02-17-23 City Manager Report and Arrest Report1 City of Kalispell OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Information Memorandum 2/17/2023 1.Parks Department Forestry crews have finished pruning trees in the Mountain Vista Estates and Blue Herron Subdivisions and are currently pruning in Cottonwood Park Subdivision. A second in-house crew is pruning large trees along 5th Street West. We also have a contractor that is pruning to remove hangers and large stubs along 3rd Avenue East. Through a grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, we have been able to purchase new boilers for the Woodland Water Park. They were recently delivered to the pool and will be installed in the coming weeks. Flathead Cheerleading Camp took place on February 11. With 60 participants registered, the camp nearly doubled last year’s registration level of 35 participants. Our ice-skating lessons are full for the season. Session 5 began Tuesday, February 14th. The annual Valentine’s Dance took place on February 11 at Linderman Education Center from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. DJ Mike Hammer played some great music and facilitated fun games on the dance floor. Spring Break Camp registration is open. This year’s theme is “The Olympics” with competitive activities such as relay races, tournaments, and a talent show. We have also planned fieldtrips for Rockfish Climbing Gym and swimming at the Summit. We are entering week 14 of the Adult Futsal League. The postponed games will be played at the end of the regular season before the start of playoffs. We are halfway through the Kalispell Kickers season. There will be a week break on February 18. Games will resume on February 25. Games are played at Rankin elementary on Saturdays between 9am-3pm. 2 Registration is open for the Spring Little Dribblers Basketball season. Regular registration deadline is February 24 at 5pm. Games will be played at Rankin, Russell, and Peterson Elementary Schools between 8am-6pm. 2.Police Department Attached is the latest case report from the Kalispell Police Department On February 7 and 8, Chief Overman and Captains Venezio and Bartholomew went to Helena to meet with legislators, experience the legislative process as well as tour Montana Analysis and Technical Information Center (MATIC). Chief Overman presented to Leadership Flathead this month for “Public Safety” with a talk on the state of law enforcement, current trends, and changes in the valley during his career. The Center for Public Safety Management will be conducting the site visit portion of the staffing study this week. They will meet with groups within the police department’s structure and gain insight on department function. Year to date calls for service for patrol stands at 4473 compared to 4388 in 2022 and 4132 in 2021. Year to date detective felony cases stands at 80 compared to 83 in 2022 and 63 in 2021. 3.Fire Department From the period of January 25 through February 14, the Fire Department had 258 responses. Of these, 182 were medical incidents, 19 Motor vehicle accident with injuries, 6 Fire alarm activations-smoke scares, 21 public assists/invalid, 11 Haz-Mat incidents, 1 Vehicle fire, and 18 dispatched and canceled enroute. An AFG Radio Grant application was submitted this last week by the City of Columbia Falls on behalf of most fire agencies in Flathead County. The Fire Chief has been assisting Columbia Falls in the application process and if the grant is successful, we should hear of an award in August of 2023. The Fire Chief presented to Leadership Flathead on the past, present, and future of the services we provide to the community. Our department is working on data collection for the Center for Public Safety Management (CPSM) report. On-site visits will occur later this month. Crews have been testing battery operated emergency extrication equipment for the acquisition of this budgeted purchase. 3 The Fire department has completed all required national and state reporting of incidents, referred to as NFIRS (National Fire Incident Reporting System), for years 2021 and 2022. 4.Planning Department The Planning Board held a public hearing on February 14 and heard three application requests, consisting of: 1.Files #KA-22-09, KPUD-22-05, and KPP-22-08 – A request from Timberwolf Ridge, LLC, for annexation, initial zoning of RA-1 (Residential Apartment) with a Residential Planned Unit Development (“PUD”) overlay, and major preliminary plat on approximately 20.1 acres of land. The development, called Timberwolf Ridge, would contain up to 400 multi-family dwelling units in six (6) buildings on six (6) lots along with parking, recreational amenities, and open space. The property is located at 605 Stillwater Road at the intersection of Stillwater Road and Timberwolf Parkway. 2.File #KPP-23-01 – A request from GKM Associates, LLC, for preliminary plat approval for Spring Creek Park Phases 2 and 3, a major subdivision on approximately 49.6 acres located to the southeast of the intersection of Three Mile Drive and West Springcreek Road. The subdivision would contain 22 lots (18 attached single-family lots, three multi-family lots, and one commercial lot) as well as streets, parks and open space. It is anticipated that the multi-family lots would contain up to 464 dwelling units. The development proposal is consistent with a Planned Unit Development overlay approved by the Kalispell City Council on March 21, 2022 (Ordinance 1873). 3.File #KA-23-01 – A request from the City of Kalispell for annexation and initial zoning of R-2 (Residential) of a property located at 850 Four Mile Drive. The property is intended to be used as a well site which would be part of the city water system infrastructure. The Board recommended approval of the three application requests. The recommendations will be forwarded to Council for consideration at the March 6 meeting. 5.Building Department In the last 2 weeks, we have issued 1 single-family home permit. That brings the total of new single-family/duplex and townhouse units for the year to 6, compared to 25 last year at this time. There have been 36 multi-family housing units issued so far this year. Last year, at this time, we had issued 24 multi-family housing units. 4 There were a total of 194 combined building and/or fire inspections completed in the last 2 weeks. Residential – 29 Plumbing – 21 Commercial – 27 Mechanical - 31 Electrical – 27 Fire – 62 6.Public Works 2022 Stormwater Annual Report: By March 1, the City of Kalispell is required to submit an annual report to stay in compliance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit issued by the State of Montana’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The 2022 Annual Report includes information on how the City met last year’s permit requirements. Highlights Include: •Launched a new public program – Adopt-a-Drain ▪27 storm drains adopted, 13 cleaned, and 13 volunteers ▪Check out our intro video! •2022 Stormwater TMDL Action Plan Updates ▪Approximately 1495 tons of sediment, 5 tons of phosphorus, and 35 tons of nitrogen prevented from reaching local waterbodies •144 Construction Stormwater Permits reviewed and approved – 283 Construction Stormwater Permit site inspections •Successfully applied to be a host site with Flathead Basin Commission for a 2023 Big Sky Watershed Corps Member Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Offenses Reported Arrests Crimes Against Persons Homicide/Justifiable Homicide 0 0 0 SIWOC/Sexual Assault 5 0 0 Robbery 1 2 2 Aggravated Assault 4 3 3 Assault on a Peace Officer 0 0 0 Simple Assault 7 5 5 PFMA 12 8 8 Resisting Arrest 4 4 4 Crimes Against Property Burglary 3 1 1 Theft 48 15 15 Vehicle Theft/Unauth Use 9 5 5 Arson 0 0 0 Forgery/Counterfeit 0 0 0 Fraud 2 0 0 Theft of Identity 1 0 0 Embezzlement 1 0 0 Stolen Property offenses 0 0 0 Criminal Mischief 12 5 5 Crimes Against Society Weapon Law Violations 0 0 0 Prostitution Offenses 1 0 0 Child Pornography 0 0 0 Drug Offenses 6 5 5 Family Offenses (non-violent)1 0 0 DUI 15 15 15 Possession of Alcohol 0 0 0 Provide Alcohol to Minor 0 0 0 Other Alcohol Offenses 1 4 4 Kidnapping/Custodial Int.0 0 0 Disorderly Conduct 6 6 6 Criminal Trespass 28 19 19 Violation of Protective Order 8 2 2 Obstructing a peace officer 7 5 5 Juvenile Offenses (except MIP)5 2 2 Other Offenses 11 8 8 Total 198 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 Traffic Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites Traffic Stops Cites 484 247 484 247 Total Calls for Service Kalispell Police Department Case and Arrest Reports - 2023 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals 3102 3102