01-21-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 21, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, MDT. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. Jeff Clawson, Building Official Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Sorensen noted that he was contacted about the landscaping improvements needed for the Mountain Mudd site on East Idaho. Apparently they are trying to coordinate the contractor to do the work and Sorensen referred him to Parks. OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 West Center — Elkins said they received the drawings and he should be finished with the review today. Sorensen asked if the stormwater issues had been resolved and Burnham said he thought so but would have to check with Susie Turner. Sorensen said they were trying to work out a cross -easement and they also needed to bind some parcels together. A plan indicating the improvements for the right-of-way including the sidewalk, curb gutter and boulevard was requested and Sorensen asked Burnham to check on that also. Elkins noted the new set of drawings might have that information included and they can look at that after the meeting. ASI (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview Drive — Burnham said he spoke with Morrison- Maierle and they are still waiting for stormwater information. The signed PILT agreement has still not come back from ASI. Sorensen said Public Works are waiting for a response on the stormwater drainage and the water main. Burnham said their plans show the water line and Public Works has approved that plan and they will negotiate with the contractor on the upgrading of the line to 12 inches. Sorensen said the sidewalk/bike path and some other items still need to be approved by the Parks Department. This item will remain on the agenda. Blue & White — 640 East Idaho — Elkins noted Mark Johnson is working on this project for the owner and the Building Department hasn't received any more information. There was discussion on whether this project would be a conversion from hotel rooms to apartments and if the conversion will be the entire building. Clawson said under the Building Code if the rooms are rented for more than 30 days they are considered apartments and it would be a change of use and they would then be subject to impact fees. The committee is waiting for the plans that explain exactly what they are planning to do and how much of the building will be converting and until then the project cannot be approved by the site review committee. Elkins will find out when they plan to submit drawings and the project may be removed from the site review agenda until those drawings are received. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: 2 lot Subdivision (formerly Quizno's) — 135 West Idaho — Conrad said he wanted to follow-up on the subdivision and conditional use permit that was discussed last week. The lighting was checked last week and Sorensen said the lighting complies; cross easements for access; boulevard trees along 2nd Avenue WN need to be addressed; and they need to meet all applicable building and fire codes. There was discussion regarding the regulation that would require separate water and sewer lines and it was noted that the city manager has approved their request to share the lines and continue the use of separate meters to the 2 lots. The city attorney is preparing the agreement that would state the 2 property owners would solve any problems with their shared service without involving the city. Conrad said he will add the condition to address the water and sewer agreement. Conrad asked if they still need to go through DEQ for the Municipal Facilities Exemption and Burnham said they do need to apply to DEQ for the Exemption Checklist. Conrad will also add that to the conditions and he will send the departments a copy of the conditions for review. Willow Creek Amended Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development — Foys Lake Road — Conrad said he is still getting information from Hubert Turner the developer and when the extra copies of the project are submitted he will provide a copy to Public Works for review. Burnham noted the project will be subject to the new utility standards recently approved. OTHER REPORTS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.