07-29-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, July 29, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Dir. Jeff Clawson, Building Official Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director P. J. Sorensen, Chairman Transcribed by Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Wal-Mart — They have requested their bond that was posted for incomplete landscaping and lights be returned now. They said that the work has been completed. Clawson noted that they were supposed to put in a demising wall in the back for egress through their storage area, too. He told them he would attach it to that bond, so he will go up there to make sure that has been completed. We may not want to release all of it. OLD BUSINESS: ASI, (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview Drive — They are having a ground breaking ceremony tomorrow. Public Works is still waiting on drainage and easement information. NEW BUSINESS: Town Pump — 439 W. Idaho and 2910 Hwy 93 S: both for Administrative Conditional Use Permits for expansion of a casino (64 sq ft smokers' shelter) — the Idaho location is in the back on the north side of the building. Architectural Review wanted to make sure it didn't interfere with ADA or fire access. The Hwy 93 S location is on the south east corner. Accessibility was questioned. Sprinklering was discussed. Public Works is okay with both of these expansions. Smith's — 195-3'd Avenue E.N. remodel — an addition that extends their cart area and some other interior changes. They will also be adding a drive-thru for the pharmacy. They are wanting two drive-thru lanes, which would change the entrance to a one-way. There was concern as to how this would work with Fourth Avenue and how you would exit. Discussion was held regarding different scenarios for this project, including the flow of traffic and stacking lanes. They will also be adjusting their drainage a little bit. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: There will not be an August Planning Board meeting. The next one is in September. The only items we have so far are two annexations: Flathead Beverage and Triple W Equipment. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.