Scoping Session ResponsesWe are gathering responses to these concerns. They will be posted before the second scoping session, which is tentatively scheduled for late January. KALISPELL AIRPORT SCOPING MEETING NOVEMBER 30, 2009 ISSUES -- DRAFT NOISE City Questions: What decline in property values can be directly attributed to airplane noise? Are there plans to have a specific noise abatement office or officer for the city to address airport noise? Noise pollution is an issue; can we limit the airport to small planes? What is the status of ultra light planes at the airport, they are very noisy? Consultant Questions: Sound levels of airport and overhead airplanes compared to vehicle traffic? Are newer aircraft being built quieter? COST City Questions: What is the cost of all airport related studies to date? What are the airport planning costs? What is the cost to the city if airport closes? Is this a wolf in sheep's clothing — will the citizens end up paying for the cost of airport operations and repairs/expansion in coming years? Consultant Questions: What will expansion of airport do to property taxes of adjacent property owners? What is the economic impact from closure of the airport and the termination of hanger leases, especially for private individuals who have invested there? SAFETY City Questions: What assurances are there to prevent crashes? Doesn't a short runway create safety issues and force planes to fly lower on their landing approach? Consultant Question: What is the actual probability of a plane crashing/hitting a house? FAA FUNDING/REGULATIONS City Questions: If the city accepts FAA funding, what controls/rights do we give up? Why does this airport not now meet FAA standards, what are the current limitations? Will TIF District funding be split between the airport and other projects, or will all funds be spent on the airport? If we use federal funding, what will we be indebted for in the future? If we receive FAA monies, how much control will FAA get /have over the airport? Can the city invoke stricter regulations than FAA requires? What will a B-2 FAA airport facility cost in terms of increased police and fire services? If we accept FAA money, what will be the constraints? What is the status of funding the airport from fuel taxes? Consultant Question: Airport Relocation Funding? AIRPORT MANAGEMENT City Questions: How is the Kalispell airport funded? What is the current financial condition of the airport? What is the airport manager's salary; is he full or part-time and is he needed? Can we place operation restrictions (best practices) on the users? Can we limit the type of air traffic at our airport to just small aircraft? Do we have taxi -service at the airport to provide for airport users? Where will glider flights go if the Kalispell airport closes? Glacier International airport will not accept glider flights. What kinds of planes are allowed at the Kalispell airport right now, and what type of aircraft will be allowed with the expansion? Can the city put together a fact sheet on what type and how many aircraft use airport? Where will young future aviators go to learn to fly if the Kalispell airport is closed? Have we looked at other similar in -city airports to see how they have controlled their impacts (limit hours, types of planes, landing locations, noise, etc.)? Can you keep older aviators in mind who come to Kalispell, retire here, buy homes and spend money because the airport is here? How will young aviators who have their first opportunity to fly be affected if nothing is done? Is consideration being made for retail access to businesses that abut the airport (Hilton, Big R., Restaurants)? AIRPORT EXPANSION PLANS City Questions: Is condemnation proposed to acquire additional airport lands? How will the city address information flow (facts & non -facts) surrounding the airport? If this airport expansion is economically serious what will be the impact to residents in the community, especially the elderly? Will people on both sides of the issue be involved in selecting the airport engineering consultant? Why doesn't the city hold a vote on the airport, we did it for the golf course? If the Kalispell airport is redeveloped, are there any assurances that local people will be used? How did the airport plan get this far without public comment and awareness? How can the city make plans to expand the airport on property that it doesn't own? Capacity limits? Has anyone looked at the studies of other small airports that have been expanded? What is the status of the 6 assurances that Steve Eckles presented? Are the KGEZ radio towers still an issue? Is this airport project really an improvement or is it an expansion? Consultant Questions: What is exact amount of acreage needed for the expansion of the airport and how much of this will affect the Wise properties? (How will this land be acquired — condemnation, fair market acquisition, etc.) If the airport is extended to the south, what assurances or protection is there from the encroachment of new housing? If the airport wasn't at its current location, would the same site be selected for an airport? Are there still height constraints limiting the ability of the airport to expand? RELOCATION OF AIRPORT City Question: Can the Kalispell airport be moved out of town? Consultant Questions: What is the equity of all of us paying to move the airport because of one interest group? Can we close Kalispell airport and effectively use Glacier International? What would be involved to move the airport outside of the city? Will the EA explore alternate locations for an airport? What is the time frame of moving/extending the runway? CLOSURE OF AIRPORT City Questions: If the airport goes away, what would replace the construction and tourism dollars it generates? What will kids do for activity who are now involved in the airport if airport goes away? Consultant Question: Are there alternate locations for DNRC and the Alert helicopter if the airport is closed? MISCELLANEOUS Does the city care if you live inside the city or not; if my business is inside the city or not?