons, Havre Airport Manager Havre, Montana 59501 jlyons@ncmtransit.com 406-945-1258 Fred Leistiko, Kalispell City Airport Manager P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell Montana 59903 fleistiko@centurytel.net 406-250-3065 Craig Canfield, P.E. Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson 2611 Gabel Road Billings, Montana 59108 craig.canfield@kljeng.com 406-245-5499 406-860-0133 Bailey Egan, Colstrip/ Forsyth Airports 7 Egan Lane, Forsyth, Montana 59327 tvtranch@rangeweb.net 406-477-6645 406-740-2179 Jerry Moline, Lewistown Airport Manager Box 343 Lewistown, Montana 59457 lwt@midrivers.com John Smith, Laurel Airport Manager Laurel Airport, Laurel Montana 59044 jsmith@aol.com 406-628-4595 Tracy O'Connor, Dallas Aero & Sales Poplar, Montana 59255 tracyo@nemont.net 406-768-3800 406-768-7400 End! 쑶牴郖档殱킐敷⹢쁌ꉴマ鏣澤羥貦濤鏣睊ⷱ⃴杅퇛翙⾯忚뇿ꩇ곿늿뎏뒟횯_῭�ᄍྻ࿈쿇࿾뿿︯ﹿ̿쑟얟ί￯꼃꼈ᅧ࿌㿠⿎ἇ킟���ႏ単㍥`俕￶켁翘㼘꿛켒ጷᓟ�埤킪쁌摳慠ⱹ䨠䃬鸱∴ฐ亀だ䄠ᘯ៟￯忸濹翺꼛鿼鼉M쿿ÿ⯟⿏㍿Տ؟㈯㒏￯鼸漊缋V鼍꼎뼏뼛ᄟở἟㴯ᘯ甒橢旼ᙣ❿㉿᥏䢯䇯Ὧ�佃彄潅헟䕒ꄺに䍔䅁㩯좠⁤⭯䐰ꩩ䟀愠뀼⁳敭냣僧ァ鼣꼤뼥齇꽈I༫䳿ⵯ㨯帯ワㅟ屯悿ッ㽤꼵뼶罣�轩Z༼枏㻯䄯仯 晙浡წ祠∺楔ၔཎ僣げ肑끘Ⱒ猢无楲≦龎罐轨咣濯⛎扮遘画❜ちὶ潖罗轘姿媟宯窿嶏櫟菟憿/ὢ⽣㾅ྉᾊ꽬뽭콮澷䋟侯ㄓ獏魱ꅃ溑獢玠絒珀齳쀣䘱㤴䐷併髫䟿睌箏籿綏纟羯肿ᅬ辈꾊쾡羋辌龍꾎迿邿量鋟鏯闿꘏皿ᆵ꾘콸�ྚᾛ⾜㾝黿齏ꁟꅯꍿ뷟ꑯꖯ﾿��ᄅྫᾬ⾭㾮몃쇨‰牰扯⃬洤琠璠棠ťㅴ浭湵捩孡쁎≳琐滐徱瀣㈸㜱ꮲ肶୴ꃋ䃁慀潢�뮏⸀翍澲뎩⁺큉慠⁇셵殺儢桳Ⴡၔ뛱쮐濱죗쬀힠₰酓来↰뾐뿓쿔㾳俑 忒㓝멉�텹 䃣챀譂儖흢欐映䃋쯡炐潥匠찰뼁탋釄ˌÈ䃚쵮O㿎俏კ鿝꿞◝჌O뻯痀�琒皰샋㇘჌쯧�犑뙧俰찐뿃烁ٔ꿚뿛࿖r犠琠潠�戥哿田쯱휐퀂ﶳ졷찐琠킰璡￀ლꇵ翫烁￰࿲◝⇟呂ᇌ뇀狶哿쬡뚠쭱�㛢䋾탡卩쭳ﻀ뿁ᇍ䃁뿷쿸囓쁡ム燙⁓俺羰澴鼆辶龷룿릯몿믏뻟봿ჿ쁟?⿁㿂促忄濅翆过鿈ᓿി۟אָﰯᴿݏ࢏゚꼉뼊켋�뼡.弑ዿጯ᰿ᕟᙟᝯ᡿ᦏ螟꼚뼛찜畁畧ᇾ㛲⼱畳愪褷儺콽棉缣耤欺褥뇫 ︠㤷㩏㭟㱯㵿冏璨惗燳끴贈₿m鼁꼂픨捅懘郠㿿б呐ퟠ霐쭐타￀臵⃚쏢遍텍3ö畻Ѐ挱ლ퀳ッ㽉佊픨뇣냐3὆⽇圽⇌匲惐ႇ㫄㠰⺡⹍쇠惚杞჋背⁍쭰砱狷휡㉱쉗缁轑뜨㏺쉗塐匑咿ﳏ撚ꇗ汵煘㇚끘僡톿�爐�⼒欠�