Leistiko to Patrick/Meeting with FAATO: City Manager City Attorney FM: Airport Mana SUBJECT: Meeting with FAA - ADO Helena Office - January 10, 2008 • The FAA, Gary Gates, commented that our tower removal and relocation plan was excellent. Well thought out and makes good sense. • 1f federal funds, including non -primary entitlements (NPE), are involved in the tower removal and relocation, we will be required to do an environmental assessment on the property. • NPE funds ($600,000) could be released with the tower removal or a court order for the removal. • We will not Ioose NPE funds for 2005/2006 until 2010 because the clock (4 years) was reset to 2007 (payback year) when we lent funds to Lewistown to build their new airport. • A new or updated EA may be required after we acquire all the land needed for our expansion. This is because of the changes around the airport and our new ALP. • The current C11? for the Montana shows Kalispell City using $LOM for land acquisition in 2007, $1.4M in 2008, $L0M in 2009, $1.3M in 2010. This schedule has been moved forward to start in 2009, which is next year. Kalispell City is scheduled to receive approximately 1/6th of the state apportionment each year once we get started. If we need more than that on an annual basis, we will have to float it ourselves. We reviewed the land acquisition schedule to date. The towers must be removed before reimbursement can take place. The Airport District Office (ADO) really likes our acquisition map and the draft of our new ALP. Once they receive our new ALP (late February) they will circulate it through the appropriate FAA departments for approval. Our grant application for the Phase I (Ramp) is classified as "construction" and can not be funded until all the necessary land for the expansion has been acquired. Then construction fund will be made available and we can be reimbursed.