08/09/93 SP City Council Minutes586 A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD AT 7:00 P.M. MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1993, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL. MAYOR RAUTHE PRESIDED. COUNCILMEMBERS ATKINSON, GRANMO, BUCK, LARSON, KENNEDY, NYSTUL, AND COLLINS WERE PRESENT. MOSES AND CITY MANAGER WILLIAMS WERE ABSENT. Mayor Rauthe called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Resolution 4112-Fix Annual ApQropriations 1993-94 Budget Kennedy moved Resolution 4112, a resolution fixing the Annual Appropriations for the City of Kalispell, Montana, as set forth ir, the 1993-94 budget adopted by the City Council. The motion was seconded. Atkinson moved to amend the resolution to include in the budget a total of $1,600 for the animal shelter, to further help maintain the shelter. The motion was seconded. Kennedy and Buck spoke against the motion. Nystul and Atkinson spoke in favor of the motion. There was discussion. With a vote the motion carried with Buck, Kennedy and Collins voting against. Nystul moved to amend the budget by inserting $7,000 for a half time employee in the court for the balance of the fiscal year. The motion was seconded. There was discussion. The motion failed due to a tie vote. Nystul, Gran:,mo, Larson and Atkinson voted in favor and Collins, Kennedy, Buck nci Rauthe voted against. There was discussion about lowering the mills. Nystul moved to cut $60,000 from the General Fund budget, the nat-ure of which to be determined after recommendations from the City manager and the result in mill levy be 107 mi:+_1s. The motion was seconded. Atkinson, Larson and Collins spoke in favor of the notion. The amendment carried unanimously. Upon roll call vote the amended motion carried. Resolution 4113-Annual Tax Levies Kennedy moved Resolution 4113, a resolution making the Annual Tax Levies for the City of Kalispell, Montana, for the Fiscal Year 1993---94 and to amend Section I to approximately 107 mills. The motion was seconded. The motion carried with a roll call vote. 058 587 Resolution 4114-Levyi g_ and Assess_inc 4 . 15 Mills-City/County Health Department_ Larson moved Resolution 4114, a resolution levying and assessing 4.15 mills as the City's share of the cost of operating the Flathead City -County Health Department. The motion was seconded. With a roll call vote the motion carried. Resolution 4115-Levy Assessment for Special Maintenance (Streets & Avenues) FY 93-94 Collins moved Resolution 4115, a resolution levying an assessment for the cost of Special Maintenance for the purpose of maintaining the streets and avenues of the City of Kalispell for the Fiscal Year 1993-94. The motion was seconded. The motion carried upon roll call vote. Resolution 4116-Levu Assessment for Decorative LiQhtina District FY 93-94 Buck moved Resolution 4116, a resolution levying an assessment for the cost of lighting the streets in the City Downtown Decorative Lighting District for the Fiscal Year 1993-94. The motion was seconded. The motion carried with a roll call vote. Resolution 4117-Levy Assessment for City Special LiQhtina District Atkinson moved Resolution 4117, a resolution levying an assessment for the cost of lighting the streets and alleys in the City Special Lighting District for the Fiscal Year 1993-94. The motion was seconded. Upon roll call vote the motion carried. Resolution 4118-Levy Assessments for Storm Sewer Maintenance Granmo moved Resolution 4118, a resolution levying assessments for the cost of Storm Sewer Maintenance for the Fiscal Year 1993-94. The motion was seconded. The motion carried with a vote. Resolution 4119-Levy Cost of Garbage Removal Larson moved Resolution 4119, a resolution to levy the cast of removal of garbage or other offensive matter from streets, alleys or on any premises as a Special Tax against property from which such matter was deposited, and the disposition thereof. The motion was seconded. The motion carried with a roll call vote. Resolution 4120-Transfer Appropriations of 93 Budget Collins moved Resolution 4120, a resolution to approve a transfer among appropriations within a General Classification of expenditures as adopted by the City of Kalispell budget for 1993 Fiscal Year. The motion was seconded. Upon roll call vote the motion carried. BUSINESS FROM MAYOR & COUNCIL Parking Commission Appointments Rauthe asked any individuals interested in being appointed to the Parking Commission to notify him or Larry Gallagher. City/County Planning Board Public Hearing 8/10/93 7:00 p.m. at Cavanaughs CDBG Public Hearing 8/11/93 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers 588 STAFF REPORTS Next Work Session to follow this meeting Next Regular Meeting 8/1.6/93 7:00 p.m. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. DouqlasVD. ATTEST: Amy �HRobertson,� Finance Director Debbie Gifford, Clerk of Council Approved 8/16/93