Public Hearing for MDT Funding for Multi-Use Path Affidavit of PublicationNq- 2719738 , CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTA- NA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Coun- cil") of the City of Kalispell, Mon- STATE OF MONTANA tana (the "City") will hold a public hearing to receive public testi- mony and evidence regarding a City of Kalispell application for FLATHEAD COUNTY funding from the Montana De- partment of Transportation (MDT) Transportation Altema- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION tives grant program to construct a multi -use path connection ex- tending a distance of 815 feet MARY BOOTH BEING DULY beginning on the north side of 4 Mile Drive at the west end of SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS: THAT SHE IS THE LEGAL a Kidsports, to connect the exist- ing trail system on the east side CLERK OF THE DAILY INTER LAKE A DAILY of the Hwy 93 Bypass alongside NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCULATION, PRINTED AND the Bloomstone site on May 3, 2021, at 7:00 p.m., at the Coun- PUBLISHED IN THE CITY OF KALISPELL IN THE cil Chambers in the Kalispell City Hall. The public can appear and COUNTY OF FLATHEAD, STATE OF MONTANA, AND be heard via video conference THAT NO. 27738 with the link on the agenda at htt Ps://www.kalispell-com/agendac enter. Public comment for this hearing can also be provided via LEGAL ADVERTISMENT WAS PRINTED AND email to publiccommentu@kalisp PUBLISHED IN THE REGULAR AND ENTIRE ISSUE OF ell.com. All evidence and public comment derived from the hear- SAID PAPER, AND IN EACH AND EVERY COPY THEREOF ing shall be included in the City's ON THE DATES OF APRIL 251, MAY 2, 2021 application for funding from the MDT Transportation Alternatives grant program. Further information may be ob- tained from the City Clerk at 201 AND THE RATE CHARGED FOR THE ABOVE 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Mon- tana, 59901, (406) 758-7756, NOT PRINTING DOES EXCEED C ED THE MINIMUM email cityclerk@a kalispell.com, mailing address PO Box 1997, GOING RATE CHARGED TO ANY OTHER Kalispell, Montana, 59903. ADVERTISER FOR THE SAME PUBLICATION, Dated this 19th day of April, 2021. BY ORDER OF THE CITY SET IN THE SAME SIZE TYPE AND PUBLISHED COUNCIL FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF INSERTIONS. Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, Kalispell City Clerk April 25, May 2, 2021 _---__--ww. - _-- MNAXLP Subscribed and sworn to Before me this, May 2, 2021 ww- -- w w ww-.w r-www.en' w -www ww w Dorothy I. Gle rosy Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing in Kalispell My commission expires 9/12/2021 fltN� 1G(ENf DOROTHY I GLENCROSS o� �o Notary Public for the State of Montana * Notarial Seal Residing at KALISPELL, MT nfi P MY Commission Expires September 12, 2021