07/18/05 McCain to Airport SponsorX� U.S. Department Northwest Mountain Region 1601 Lind Avenue SW Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon Renton, Washington 98055-4056 of Transportation Utah, Washington, Wyoming Federal Aviation Administration July 18, 2005 Dear Airport Sponsor: This letter is to provide you with notification and a list of the annual requirements and deadlines under the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program. Please read each requirement carefully as some of the requirements may not apply to your airport. This notice is provided annually and no additional reminder letters will be sent. Please ensure you set up a tracking system to allow you to meet these deadlines. Requirement Due Date 1. FY06 Overall DBE Goal —See Attachment 1 August 1, 2005 Applicable only to airports that will award more than $250,000 in prime contracts funded by AIP grants. This includes both construction and professional service contracts. Note: If you are submitting a goal and have not submitted a DBE plan under 49 CFR Part 26, you must also submit a new DBE plan. 2. FY05 Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and December 1, Payments —See Attachment 2 2005 3. FY05 DBE Concession Accomplishment Report February 17, The NEW DBE Concessions Rule, 49 CFR Part 23, has been 2006 published. The reporting form and instructions are provided at in Attachments 3 and 3A.. Negative reply requested. 4. FY06 Concession Plan and Goals To be The NEW DBE Concessions Rule, 49 CFR Part 23, has been determined published. Guidance on DBE Concession Plan and FY05 Goal submissions and deadlines are provided in Attachment 4. Only Sea-Tac, Denver, Salt Lake City and Portland are due January 1, 2006. 5. FY07 Overall DBE Goal —See item 1 above for information August 1, 2006 Applicable only to airports that will award more than $250,000 in prime contracts funded by AIP grants. This includes both construction and professional service contracts. Note: If you are submitting a goal and have not submitted a DBE plan under 49 CFR Part 26, you must also submit a new DBE plan. We appreciate your cooperation in submitting these reports to our office by the indicated due dates. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding the requirements, please call Christine Whitehead at (425) 227-2095. Sincerely, Dennis M. McCain Manager, Civil Rights Staff, ANM-9 Enclosures Attachment 1--FY06 Overall DBE Goal Attachment 2--FY05 Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments Attachment 3--Uniform Report of ACDBE RaFtircipaTim Attachment 3A--Instructions for Uniform Report of ACDBE Participation Attachment 4--Implementation Plan for the ACDBE Program cc: Denver ADO Helena ADO Seattle ADO Attachment 1 FY06 Overall DBE Goal Due: August 1, 2005 If your airport will award more than $250,000 in prime contracts in FY06 (October 1, 2005-September 30, 2006) funded by AIP grants, your FY06 goal is due to the Civil Rights Staff on August 1, 2005. This includes both construction and professional service contracts. Regardless of whether or not your FY05 goal has been approved, you must still submit an FY06 goal based on your 2005 AIP projects. In setting your goal, the Tips on Goals Setting found at http://osdbuweb.dot.gov/business/dbe/tips.cfin may be helpful. If you are submitting an FY06 goal and do not have an approved DBE plan under 49 CFR Part 26, you must submit a new overall DBE plan with the goal. A sample DBE plan is available at http:Hosdbuweb.dot.gov/business/dbe/SampleDB.cfm. If you are unable to access these links please contact us. If you have questions concerning the DBE goal setting or concerning your DBE plan, please call Christine Whitehead at 425-227-2095 or christine.whitehead@faa.gov . Attachment 2 FY05 Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments Due: December 1, 2005 Documents Required: o Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments o DBE Participation Statements for each contract These forms are available at: www.faa. gov/arp/anm/publications/Forms/index. cfm?nav=forms#construction DBE Office Online Reporting System (DOORS) These reports can be submitted through the DBE Office Online Reporting System (DOORS). If you have not received a Users Instruction Manual and Quick Reference Guide for DOORS, call Christine M. Whitehead at (425) 227-2095. Uniform Report of DBE Awards or Commitments and Payments o Information reported on this form must reflect both professional service and construction contracts in which AIP funds were utilized. o Rows 8 through 11 should reflect AIP funded contracts awarded or committed during the period October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005. o Rows 12 through 14 should reflect total payments made for the duration of Alp funded contracts that were completed during the period October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005. NOTE: If a contract was awarded but not completed during this fiscal year, you should not report any payments made. Total payments should be reported in the year the project is completed. DBE Participation Statements for each contract o You should have a statement for EACH contract awarded during the period October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2005. o It should reflect the total contract and subcontract dollars. o The certifying office for each DBE firm should be able to provide you with the information about the owner's ethnicity. o Submit the form even if you've submitted this form earlier in the year. Attachment 3 UNIFORM REPORT OF ACDBE PARTICIPATION 1. Name of Recipient: 2. Date: 3. Contact Person: 4. Non -Car Rental Current ACDBE Goal: Race Conscious Goal Overall Goal % % Race Neutral Goal 5. Non -Car A B C D E F G Rental CUMULATIVE Total Total_ Total In Total ta RG to RBI to o/n of ACDBE Dollars Number ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs dollars PARTICIPATION (everyone) (everyone) (dollars) (number) (dollars) (number) to ACDBEs Prime Concessions Subconcessions Management XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX Contracts Goods/Services Totals 6. Non-CarRental A B C D E F G NEW ACDBE Total Total Total to Total to RC to RN to % of PARTICIPATION Dollars Number ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs dollars THIS PERIOD (everyone) (everyone) (dollars) (number) (dollars) (number) to ACDBEs Prime Concessions Subconcessions Management XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX Contracts Goods/Services Totals 7. Car Rental Current ACDBE Goal: Race Conscious Goal % Race Neutral Goal % Overall Goal % 8. Car Rental I A I B I C I D I E I F G CUMULATIVE Total Total Total to Total to RC to RN to % of ACDBE Dollars Number ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs dollars PARTICIPATION (everyone) (everyone) (dollars) (number) (dollars) (number) to ACDBEs Prime Concessions Subconcessions Management XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Contracts Goods/Services Totals 9. Car Rental A B C D E F G NEW ACDBE Total Total Total to Total to RC to RN to % of PARTICIPATION Dollars Number ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs ACDBEs dollars THIS PERIOD (everyone) (everyone) (dollars) (number) (dollars) (number) to ACDBEs Prime Concessions Subconcessions Management XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Contracts Goods/Services Totals 10. On an attachment, list the following information for each ACDBE firm participating in your program during the period of this report: (1) Firm name; (2) Type of business; (3) Beginning and expiration dates of agreement, including options to renew; (4) Dates that material amendments have been or will be made to agreement (if known); (5) Estimated gross receipts for the firm during this reporting period. Attachment 3A INSTRUCTIONS FOR UNIFORM REPORT OF ACDBE PARTICIPATION 1. Insert name of airport receiving FAA financial assistance. 2. Insert date report is submitted. 3. Provide the name and contact information (phone, fax, e-mail) for the person FAA should contact with questions about the report. 4. This block and blocks 5 and 6 concern non -car rental goals and participation only. In this block, provide the overall non -car rental percentage goal and the race - conscious (RC) and race -neutral (RN) components of it. The RC and RN percentages should add up to the overall percentage goal. 5. For purposes of this block and blocks 6, 8, and 9, the participation categories listed at the left of the block are the following: "Prime Concessions" are concessions who have a direct relationship with the airport (e.g., a company who has a lease agreement directly with the airport to operate a concession. A "subconcession" is a firm that has a sublease or other agreement with a prime concessionaire, rather than with the airport itself, to operate a concession at the airport. A "management contract" is an agreement between the airport and a firm to manage a portion of the airport's facilities or operations (e.g., manage the parking facilities). "Goods/services" refers to those goods and services purchased by the airport itself or by concessionaires and management contractors from certified DBEs. Block 5 concerns all non -car rental concession activity covered by 49 CFR Part 23 during the reporting period, whether new or continuing. In Column A, enter the total concession gross revenues for concessionaires and purchases of goods and services (ACDBE and non-ACDBE combined) at the airport in each participation category. In Column B, enter the number of lease agreements, contracts, etc. in effect or taking place during the reporting period in each participation category for all concessionaires and purchases of goods and services (ACDBE and non-ACDBE combined). Because, by statute, non-ACDBE management contracts do not count as part of the base for ACDBE goals, the cells for total management contract participation and ACDBE participation as a percentage of total management contracting dollars are not intended to be filled in in blocks 5, 6, 8, and 9. In Column C, enter the total gross revenues in each participation category for ACDBEs only. In Column D, enter the number of lease agreements, contracts, etc., in effect or taking place during the reporting period in each participation category for all concessionaires and purchases of goods and services (ACDBE only). Columns E and F are subsets of Column C: break out the total gross revenues listed in Column C into the portions that are attributable to race -conscious and race -neutral measures, respectively. Column G is a percentage calculation. It answers the question, what percentage of the numbers in Column A is represented by the corresponding numbers in Column C? 6. The numbers in this block concern only new non -car rental concession opportunities that arose during the current reporting period. Otherwise, this block is filled out in the same way as block 5. 7. Blocks 7-9 concern car rental goals and participation. In this block, provide the overall car rental percentage goal and the race -conscious (RC) and race -neutral (RN) components of it. The RC and RN percentages should add up to the overall percentage goal. 8. Block 8 is parallel to block 5, except that it is for car rentals. The instructions for filling it out are the same as for block 5. 9. Block 9 is parallel to block 6, except that it is for car rentals. The instructions for filling it out are the same as for block 6. 10. This block instructs recipients to attach five information items for each ACDBE firm participating in its program during the reporting period. If the firm's participation numbers are reflected in blocks 5-6 and/or 8-9, the requested information about that firm should be attached in response to this item Attachment 4 Implementation Plan for the ACDBE Program The due date for your concession plan and goals is according to the grid below. As a condition of eligibility for FAA financial assistance, you will submit an ACDBE program and overall goals to FAA according to the following schedule: Type of Airport Initial Program and Goal Due Second Goal Due Subsequent Goals Due Large/Medium Hub Primary January 1, 2006 October 1, 2008 Every 3 years on October 1 Small Hub Primary October 1, 2006 October 1, 2009 Nonhub Primary October 1, 2007 October 1, 2010 Until your new ACDBE program is submitted and approved, you will continue to implement our concessions DBE program that was in effect before April 21, 2005, except with respect to any provision that is contrary to 49 CFR Part 23. When you make significant changes to your ACDBE program, you are required to provide the amended program to the FAA for approval prior to implementing the changes.