04-08-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, April 8, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Dan Diehl, Fire Chief P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, MDT. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Johnson noted the developer of Legend's Court has extended their bond; and Siderius is currently working on Three Mile Views. Sorensen added work is also being done on the Mountain Mudd building on East Idaho. OLD BUSINESS: ASI (Van Ee Apartments) 420 Grandview Drive: Nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS: Silverado Casino — 285 North Main Street: Sorensen reported Silverado Casino is doing some work in their current location now that they are no longer moving over to the former Quizno's building. They will be taking over the area where the Tux Shop was located. Sorensen said there are no zoning issues and no changes to the site - just internal work. They will be changing fixtures so they could be subject to impact fees and Public Works will have to review the plans and calculate the changes for the Building Department. The committee approved the project. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Willow Creek PUD/subdivision — Foys Lake Road: Conrad noted this project is going to a planning board work session next week. Conrad reviewed the discussion with Hubert Turner and Paul Burnham of Public Works regarding the lots along Foys Lake Road and more density around one of the parks. Turner has taken the comments and he has reconfigured it slightly. Conrad added if the planning board provides a favorable review it will move forward. Updated information will be submitted next week after the work session. Johnson asked if the 100 foot no -access strip will be addressed by the planning board and Conrad said that will be addressed in the work session and in the staff report. Jentz noted he spoke to Mike Tierney who was concerned about conditions imposed on Foys Lake Road and Conrad said he would send James Freyholtz of MDT the conditions that deal with MDT for his review. Silverbrook — Church Drive and Highway 93 North: Conrad reported he received an email from Dan Diehl which he forwarded to P.J. and Paul about the lot at Silverbrook that they want to create around their maintenance shed. Dan Diehl said he had no issues. Sorensen said as long as they are not creating a setback issue and as long as the access is preserved he doesn't have any issues. Diehl said if the city ever develops the site for a future fire station a joint access should be established. Northland Subdivision, Phase 4: Conrad reviewed his discussion regarding the R/W from the Northland Subdivision to Four Mile Drive. As part of the conditions the developer of Northland, Phase 4 would be responsible for providing half, or 30 feet, of the R/W and there is an agreement that the Waterford development would provide the additional 30 feet of R/W. Conrad said there is a timing issue since the developers of Northland, Phase 4 will probably be submitting the final plat for the phase later this year and would do not own the other 30 feet. Jentz said the Waterford development should file a COS to create a tract of land for the R/W and deed it to the City of Kalispell. The COS should be submitted with the final plat. Johnson noted another issue is the sewer line runs down through there and the easement must be secured before the final plat expires. Johnson said the same thing is happening in Aspen Creek where their plat is about ready to expire. Aspen Creek Plat Expiration: Johnson asked the status of Aspen Creek and Conrad said the preliminary plat expires April 21, 2010 and no request for an extension has been received. Recording Secretary's Note: Aspen Creek has not yet requested a one-year extension. Johnson said there is water and sewer running through there and Burnham added there is also a proposed sewer line on the north of this project that would eliminate a lift station. In addition it is an all-weather access road for the Fire Department. It was agreed that the city needs to protect its interests. Conrad suggested Public Works contact the developer and he agreed to provide Public Works with the contact information. It is unclear who the engineer currently under contract is for this development. Burnham agreed to call the developer. OTHER REPORTS: Water Meter Locks: Paul Burnham mentioned he had received a complaint from a developer regarding the water locks stating the locks do not provide enough water for site work completion such as landscaping and compaction. There was discussion regarding water lock procedures and it was agreed the procedures will not be changed. It was also noted that the developers have the following options: Haul water on site; draft off a hydrant with Public Work's permission and be billed for the days used; or make arrangements to use water from a neighbor. When the final inspection is completed for the Certificate of Occupancy the water locks will be removed by the building inspector. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.