FONSI for Lift Station 9 Replacement Affidavit of PublicationNo. Zg ,QZ FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT TO ALL INTERESTED GOV. ERNMENTAL AGENCIES ANC PUBLIC GROUPS As required by state and federal rules for determining whether an Environmental Impact Statement is necessary, an environmental review has been performed on the proposed action below: Proj- ect - City of Kalispell Lift Station #9 Replacement Project in Kalispell, Montana. Project #C302266, Total Cost: $2,084,100. The City of Kalispell (City), through its 2019 Lift Station #9 Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) has identified the need to upgrade and relocate Lift Station #9 (LS-9), which is currently lo- cated within the boundaries of the Buffalo Hill Golf Course. Constructed in the 1980's, the lift station is nearing the end of its serviceable life requiring several expensive, short-term mechani- cal repairs to maintain its func- tionality. The lift station design configuration (wet well/dry well) results in pumps, valves, and controls being located below grade. This makes maintenance activities difficult and creates an area that is classified as a con- fined space posing a safety risk to the operators. In addition, the size and shape of the wet well contributes to solids accumula- tion in the wet well, and the aera- tion system that was installed to help control odor and provide mixing is no longer functional. The lift station's design pumping capacity of 300 gallons per mi- nute (gpm) is exceeded during wet weather flows which ap- proach 380 gpm and there is still the need for additional capacity to serve a few previously ap- proved developments within the service area. Lastly, • the only way to access the lift station for maintenance purposes is to cross the Stillwater River on a bridge that is only intended for light golf course traffic. This pre- vents the use of the necessary City -owned equipment to clean and properly maintain the wet well and instead requires the need for a specialty contractor to be hired for maintenance of the wet well. The limited and difficult access to the existing lift station results in a higher risk of over- flow if mechanical failure were to occur. To address these deficiencies the City will construct a new sub - STATE OF MONTANA mersible lift station located in a common area that has been set aside as a utility easement within FLATHEAD COUNTY the Fairway Boulevard Subdivi- sion. This site can be easily ac- cessed from a regularly main- tained city street enabling the lift AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION station to be properly maintained by City personnel. The submer- sible lift station will have valves MARY BOOTH BEING DULY and pump controls located in a SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: THAT SHE IS THZ structure ctrwill be retrievable und level from pumps CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LAKE A DAILY tils and ahhoist. This wilsurface l groiderade a safer NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION PRIM work environment for City em- ployees nate the haz- PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF KALISPELL, IN TH aids of a conf edispace. The lift P COUNTY OF FLATHEAD, STATE OF MONTANA, station will have a pumping ca- pacity of 500 gpm to adequately THAT No. 28102 handle current/future flows and will be built according to the cur- rent M DEQ and City of Kalispell design standards. This will im- proveLEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND nefiiciencr , safety, overa l Y PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE IS S ederaily and e lift attatio grant/loan 9 SAID PAPER, AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY Programs will fund the project. Environmentally sensitive char - ON THE DATES OF OCTOBER 3, 2021 acteristics such as threatened/endangered species, floodplains, wetlands, and histor- ical sites are not expected to be adversely impacted because of AND THE RATE CHARGED FOR THE ABOVE the proposed project. No signifi- PRINTING DOES NOT EXCEED THE MINIMUM cant long-term environmental im- pacts were identified. GOING RATE CHARGED TO ANY OTHER An environmental assessment (EA), which describes the project ADVERTISER FOR THE SAME PUBLICATION, and analyzes the impacts in SET IN THE SAME SIZE TYPE AND PUBLISHED more detail, is available the DEQ Web for site scrutiny FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF INSERTIONS. (http://deq.mt.gov/Public/ea) and at the following locations: Mike Abrahamson, P.E., Departmeni of Environmental Quality, 1520 o East Sixth Avenue, PO Box _ ------------- 200901, Helena, MT 159620-0901," 1, mabrahamson�7a mt.gov, or Doug Russell, City Subscribed and sworn to k Manager, City of Kalispell, 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT Before me this, October 3, 2021 59901. Comments on the EA may be submitted to the Depa rt- mer}t of Environmental Quality at the above address. After evalu- ating substantive comments re- -,- -- - - - �- -------- ceived, the Department will re- vise the environmental assess - Dorothy I. Glen oss ment or determine if an environ- mental impact statement is nec- essary. If no substantive com- Notary Public for the State of Montana ments are received during the comment period, or if substan- Residing in Kalispell tive comments are received and My commission expires 9/12/2025 evaluated and the environmental impacts are still determined to be non -significant, the agency DOROTHY I GLENCRDSS NOTARY PUBLIC for the 4 * SEAL* ` State of Montana Residing at Kalispell, Montana 9 �� MY Commission Expires of September 12, 2025 will make a final decision. No ad- ministrative action will be taken on the project for at least 30 cal- endar days after release of the Finding of No Significant Impact. Mark Smith, P.E., SRF Section Supervisor Water Quality Divi- sion, Montana Department of Environmental Quality October 3, 2021 MNAXLP