03-18-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, March 18, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer Dan Diehl, Fire Chief Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman GUESTS: None. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Johnson reported the bond for Legend's Court expires April 7th. The work has to be completed by April I't or a letter of credit submitted by that date. OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 West Center — Sorensen said a revised site plan was submitted and Burnham said Public Works would like some time to review it. Parks will need to determine if there is enough space for a street tree. Sorensen added they have taken care of binding the lots together and the last lighting details have been submitted and they are finalizing the easement for joint access. The committee decided to leave this item on the agenda until those issues are fully addressed. ASI (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview — Sorensen said the city was notified this project will be delayed 2 months. The PILT agreement still has not been received and the drainage plan is not finalized. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Willow Creek PUD/subdivision — Conrad said Turner has submitted a revised phasing plan for Willow Creek. Phase 1 is now located along Foys Lake Road with 2 access roads onto Foys Lake Road. Conrad said his plan is to delay having to construct the road to Highway 2 until phase 6. The Traffic Impact Study said they have just the 2 access roads onto Foys Lake Road until they hit a threshold of 200 homes and that occurs in Phase 6. Conrad asked if the Fire Department had any problems with the new phasing plan and access and Dan Diehl said no. There was lengthy discussion regarding slope and drainage issues on individual lots. Johnson noted MDT needs to know the amount of footage that will be required to connect Willow Creek's bike path with the sidewalks planned for the bypass. Johnson requested the planning department contact MDT regarding this issue. OTHER REPORTS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.