03/02/92 City Council Minutes444 444 A REGULAR MEETING OF THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD AT 7:00 P.M. MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1992, IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL. MAYOR RAUTHE PRESIDED. ALL COUNCILMEMBERS WERE PRESENT. Mayor Rauthe called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Approve Minutes -February 18, 1992 Approve Claims per Payables Register Moses moved the approval of the consent agenda. The motion was seconded and carried with a vote. ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL No one addressed the council. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Resolution 4035-Pee Wee Lease Buck moved Resolution 4035, a resolution authorizing the city manager to sign a lease agreement with the Kalispell Pee Wee Baseball Association. The motion was seconded. There was discussion as to the lease verbiage. The motion carried with a roll call vote. Resolution 4036-Education 2000 Kennedy moved Resolution 4036, a resolution adopting the national goals of the United States Department of Education supporting Kalispell School District No. 5 in designating Kalispell as an American 2000 Community School. The motion was seconded. Upon roll call vote the motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS FROM MAYOR & COUNCIL Boy Scout Troop #73 Wade Walker, Troop #73 Scout Master, stated that some of the scouts are working towards their Citizenship of the Community Merit Badge and one requirement to complete was to attend a city council meeting to observe the proceedings. Scouts Jared Hammer, Jason Lamb, Travis Galloway, Ben Smith, Ben Luehr and Assistant Scout Master Floyd Smith, introduced themselves. Rauthe thanked them for coming and they were applauded. Proclamation -Developmental Awareness Month Rauthe read the proclamation, which proclaims March, 1992 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. City Attorney Evaluation Rauthe noted an evaluation for the city attorney is needed and invited Nystul and Larson to join him on a committee to perform this evaluation. This will be completed in the next week and brought to the next council work session. BUSINESS FROM MANAGER Underground Storage Tank/Leakage/FVCC Demo In order to comply with the Initial Site Assessment requirements, the City will need to retain the services of an engineering firm familiar with the process. Tests will be taken and submitted to the Underground Storage Tand (UST) Program for determination of what further mitigation is required. Four firms were asked to submit a letter indicating their expertise and proposed costs for this Initial Site Assessment. Three returned proposals and Billmayer telephoned notifying he would not be submitting a proposal. 1 1 445 445 The three firms listed below are qualified to do the assessment and are on the State's approved list for the UST reimbursement program. TetraTech Morrison-Maierle Spratt & Assoc. Engr./Admin. $ 4,760 $ 4,995 $ 2,631 Drilling 2,572 6,740 5,751 Direct Costs/Tests 3,302 1,650 7,027 Est. Totals $10,634 $13,385 $15,409 Williams and staff recommended to enter into an agreement with Tetra Tech in the amount not to exceed $10,634 to fulfill the obligations and requirements of the Department of Underground Storage Tank in the State of Montana. Larson moved the council authorize the manager to enter into an agreement with Tetra Tech for the professional services in the amount not to exceed $10,634. The motion was seconded. With a vote the motion carried. Education 2000 City Committee Member Larson moved Barbara Moses be appointed as the City Council representative to serve on the America 2000 Steering Committee. The motion was seconded. The motion carried upon vote. Rauthe requested a staff member be on one of the sub -committees. Any staff interested is to notify City Manager Williams. Police Department Promotion Confirmations Williams presented and recommended the confirmation of the promotions of Sergeant Ron Fredenberg to the rank of Lieutenant and Police Officer Paul Hahn to the rank of Sergeant. Fredenberg will replace retiring Chief Detective Lieutenant Ron Young and Paul Hahn will be replacing Sergeant Fisher who recently retired. Fredenberg will be assuming his new position April 1, 1992 and Hahn on March 3, 1992. He noted the Sergeant promotion comes as a result of a rather extensive process involving 10 applicants competing for the position of Sergeant. Larson moved the council confirm the city manager's recommendation of the promotion of Ron Fredenberg to the rank of Lieutenant in the Kalispell Police Department effective April 1, 1992. The motion was seconded and carried with a vote. Collins moved the council authorize the promotion of Officer Paul Hahn to the rank of Sergeant of the Kalispell Police Department effective March 3, 1992. The motion was seconded and carried with a vote. Ambulance Contract Extension A few months ago the ambulance was ordered and there is difficulty with the vendor on meeting the delivery date of 3/31/92. It is currently in transit from the factory and the supplier will need 45 days to prepare the chassis prior to delivery to the city. Kennedy moved to authorize the city manager to enter into an extension agreement on the ambulance contract. The motion was seconded and carried with a vote. 4 4 o 446 STAFF REPORTS Next Work Session 3/9/92 7:00 p.m. Next Council Meeting 3/16/92 7:00 p.m. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at ATTEST: 7:50 p.m. Douglas D. Rauthe, Mayor Amy H. Robertson, Finance Director Debbie Gifford, Clerk of Council Approved March 16, 1992 1 1