07-28-22 Parking Advisory Board MinutesCITY OF KALISPELL PARKING MONTHLY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: July 28, 2022 Location: City Hall Conference Room In attendance: George Giavasis, Dave Hutton, Bob Macek, Mark Pirrie, Joel Schoknecht, Rob Smith and Ben Sutton Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado 1. Call to Order: Called to Order at 7:30 a.m., By: Mark Perrie 2. Approval of the Agenda: Moved by Joel, second by Bob 3. Approval of February 23 Board Meeting: Moved by Joel, second by Bob 4. Financial Updates for April thru June: 5. Parking Updates for April thru June: 6. Hearing of the Public: 7. Unfinished Business: a) Katharine provided and update on the Wells Fargo Bank - alley parking (200 block of 3rd Alley East). The contract has been written up and has gone through both the city and the banks legal departments. It will now be presented to the city manager for final approval. Signage for the area was discussed. The signs will be uniform to the existing parking signs and will be specify Monday — Friday, 8:00 to 5:00. The city will be responsible for maintaining the permitted area. Anticipated availability date for the parking permits is September 1. 8. New Business: a) Katharine and Jared provided an update on the 3rd and Main Development and the parking structure. Council will meet on August 1st and will vote on a Motion to allow staff to negotiate a Developer's Agreement and Lease Agreement with Montana Hotel Dev Partners, LLC for the development proposal submitted for the Eagles Lot at 1 st Street West and 1" Avenue West. The developer's latest concept will maintain the parking and retail components with the addition of approximately 78 housing units. The retail area will be approximately 6200 square feet. The parking structure will have approximately 276 spaces, 108 to replace the 116 spaces that will be lost in the Valley Bank Lot and Eagles Lot. 90 spaces will be for the Charles Hotel and 78 for the housing units. The new proposal changes ownership from public to private and the parking structure will be leased and managed by the proposer. b) Defining rules for overnight parking in city owned lots was tabled and will be revisited once the hotel and parking structure have been completed. 9. Hearing of the Public: Adiournment: Chairperson Mark Pirrie adjourned the meeting at 8:35a.m. Approved by the Board on Thursday, September 8, 2022 Respectfully submitted: Karen Durado