02-11-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, February 11, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Mike Baker, Parks & Rec Director Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Jeff Clawson, Building Official Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Dir. Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Tom Jentz, Building & Planning Director Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer Susie Turner, Senior Civil Engineer Rebekah Hahn, Asst. City Engineer Dan Diehl, Fire Chief P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: Hubert Turner, Toby Goodroad & Mark Lalum of Cenex, and James Freyholtz, MDT. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Johnson said the bank has hired a contractor for the work that needs to be completed in Three Mile Views subdivision however, the work has not started. OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 West Center — Sorensen said he spoke with Sandy Heil and they were confused about what they needed to do so Sorensen reviewed the list that included binding the parcels together; lighting; the discussion with the neighbor regarding the shared access; and sidewalk, curb, gutter and boulevard information for Public Works and Parks to look at. ASI (Van Ed Apartments) — 420 Grandview — Burnham talked to Greg Lukasik of Morrison- Maierle and they are still looking at the downstream stormwater impacts. Elkins said he will be sending them an email and he will ask for a better date for construction of this project. NEW BUSINESS: Cenex — 55 4th Avenue EN — Sorensen said this project is where they are proposing to install pallet racking/fire suppression in one of their existing storage buildings. Sorensen said the city will need to see a floor plan and schematic site plan of the building. Toby Goodroad of CHS said they have stored chemicals in this building in the past and have moved their offices over to another part of the site. They plan is to install pallet racking to better handle the crop protection chemicals — pesticides. Sorensen noted this building is in the south portion of their property which is zoned I-1. Goodroad said they have decided to go ahead and install a fire suppression system in the building. They have engineered drawings that include seismic information, there is 3 foot retaining wall already in place and the floor is sloped to the center. They have decided not to expand the building at this time. Baker noted the stormwater from this site flows into Woodland Park and asked if there are any plans for channeling that storm drain. Susie Turner of Public Works said they will not be doing any work outside so Public Works cannot require any surface drainage or improvements. Mark Lalum provided and reviewed the site plan. Susie Turner asked if there are any existing floor drains and Lalum said no, it is a sealed floor with pump pots where if there is a spillage you can just pump the chemicals out. Lalum said this type of storage is exactly what this building was built for. He added they will be consolidating their current chemical storage with this one and then they will only have one warehouse used for chemical storage. Sorensen asked if lighting would be added and they said no. There was a discussion on bringing their canopy lights into compliance with the new lighting ordinance and Lalum said they intend to shield the lights. Lalum asked about the Flathead Electric Co-op (FEC) streetlights and Sorensen suggested Lalum talk to FEC and they will replace the fixture with a more efficient one. Diehl said this will be a change of classification to a group H occupancy that allows an alternative type of suppression system that by code requires an automatic sprinkler system but does allow the Fire Department to look at other types of systems. Diehl continued the one proposed would have to meet NFPA 17 and the building has to be sealed for the system to be effective. Diehl continued the group H occupancy is one that the Building Department will also have to look at relating to other requirements. Sorensen noted that the Building Department's Fire Review Inspector will be reviewing the system as part of the code review and so for Site Review the project could be approved. All departments agreed to approve the project. Western Montana Mental Health — 410 Windward Way — Sorensen said they are planning a small addition that includes 120 square feet of office space and 120 square feet of storage. The parking will need to be looked at. Diehl said the building occupancy may have changed because the Fire Department has been receiving calls for patients in the middle of the night and asked if overnight patients would be an issue. Public Works said there would be a very small impact fee and Susie Turner said she would have to take a look at site. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Willow Creek PUD/subdivision — Conrad said he spoke with Public Works and he is trying to formulate the subdivision sufficiency review letter. Last week there was discussion regarding the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) and the road connection to Highway 2 in phase 1 was planned to be an emergency access only. Conrad asked Diehl what the Fire Department's requirement would be for that access and Diehl said after 70 — 75 lots have been developed a second access is required. Conrad noted in the subdivision regulations a secondary access is required if your primary access is over 1000 — 1500 feet and it serves 20 or more residential lots. If Turner is proposing an emergency access only in phase 1 he would have to request a deviation to the subdivision regulations. Diehl added the second access does not have to be to Highway 2 but could be the 2nd access proposed onto Foys Lake Road. Conrad added there are some lots where the water pressure is not going to meet DEQ's minimum standard of 35 psi, which will also have to be requested as a deviation under water supply. Conrad asked Turner to identify those lots that have a low PSI. There was discussion regarding the 30 foot utility and irrigation easement on the western property boundary that is owned by another party to access the well pump. Turner noted the easement was for a future road to access the well pump site and noted that some of the parties that would be required to approve the building of the road are deceased and he doesn't think he can get the easement abandoned. Conrad noted it would be a 30 foot swath of land that will have to be maintained by the Homeowner's Association and it would make more sense to use the streets in Willow Creek. There was further discussion regarding the easement and Turner said he would look into abandonment of the easement and also talk to the city attorney. Conrad asked if the stormwater ponds throughout the subdivision would be maintained by the Homeowner's Association and Turner said yes. Baker noted that the area labeled Park D would be better off as a lot than a park. There was discussion regarding the areas of low psi and Diehl said 1500 gpm with a minimum 20 psi residual is code for the water system. Diehl referred Turner to the 2009 International Fire Code. Sorensen suggested Turner check the original floodplain permit from the county, that deals with the creek crossing with the culverts, because the permit may limit the crossing to construction traffic so additional flood study work may be required if that were to be expanded to a full crossing. Sorensen also mentioned Turner should review the Lone Pine Trails flood study. Conrad reported the only other thing that might be going to the planning board in March is the maintenance & landscaping requirements. Conrad noted he made a few changes, distributed it to staff and will have the city attorney review it first. Conrad reported the city may be receiving a text amendment for a casino proposed for the former site of Quizno's on West Idaho and 2nd Avenue WN. Conrad added it was determined that location is within 300 feet of another casino and under the city's regulations casinos can be within 300 feet of each other but the size of the casino is then limited to 10% of the floor area of the building. Further discussion was held. OTHER REPORTS: Mike Baker said they are working with Flathead Electric Co-op to install several streetlights in KidSports mostly along the main route that goes through that park. Jentz noted the light heads need to be full cut-off fixtures to meet the city's lighting standards. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.