08-13-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, August 13, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Building Official Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Frank Castles, Deputy Public Works Director Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Dan Diehl, Fire Department Dwain Elkins, Building Department Charlie Johnson, Public Works Sean Conrad, Acting Chairman Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary Guests: None. Hear the Public: No one present wished to speak. Performance Bond Reminders: None. OLD BUSINESS: Spring Creek Apartments, Phase 2 —Burnham said the engineer is working on getting the stormwater system functional and some other issues need to be resolved on Phase 2. The Fire Department hasn't received anything new for the turnaround and hydrant re -location. Burnham said if they don't have approval on phase 2 by the September 30th date, they will not be able to punch the road through. Burnham added it may appear the city is holding them up when actually it is their responsibility to get these issues resolved or the committee can't approve phase 2. Diehl said they now have a citation process in place and the Fire Department is ready to respond if the work is not completed by September 30th. Diehl added he has been in discussions with Tim German who is fully aware of the issues and German is confident that they will move on to phase 2 and fix what needs to be fixed. Burnham said an option is to put the road in now but they may have to take part of it out to deal with getting the utilities under the road. Montana Club — Burnham said Public Works received information on the fittings which they are reviewing and there are only a few minor items that still need to be addressed. Conrad noted lighting information has been received and the city is waiting on the information that would merge the lots on site. Fincher said Parks is still waiting for the landscaping plan for the boulevards and he sent them the tree information. Bojangles — Conrad displayed the revised plan for Bojangles and noted zoning -wise Sorensenwas ok with the site plan. Burnham said the drainage issues have been resolved and they would be willing to sign off on it. Diehl asked if the temporary buildings were approved because he sees a problem with temporary buildings in the future. Fincher asked why the plan didn't show a landscaped boulevard along Corporate Drive and Castles said it will not be required in this case because there isn't enough room for one with the bypass construction. The Committee agreed to approve this project. Further discussion was held regarding temporary buildings and Diehl said they should be limited and should be required to be on foundations. Diehl said WalMart currently has several temporary containers at their Evergreen site and Jentz said WalMart assured him that they will not be using temporary buildings for storage at the new site. Clawson said a building has to be over 400 square feet before a permanent foundation and building permit is required. Diehl reviewed the problems in the Seattle area with temporary buildings and the procedures in place to limit them. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: None. OTHER REPORTS: Clawson said the check is in the mail for the WalMart building permit and on Tuesday at 8:00 am the WalMart contractor will be meeting with the Building Department. Clawson suggested someone from Public Works and the Fire Department should attend. Clawson will let them know when the date and time is confirmed. Further discussion was held regarding tracking of mud off -site, no McDonalds will be on -site, and they will sell tires but not install them. Jentz updated the committee on the following projects: Willow Creek, Stillwater 80, Bloomstone and Starling. He noted all projects have been put on hold until the economy improves. The current developers of Valley Ranch do not intend to develop the property and Turner did indicate to Jentz that he plans to develop the property he owns on Highway 2 West before Willow Creek. With Bloomstone they are talking with Public Works about hydro -seeding and sealing up the utilities and Jentz thought they should finish the work instead. Johnson said they are facing the same issues with phase 3 of Spring Prairie Center and he feels bonds should be posted to address weeds, etc. when infrastructure construction is halted without completion. Diehl updated the committee on the meetings regarding parking at Legends Field. Diehl suggested the south end of Legends Field should be considered for annexation by the city however Jentz noted that property is not wholly surrounded by the city and is not on the list of annexations that were recently approved. Diehl said they were looking at solving the parking issues by allowing parking on the south end of the field and apparently there is an agreement between the city and the school district but Johnson said no copies of the "agreement' can be found. Diehl noted there will be a meeting with the school district on Monday or Tuesday next week. Further discussion was held. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.