01-28-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 28, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer Rebekah Hahn, Asst. Civil Engineer Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: None. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Johnson said there are no performance bond reminders. Johnson did report that the bank has made an agreement with Siderius to complete the improvements for Three Mile Views. Burnham reminded the committee that either the bike path or the curb stops need to be moved. OLD BUSINESS: Heil — 749 West Center — Burnham said Public Works was hoping to see plans that show the curb, gutter, and sidewalk which he believes have not been submitted. ASI (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview — Burnham said they spoke with Morrison-Maierle over a week ago and told them Public Works need downstream stormwater information. Fincher asked if the comment was passed along to them that the sidewalks didn't extend to the property lines on the last set of plans and Burnham said he didn't know but they could look at the plans. NEW BUSINESS: PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Jentz noted Hubert Turner will be attending next week's site review meeting to discuss the amendments proposed for the Willow Creek project. General discussion was held. OTHER REPORTS: Landscape Ordinance — Jentz asked the status of the Landscape Ordinance and Fincher referred him to Mike Baker, Director of the Parks & Recreation Department. Jentz said under Site Review in the Zoning Ordinance update it refers to landscape designs and specifically calls out what landscaping would and would not be allowed in the R/W. Immanuel Lutheran Expansion — Jentz reported staff met with representatives of Immanuel Lutheran regarding an expansion of the nursing home and five minor additions to the Buffalo Hill assisted living facility. A conditional use permit will need to be submitted probably in the spring. Assisted Living Facility — Bloomstone on Four Mile Drive — Jentz reported negotiations continue for the assisted living facility on Four Mile Drive. Bike Path/Sidewalk System from Downtown to the Hospital - Burnham asked if a master plan exists that shows proposed bike path/sidewalk connections throughout the city, especially from downtown to the hospital campus up to Meridian. Fincher said he thinks there is a master plan that addresses the connections and he will provide a copy of the map to Public Works. Jentz noted sidewalk is currently in place from downtown to the northern property line of the J2 Office Products building but from there people are walking in the mud along high speed Highway 93 to Charlotte Avenue at the northern end of the golf course. Consideration should be given to completing portions of that connection as property develops along that corridor especially along the golf course and the Buffalo Hill assisted living facility. Jentz suggested the fix would be when Highway 93 is designated an urban highway and then curb and sidewalk would be required. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.