06-17-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, June 17, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, MDT. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dan Diehl, Fire Chief Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: ASI, (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview Drive — They still have not submitted a Downstream Analysis and Public Works needs this. Faith Covenant — 611 Third Avenue East; addition to existing church — A2Z Engineering is putting together a Parking Lot Plan, but may take up to three weeks to complete. Demolition is scheduled for the 22" d. This is passed through Site Review with the conditions of the submission of a Parking Lot Plan and a Site Plan to show drainage on the parking lot. NEW BUSINESS: City of Kalispell Public Safety Building — 312 — I't Avenue East; addition — This went through Architectural Review. There was a reduction on this. The main entrance was near the elevator but it will now be through the existing entrance with a new corridor that will come down through a lobby. An elevator is a new addition onto the building. There is one planter and a shrub that will be eliminated. On the south end there will be a new exit door that will have a cement landing. In the back the two compressors for the heating/cooling system and propane tank for the generator will sit on a new cement pad where there is presently gravel. These will be the only exterior changes. The rest of the changes are interior work. The second floor is new space. The current fire station will be demolished and offices will be put in with a kitchen, pantry area, and records area. The old showers will be demolished and new ones will be put in a different location. There will be individual dorm beds for a unisex sleeping and bathroom facilities, an exercise area and a multi -purpose room/training facility. New mechanical/electrical service brought in for the new area. This is passed through Site Review. We will assume the new Zoning Ordinance will go through and they won't have any parking requirements. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: The July Planning Board Meeting has the annexation on South Woodland Drive. We would be taking in less than a half an acre with two houses on it that is adjacent to a mobile home park. We will have to see if the Planning Board and the Council want to take in another island that is within a larger island. There will be 160 feet along South Woodland, and the City would take that right of way by law. Public Works will talk with the County to see if they will continue to plow this area for the 160 feet. Should his drain field fail, he will have access to the City sewer as a backup. DEQ will ask him for a drain field plan. Burnham feels it makes more sense to bring the whole trailer park area in and have them sign a Waiver of Protest to Annexation. Discussion was held regarding the annexation of this area and the whole trailer park. This will go to the Planning Board in July and to the Council in August. OTHER REPORTS: Freedom House on the west side of town is a drug/alcohol rehabilitation group home (closest category) that will be coming in and submitting a Conditional Use Permit by Friday, which we can't deny but need to take through the public process. The Boulevard Landscaping Ordinance is going to Council on July 6t'` Flathead Youth Home finally took out their driveway where the sidewalk went across to make it ADA compliant. Burnham noted that they need to remember to put a break in it. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.