07/10 Davis LetterDonald Scott Davis 448 5��'. Avenue West Kalispell, Montana 59901 406-752-1526 Dear Mayor and Council Members of Kalispell, Montana; For the last several years we have had many disputes and disagreements over the expansion of the Kalispell owned City Airport. A lot of my involvement in this issue has been the spokesman of the Quiet Skies Committee, a fairly large group of residents of this city that are apposed of any Expansion and Aviation Training, or Aviation Activity there. But I'm writing this letter to make it clear to each one of you of my personal standing on this matter. As it has been brought to my attention that there are some that want to know where I personally stand on this issue. I've done a lot of investigation and research in this matter for my own information gathering and for a lot of others, i.e.: (QSC). I have spoke in-depth with many departments of F.A.A. (Mr. Gary Gates, Pat Macquarie, Mike Morrison, John Russell and a few others) and also brought a lot of concerns to the forefront to the City Staff and Airport Manager and also to the Council, and City residents on behalf of Quiet Skies and myself. I hope that this does not come to you as a big surprise, but I would be in favor of the Kalispell City Airport, I only wish it was in a different location, just a few more miles south or east of town. And with F.A.A. grant money that could be possible. I would be all for a grant to study that idea. It surly would be a Win/Win for all involved. I'm not for any grants to study any forms of expansion at its present location. As for the day to day running of the airport at its present location, I'm for downsizing and limiting the type and size of aircraft to use this airport, also the types of businesses to be based at this small intercity airport. As you are all aware, and K.P.D., F.A.A., City Staff, City Airport Manager, Red Eagle Aviation, and the Citizen of our City and locale News papers, and the Quiet Skies Committee, and also the Flathead County Planning Board, knowing and having a Flight Training Facility such as Red Eagle Aviation is not what the majority of City residents and businesses want and that it's not healthy nor a good idea as for the noise pollution and safety reasons and the inability of Red Eagle Aviation to comply with fly neighborly. All the above had heard the hundreds of complaints over and over by the residents. City Staff say call City Airport manager or K.P.D. or F.A.A., K.P.D. says call Airport manager or F.A.A, F.A.A. says call your airport manager, if he can't do anything talk to your council members. Just today, Mr. Joe Russell of the flight Standards Division said there is nothing more F.A.A can do about the nuisance of Red Eagle Aviation on the residents of Kalispell; it was the choice of the city to allow them (Red Eagle Aviation) to operate there, he advised me to contact you, the council. Red Eagle has not cooperated with the flight path recommendations of F.A.A. (Fly neighborly), nor the residents request not to fly over our schools or the posted recommendation and request of our City Airport manager. In fact they have blatantly disregarded the requests and recommendations. They are the chief complaint of most residents and businesses of Kalispell over the years. The aviation training community has out grown its home there, only because of the location of our airport; with the numerous training flights taking off and landing their daily now days, it has got to the point that they have become a nuisance to all, including the K.P.D. and F.A.A.. They are tired of the complaints coming in. I respectfully ask the City Council to go into negotiations with Red Eagle Aviation and any others out there that are into rudely obnoxious repetitious fly over's of City residents and schools. And work a plan to relocate or give notice of eviction on them or move the airport elsewhere. Or get a grant to study airport relocation only. If you have to, request a review of the legalities of all lease agreements on the City Airport Property. We all know they were not done right according to the law. Thank Yo-,JZ.4r L Scott Davis .Z .