09-24-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, September 24, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Building Official Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Guests: Erica Wirtala, Sands Surveying, Andy Hyde, Carver Engineering, James Freyholtz, MDT, and Jim Atkinson, Eagle Transit. Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Performance Bond Reminders: Spring Creek Estates — Johnson said Public Works asked Parks to review the changes to the bike path location at Spring Creek Estates and they haven't heard from Fincher. Public Works would like to release the bond. Legend's Court — Johnson noted this bond expires in spring of 2010 and the stormwater improvements have still not been installed. OLD BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: Heil — 749 W. Center — Sorensen noted this property is located near Ogre's Pawn on Center Street. There is a house on the property and a Quonset but to the east. They intend to demo the house and shed and put in a 28' x 60' building that would sell and install chimneys. It is currently zoned I-1 (Light Industrial). The following items were discussed: They need to submit an engineered foundation, building elevations, the required drawings and information for architectural review, a drainage plan, sidewalks & curbs, and clarify the lot width. Sorensen noted the lot is tight and there could only be a 10 foot access to a proposed service entrance and for fire access to the back of the building. Sorensen said this site is actually 3 different parcels that will need to be bound together. In addition the city needs to see a landscaping plan, lighting plan, the exact use proposed for the building, and there may be floodplain issues. A letter will be sent to them identifying these issues. Landstar —119 5t" Ave. W. — Sorensen noted the conditional use permit for Landstar was looked at this spring which was initially proposed as an assisted living facility on 5th Avenue West. Mark Waatti has changed the layout to a 6 unit apartment complex with a basement targeted for seniors. The senior housing would help with the required parking since only 3 parking spaces would be required and there is enough room for 4 spaces in the back of the lot. Staff is struggling with the changes since they would have to have 24 hour care to qualify for the special zoning exemptions through the state and Clawson added and the exemption in the building code that would throw them into residential which would require fire separation between all of the units. Sorensen added a 6 unit apartment would not be allowed under zoning since the maximum density is 2 units. Atkinson also noted for senior/assisted living the residents will need Eagle Transit's Dial -A -Ride and they can't pick them up in the alley and they will not be able to stop on 5th Avenue West because it could cause traffic congestion and problems with emergency vehicles. Further discussion was held regarding impact fees. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Trumbull Creek Crossing — Conrad noted they are seeking annexation for 160 acres, initial zoning of R-3, a 176 lot subdivision, Trumbull Creek Crossing Phase 2, and a Planned Unit Development overlay. Wirtala said they approached the client about removing all of the landscaped islands in the center boulevards and the client was willing to take out a small handful of them. Burnham said the islands function alright but now the driveways come out onto Mountain View Drive and the alleys were removed. Public Works said either the alleys need to be added or the islands removed. Burnham said removing some of the islands was a step in the right direction but not far enough for Public Works. Hyde noted the concerns presented the last time this project was discussed were expressed to the developer and he understands the traffic issues and he hoped the removal of some of the islands would address them. This issue was discussed further. Hyde noted their client wants this plan to move forward to the planning board and city council for review and he would welcome changes to the plat at the time staff is setting conditions for the project. Their client sees an endless revision to the project and wants to take it to the end of the city's review. Staff explained that taking the annexation, preliminary plat and planned unit development through as it is could be confusing to the planning board and city council but the city finally agreed that staff could recommend these changes discussed but it would require the submittal of a revised PUD plan that shows the modifications. Public Works will prepare a memo for planning staff that addresses their issues and the items that should be added to the conditions. The following amendments/issues were discussed: • Removing the islands or adding alleys to the blocks along Mountain View Drive. • The road from West Reserve Drive to Rose Crossing must be constructed to city standards prior to submittal of the next phase of Trumbull Creek Crossing; Castles added 2 emergency access roads will be required. • At the intersection of McKenna Avenue and Trumbull Creek Drive bulb -outs or another traffic calming device should be added. • The streets in phase 1 are private but are open to the public and there was discussion regarding annexation of phase 1; there is currently a waiver of annexation for phase 1. • Freyholtz reported he reviewed the traffic impact study regarding the intersection of Reserve and as part of this development a left turn onto East Reserve Drive will be required at the expense of the developer. The timing of adding the turn lane was not clear and needs to be determined in relation to this project. • The need for a future roadway and utility easement connection across the river to the east of this property as development to the east occurs. It was noted this developer would provide the easement but would not be responsible for constructing the roadway. • Limiting or prohibiting basements because of high ground water; further discussion was held on this issue. • The stormwater detention areas would be seeded and then be grassy open spaces. There was discussion regarding mowing of these areas, especially during the dry times of the year and a requirement for mowing and sprinklers will be included in the management plan for these areas. Hyde suggested staff look at the swales in phase I that have not been sodded or irrigated to get an idea of what these retention areas could look like. • The parks phasing plan and whether the parks would be turned over to the city or managed by the Homeowners Association needs to be discussed with the Parks Department. • Although the minimum boulevard standard is 5 feet it is best if the sidewalk is installed at the edge of the R/W. Burnham noted that the minimum boulevard standards are being changed to where the boulevard becomes a 9 foot boulevard and the sidewalk goes right against the R/W which increases the easement. The changes are at the request of the dry utility companies, the Parks Department also thinks that works better for street trees and landscaping and when the snow plows come through the snow gets dumped on the boulevard and not on the sidewalk. Castles noted the changes to the standards have been available on the city's website and several notices were sent out. Although the changes were available for some time very few comments were received. • If the city serves this subdivision with water any irrigation or water rights on the creeks will have to be transferred over to the city. This could also be the case with Evergreen if they supply this subdivision with water. It was noted this has been a condition on previous subdivisions. Burnham explained the reason for this condition. • The block numbers are ok but the lots should be numbered 1-176 to prevent confusion when building permits are reviewed and issued. Burnham stated the developer needs to understand that the stormwater regulation amendments that are being proposed by Public Works are not required for this project. Burnham said the comment in the letter that this project would have been done a lot sooner had the city not demanded that the proposed standards be met is not true, the developer is required to meet existing stormwater requirements. However, he added, if the developer chooses to meet the proposed standards, it would be appreciated but it is not required. Wirtala said by the time the preliminary plat is approved, however, they would have to meet the standards that would be in place at the time of approval. The proposed stormwater management standards are significant in terms of above ground water storage v. underground and the Stormwater Engineer was adamant that this project be designed to meet the proposed standards. Burnham said requiring above ground water storage is a current policy and that was made clear for this project. He added what is changing is the design storm and several other factors in the stormwater standards. Hyde said he remembers the meetings and the discussion was the proposed standards would have been in effect years ago and the advice given by Public Works was "treat them as though they are in effect and design the project with them in mind" so he respectfully disagrees. Hyde added if the new standards do not apply he would like that in writing. Burnham suggested a conference call with Mike Anders. OTHER REPORTS: WalMart Curbs & Sidewalks — Discussion was held regarding some issues with the size of the landscape islands, and removal of handicap ramps which if left at grade would have met ADA standards. Sorensen said WalMart wants to make sure the concrete work passes inspections. He added his biggest concern was the landscape islands that were constructed off -set by several feet which could eliminate parking spaces. Sorensen said the city will pass these concerns on to WalMart and it will be incumbent on WalMart to make sure the right number of parking spaces will be provided. Johnson said as they did the walk-through recently he was told they were planning to strip the parking lot and after that the parking spaces can be checked. Sorensen will also contact Parks to discuss the landscape issues. Public Works does not have any issues with the landscape islands. Johnson also reported a "pork chop" has been added that is encroaching on the MDT R/W which will be an issue for the snow plows this winter. Area 8 - Wholly surrounded annexations — Sorensen asked James Freyholtz from MDT if Area 8 of the wholly surrounded annexations would need to be reappraised and Freyholtz said no MDT doesn't have any issues with that property. Bypass Bids — Castles said the bypass bids open the 22" d of October and Freyholtz noted that date has been changed to approximately November 5th. ASI/23 Unit Senior Apartment Complex on Grandview Drive — Atkinson asked the status ofthis project and Sorensen said it passed architectural review, but other plans have not yet been received. Transportation Impact Fees — There was discussion regarding the transportation impact fee program to date. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.