Appendix J/Summary of Proposed ProjectsKalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 APPENDIX J SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS 101 FUNDING SCENARIO A FULL FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN ALL ELIGIBLE ITEMS SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 1 FUNDING SCENARIO A Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost' 2000 Environmental Assessment S60,000 2001 KGEZ tower Relocation Land Acquisition of Phase I land, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees S600,000 $1,869,000 $1,869,000 $1,869,000 2002 2003 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $6,267,000 Proposed Schedule of Mid Term Developments 2005 Construct Runway (75' x 3,600'), Full Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') Connecting Taxiway (3 x 60' x 180% and Apron (27,400 SY), Install Base Mounted Medium Intensity Runway Lights System, Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle, Lighted Hold Signs, Regulators, R/C Controllers and duct -encased cables $1,620,000 2006 Hangar Taxiway Complex Development Hangar Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S110,000 S 125,000 Subtotal of Mid Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,855,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex S 110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S85,000 2015 Runway/Taxiway Extension to 4,300 feet, with lighting improvements S250,000 2017 Apron Expansion S260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $ 705,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $8,827,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL A-1, FUNDING SCENARIO A, ALTERNATE 1 Kalispell City Airport Funding Senario A is full Federal Aviation Administration funding for eligible Improvements Alternate i is development exising facility along existing alignment to &II lateral Dimensions, 3,600 foot runway length initial development, additional 700 feet subsequent development. YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue Consolidated Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19.100 26.200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 Land Sale (Daley 1 and 3) 1,200,000 'FAA Grant 54,000 5,047,000 1,458,000 99,000 99,000 225,000 234.000 Stale Grant 3.000 15,000 Stale Loan 45,000 General Obli allot Bontls Sale Subtotal of Revenue 1,273,900 16,900 16900 5088100 19100 14]],100 178,100 19100 28200 28200 125200 26,200 28200 31300 31300 256,300 31,300 265,300 36.900 36900 *Ca ilal lm ro m¢Me Environmental Assessment 60,000 Tower Relocation 600,000 Land Acquisition (Phase I and II) 1,869,000 1,869,000 1,869,000 ,Runway/raxiway/Apron1Elecbice1 1.620,000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 :Hangar Utilities 125,000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 ,FBO Utklities 85,000 Runwayrraxiway/Apron/lectrlcal 250,000 Extension to 4,300 feet Apron 260,000 Subtotal of Ca ital Improvements 60.000 2.469.000 1.869,000 1869000 0 1620000 235,000 0 0 0 195000 0 0 0 0 250000 0 280,O0o 0 0 Consolidated 0-M Expenses 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31.000 31,000 31.000 31.000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31,0()0 31,000 Debt Service Stale Loan Annual Payment `Stale Loan Pdndpal Payment 5,550 3,750 5,550 3,900 5,550 5,550 4,056 4,218 5,550 4,387 5,550 4,582 5,550 4,745 5.550 51550 4,935 5,132 5,315 5,315 State Loan Interest Payment 1,800 1,650 1,494 1,332 1,162 988 805 615 418 0 'Stale Loan Balance 45,000 41,250 37.350 33.294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15,381 10,447 5,315 0 'G.O. Bonds Annual Payment G.O. Bontls Principal Payment `G.O. Bonds Interest Payment G.O. Bonds Balance Combined Annual Payment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,550 5.550 5,550 5550 5550 5550 5.550 5.550 5550 5315 0 0 0 Expected Airport Revenue 1,273900 16,900 16,900 5,066,100 19.100 1.477,100 178,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 125,200 26,200 26.200 31,300 31,300 256,300 31,300 265,300 36,900 36,900 Capital lmprovments (60:000) (2,469,000) (1,869,000) (1,869,000) 0 (1,620,000) (235,000) 0 0 0 (195,000) 0 0 0 0 (250,000) 0 (260,000) 0 0 Consolidated O-M Expenses 'Combined Annual Payment (31,000) 0 (31,000) 0 (31,000) (31.000) 0 0 (31,000) 0 (31,000) (31,000) 0 0 (31,000) (5,550) (31,000) (5,550) (31,000) (31.000) (5,550) (5,550) (31.000) (5,550) (31.000) (5,550) (31,000) (5,550) (31,000) (31.000) (5,550) (5,550) (31.000) (31,000) (5,315) 0 (31,000) 0 (31,000) 0 Annaul Budget Surplus(13e6cil) 1,182,900 (2,483,100) (1,883,100) 3,166,100 (11,900) (173,900) (87,900) (17,450) (10,350) (10,350) (106,350) (10,350) (10,350) (5,250) (5,250) (30,250) (5,015) (25,700) 5,900 5,900 Analysis: The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements to a cost of $515,765 over the course of the twenty year study period. mis support yzo,raa par yea i.�a ni aui nn9 na value vi a<v, oye„n,,,. G.O. Bond Burden is $0.00 or 0.00 Mills per year. Additional Tax Burden is $25.788.25 or 1.25 Mills per year. Slate Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability, of the these programs. This is not 0 be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that state participation is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, It is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 2 FUNDING SCENARIO A Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost' 2000 Environmental Assessment $60,000 2001 KGEZ tower Relocation Land Acquisition of Phase I and Phase II land acquisition, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $600,000 $961,000 $961,000 $961,000 2002 2003 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $3,543,000 Proposed Schedule of Mid Term Developments 2005 Construct Runway (75' x 3,600% Full Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') Connecting Taxiway (3 x 60' x 180% and Apron (27,400 SY), Install Base Mounted Medium Intensity Runway Lights System, Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle, Lighted Hold Signs, Regulators, R/C Controllers and duct -encased cables $1,620,000 2006 Hangar Taxiway Complex Development Hangar Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $110,000 $125,000 Subtotal of Mid Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,855,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $85,000 2015 Runway/Taxiway Extension to 4,300 feet, with lighting improvements $250,000 2017 Apron Expansion $260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $705,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $6,103,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL A-2, FUNDING SCENARIO A, ALTERNATE 2 Kalispell City Airport Funding Senario A is full Federal Aviation Administration funding for eligible Improvements Alternate 2 is development exising facility with a 5-degree realignment to B-11 Lateral Dimensions, 3,600 foot runway length initial development, additional 700 feel subsequent development _- YEAR 2000 2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue Consolidated Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16.900 19.100 19.100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 Land Sale (Daley 1 and 3) FAA Grant 1,200,000 54,000 2,596,000 1,458.000 99,000 99,000 225,000 234,000 State Grant 3,000 15,000 Slate Loan 45,000 General Obli anon Bonds Sale Subtotal of Revenue 1273900 16,900 16,900 2815100 19100 1477100 178100 19,100 28200 26200 125,200 28200 28200 31,300 31,300 256300 31300 285300 36900 36,900 Ca ital lm ro enls Environmental Assessment 60,000 .Tower Relocation 600,000 Land Acquisition (Phase I and II) 961,000 961.000 961,000 -Runway/Taxiway/Apron/ElecUicel 1.620,000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110000 _-Hangar Utilities 125:000 Hangar Taxi way Development 110,000 ,FSO Utitlities 85,000 Runway7Taxiway/ApronlElectrical 250,000 xtensinn to 4,300 feet A ron 2fi0,000 Subtotal of Capital Improvements 60,000 1.561,000 961000 961000 0 1,620,000 235000 0 0 0 195000 0 0 0 0 250000 0 260,000 g 0 `Consolidated O-M Expenses 33.000 33,000 33.000 33.000 33,000 33.000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33.000 33.000 33.000 33,000 33 000 33,000 33,000 `Debt Service State Loan Annual Payment 'Stale Loan Principal Payment 5,550 3,750 5,550 3,900 51550 5,550 4,056 4,218 5,550 4,387 5,550 4,562 5,51 4,745 5,550 5,550 4,935 5,732 5,315 5,315 State loan Interest Payment 1'800 1,650 1,494 1,332 1, 162 988 805 615 418 0 `State Loan Balance 45,000 41,250 37,350 33,294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15,381 10.447 5,315 0 'G.O. Bonds Annual Payment G.O. Bontls Principal Payment 'G.O. Bonds Interest Payment G.O. Bonds Balance Combined Annual Payment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,550 5.550 5550 5550 5.550 5.550 5550 5550 5550 5.315 0 0 0 Expected Airport Revenue 1,273,900 18,900 1fi,900 2,615,100 19,100 1,477,100 178,100 19,100 26.200 26,200 125,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 256,300 31,300 266.300 36.900 36,900 Capital lmprovments (60,000) (1,561,000) (961,000) (961,000) 0 (1,620,000) (235,000) 0 0 0 (195:000) 0 0 0 0 (250.000) 0 (260,000) 0 0 Consolidated O-M Expenses (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33.000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33.000) (33,000) (33,000) (33.000) (33,000) (33.000) (33,000) Combined Annual Payment Annaul Budget Surplus(Deficit) 0 1,180,900 0 (1,577,100) 0 0 (977,100) 1,621,100 0 (13,900) 0 0 (175,900) (89.900) (5,550) (19,450) (5,550) (12,350) (5,550) (5,550) (5,550) (12,350) (108,350) (12,350) (5,550) (12,350) (6,550) (7,250) (5,550) (5,550) (7,250) (32.250) (5,3") 4 (7,015) (27,700) 0 3,900 0 3,900 Analysis: The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements to a cost of $282,765 over the course of the twenty year study period The distributed costs of this support Is $14,138 per year, or o.59 cools, assuming 1999 value or $2U,ol o per min. G.O. Bond Burden is $0.00 or 0.00 Mills per year. .Notes. Additional Tax Burden is $14,138.25 or 0.69 Mills peryear. State Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these programs. This is not to be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that state participation is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 4 FUNDING SCENARIO A Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost9 2000 Environmental Assessment and Site Selection Study $130,000 2001 Land Acquisition of Phase I and Phase II land acquisition, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $736,000 2002 Runway, Taxiway, Apron, and Electrical Construction, Hangar Taxiway Development Hangar Utilities FBO Utilities Runway, Taxiway, Apron and Electrical Expansion $1,620,000 $110,000 $125,000 S35,000 $250,000 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $3,006,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S85,000 2017 Apron Expansion $260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $455,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $3,916,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. FUNDING SCENARIO B FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPMENT EXCLUDING LAND SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 1 FUNDING SCENARIO B Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost' 2000 Environmental Assessment $60,000 2001 KGEZ tower Relocation Land Acquisition of Phase I and Phase II land acquisition, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $600,000 $1,869,000 $1,869,000 $1,869,000 2002 2003 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $6,267,000 Proposed Schedule of Mid Term Developments 2005 Construct Runway (75' x 3,600'), Full Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') Connecting Taxiway (3 x 60' x 180% and Apron (27,400 SY), Install Base Mounted Medium Intensity Runway Lights System, Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle, Lighted Hold Signs, Regulators, R/C Controllers and duct -encased cables $1,620,000 2006 Hangar Taxiway Complex Development Hangar Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $110,000 $125,000 Subtotal of Mid Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,855,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S85,000 2018 Phase II Land Acquisition S69,000 2018 Runway/Taxiway Extension to 4,300 feet, with lighting improvements S250,000 2017 Apron Expansion $260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $774,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $8,896,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL B-1, FUNDING SCENARIO B, ALTERNATE 1 Kalispell City Airport Funding Senario 8 is full Federal Aviation Administration funding for eligible Improvements except land acquisition and KGEZ towers. Alternate 1 is development exising facility along existing alignment to B-II Lateral Dimensions, 3,600 foot runway length initial development, additional 700 feet subsequent development YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue 'Consolidatetl Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 Land Sale (Daley 1 and 3) 1,200,000 -FAA Grant 54,000 1,468,000 99,000 99,000 225,000 234,000 Stale Grant 3,000 15,000 ,State Loan 45,000 Genaml Obli alien Bonds Sale 5,607 000 Subtotal of Revenue 1273900 5623.900 16900 19100 79100 7477100 178,100 19100 28200 28200 125.200 26200 26200 31300 31,300 256,300 31300 285300 38900 38900 ,Ca ital Im ro mehis Environmental Assessment 60,000 Tower Relocation 600,000 Land Acquisition (Phase I and 11) 1,869,000 1,869,000 1,869,000 _ 69,000 -Runway/Taxiway/Apron/Electrical 1,620,000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 . ;Hangar UBliees 125:000 Hangar Taxiway Development FBO Utitli6es Runway/Taxiway/Apron/Electrical - 110,000 85,000 250,000 Extension to 4,300 feet 'Apron 260000 Subtotal of Capital Improvements 60000 2469000 7869000 1869000 0 1,620,000 235000 0 0 0 195,000 0 0 0 69.000 2,50,000 0 260000 0 0 Consolidated O-M Expenses 31,000 31,000 31.000 31.000 31,000 31.000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31 GOO 31,000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31.000 31.000 -Debt Service Stale Loan Annual Payment 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,5M 5,550 51550 5.315 'Stale Loan Principal Payment 3,750 3,900 4,058 4,218 4,387 4,562 4,745 4,935 5,132 5,315 State Loan Interest Payment 1,800 1,650 1,494 1,332 1.162 988 805 615 418 0 State Loan Balance 45,000 41,250 37,350 33,294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15.381 10,447 5,315 0 .G.O. Bonds Annual Payment 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529,261 529.261 529,261 529,261 529,201 G.O. Bond Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ', 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 G.O. Bonds Principal Payment 136,711 146.345 156,589 167,551 179,279 191,829 205,257 219,625 234,998 251,448 269,050 287.883 308,035 329.597 352,669 377,356 403,771 432,035 G.O. Bonds Interest Payment 392,490 382,916 372,672 361.711 349:982 337,433 324,005 309,637 294,263 277,813 2fi0,212 241,378 221:226 199,664 176,592 151,905 125:490 97,226 .G.O. Bonds Balance 5,607,000 5.470,229 5,323,884 5,167,294 4,999.744 4,820,485 4,828,838 4,423,380 4,203,755 3,968,757 3,717,309 3,448,259 3,160,376 2,852,341 2,522,744 2,170,075 1,792,719 1,388,948 958,914 _Combined Annual Payment 0 0 529261 529.261 529261 529261 529261 534811 534,811 534811 534811 534811 534811 534.811 534811 '534811 534576 529261 529261 529,261 Expected Airport Revenue 1,273,900 5,623,900 16.900 19,100 19,100 1,477,100 178,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 125,200 26,200 26,200 31.300 31,300 250,300 31,300 265,300 36.900 36,900 Capital lmprovments (60.000) (2,469,000) (1,869,000) (1,869,000) 0 (1,620,000) (235,000) 0 0 0 (195,000) 0 0 0 (69,000) (250.000) 0 (260,000) 0 D .Consolidatetl O-M Expenses (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (37,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) (31,000) Combined Annual Payment 0 0 (529,261) (529,261) (529,261) (529,267) (529,261) (534,811) (534.811) (534.811) (534,811) (534,811) (534,811) (534,811) (534,811) (534,811) (534,576) (529,261) (529,261) (529,261) Ammul Budget Surplus(Deflclt) 1,182,900 3.123,900 (2,412,361) (2,410,161) (541,161) (703,161) (617.161) (50,711) (539,611) (539,611) (635,611) (539,611) (539:611) (534,511) (603,511) (559,511) (534,276) (554,961) (523,361) (523,361) Analysis: he taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements to a cost of $9,551,465 over the course of the twenty year study period. suppon pe 7 o n,ns, assunn,y ,aaa va,ue w.x�v,u ope, u,n,. C.O... .OBontl Burden is $529,261.13 or 25.67 Mills per year. Additional Tax Burden is ($51,687.86)or (2.51) Mills per year. Notes: State Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these programs. This is not to be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that state participation is likely. ' Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 2 FUNDING SCENARIO B Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Costs 2000 Environmental Assessment $60,000 2001 KGEZ tower Relocation Land Acquisition of Phase I land, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $600,000 $876,000 $876,000 $876,000 2002 2003 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $3,288,000 Proposed Schedule of Mid Term Developments 2005 Construct Runway (75' x 3,600'), Full Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') Connecting Taxiway (3 x 60' x 180'), and Apron (27,400 SY), Install Base Mounted Medium Intensity Runway Lights System, Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle, Lighted Hold Signs, Regulators, R/C Controllers and duct -encased cables $1,620,000 2006 Hangar Taxiway Complex Development Hangar Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $110,000 $125,000 Subtotal of Mid Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,855,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S85,000 2014 Phase II land acquisition $255,000 2015 Runway/Taxiway Extension to 4,300 feet, with lighting improvements $250,000 2017 Apron Expansion S260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $960,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $6,103,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL B-2, FUNDING SCENARIO B, ALTERNATE 2 :alispell City Airport runding Serrano B is full Federal Aviation Administration funding for eligible Improvements except land acquisition and KGEZ towers. Alternate 2 is development exising facility with a 5-degree realignment to B-11 Lateral Dimensions, 3,600 foot runway length initial development, additional 700 feet subsequent development. YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue nso"clated Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26.200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31.300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 and Sale (Daley 1 and 3) 1,200,000 .'AA Grant 54,000 1,458,000 99,000 99,000 225,000 234,000 State Grant 3,000 15,000 State Loan 45,000 am1 Obli ation Bontls Sale 2,628,000 Subtotal of Revenue 7273900 2644900 16900 19100 19100 1477,100 178100 19100 26200 26200 125,200 26.200 28200 31300 31300 256300 31300 265300 36.900 36900 a ital lm ro en" mental Assessment 60,000 Relocation 600,000 L:der Acquisition (Phase I and 11) 876,000 876,000 876,000 255,000 Runway/faxiway/Apron/Electriw1 1,620,000 langar Taxiway Development 110000 Iongar Utilities 125:000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 FBO Ulitli ies 85,000 nway/Taxlway/Apron/Elechical 250,000 ixlension to 4,300 feet A ron 260,000 Subtotal of Capital Improvements 60000 1478000 878000 876,000 0 1.620.000 235.000 0 0 0 195000 0 0 0 255000 250000 0 260000 0 0 nsolidated O-M Expenses 33.000 33,000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33000 33000 33000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 Jebt Service State Loan Annual Payment 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 6,660 5,315 ^late Loan Principal Payment 3,760 3,900 4.056 4,218 4,387 4,562 4,745 4,935 5,132 5,315 Male Loan Interest Payment 7,800 1,850 1.494 1,332 1, 162 988 805 615 418 0 -ate Loan Balance 45,000 41,250 37,350 33,294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15,381 10.447 5,315 0 TO. Bonds Annual Payment [0. Bond Payment Number 248,065 1 248,065 2 248,065 248,065 3 4 248,066 5 248.065 6 248,065 7 248,065 8 . 248,065 9'. 248,065 10 248,065 11 248,065 12 248.065 13 248,065 14 248,065 15 248,065 16 248,065 17 248,065 18 I.O. Bontls Principal Payment 64,105 68,592 73,393 78,531 84,028 89.910 96,204 102,938 110,144 117,854 126,103 134,931 144,376 154,482 165,296 170,867 189,247 202,495 G.O. Bonds interest Payment 179,473 174,671 169,534 164,037 158-155 151,881 145,127 137,921 130211 121,961 113,134 103,689 93,582 82,769 71,198 58,817 45,570 G.O, Bonds Balance 2,628,000 563.960 2,183,895 2,495,303 2,421,910 2,343,379 2,259,351 2,169,441 2,073,237 1,970,299 1,860,156 1,742:302 1,616,199 1,481,268 1,336,892 1,182,410 1,017,114 840,247 651,000 448,505 , ombined Annual Payment 0 0 248,065 248.065 248.065 248,065 248,065 253,615 253,615 253,615 253,615 253,615 253,616 253,616 253.615 253.615 263,380 248,065 248,065 248,065 Expected Airport Revenue 1,273,900 2.644,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 1,477,100 178,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 125,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 258,11 31,300 21.31 36,900 36,900 :apital lmprovments (80,000) (1,476,000) (876,000) (876,000) 0 (1,620,000) (235,000) 0 0 0 (195,000) 0 0 0 (255,000) (250,000) 0 (260,000) 0 0 nsolidaled O-M Expenses (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) Combined Annual Payment 0 0 (248,065) (248.065) (248,065) (248,065) (248,065) (253,615) (253,615) (253,615) (253,615) (253:615) (253:615) (253,615) (263,615) (253,615) (253.380) (248,065) (248,065) (248,065) Annul Budget Surplus(Deficit) 1,180,900 1,135,900 (1,140,165) (1,137,965) (261:965) (423,965) (337,965) (267,515) / (260,415) (260,415) (356,415) (260,415) (260,415) (255,315) (510,315) (280,315) (255,080) (275,765) (244,165) (244.165) nalysis: The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements to a coat of $4,715.928 over the course of the twenty year study period. n ne msmouteo coscammissupponts a[ao,ruu per year, or 1.ca rams, .-mg --.ue or aev,o is per ram. G.O. Bond Burden is $248,064.61 or 12.03 Mills per year. Additional Tax Burden is ($12,268.21) or (0.60) Mills par year. Slate Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these programs. This is not to be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that stale participation is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds Is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval, FUNDING SCENARIO C FEDERAL PARTICIPATION UP TO THE EXPECTED LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION IN GENERIC SITE SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 1 FUNDING SCENARIO C Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Costa 2000 Environmental Assessment S60,000 2001 KGEZ tower Relocation Land Acquisition of Phase I and Phase II land acquisition, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $600,000 $1,869,000 $1,869,000 $1,869,000 2002 2003 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $6,267,000 Proposed Schedule of Mid Term Developments 2005 Construct Runway (75' x 3,600'), Full Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') Connecting Taxiway (3 x 60' x 180'), and Apron (27,400 SY), Install Base Mounted Medium Intensity Runway Lights System, Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle, Lighted Hold Signs, Regulators, R/C Controllers and duct -encased cables $1,620,000 2006 Hangar Taxiway Complex Development Hangar Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $110,000 S 125,000 Subtotal of Mid Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,855,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S85,000 2014 Phase II Land Acquisition S69,000 2015 Runway/Taxiway Extension to 4,300 feet, with lighting improvements S250,000 2017 Apron Expansion $260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $774,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $8,896,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL C-1, FUNDING SCENARIO C, ALTERNATE 1 Kalispell City Airport Funding Senado C Is full Federal Aviation Administration funding for eligible Improvements KGEZ towers up to the level of federal participation in Generic Site. Alternate 1 is development existing facility along existing alignment to BA Lateral Dimensions, 3,600 foot runway length initial development, additional 700 feet subsequent development. YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue nsolidated Airport Fees 16,900 16.900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 -and Sale (Daley 1 and 3) -FAA Grant 1,200,000 54,000 828,000 1,458,000 99,000 99,000 225,000 234,000 State Grant 3'000 15.000 State Loan - 45,000 General Obli anontalof Sale 4779000 Subtotal of Revenue 1 2]3,900 4,795,900 16,900 847,100 19 100 1,477,100 178,100 19,100 26 200 26,200 125,200 26,200 26.200 31.300 31,300 256,300 31,300 265,300 36,900 36,900 Ca ital Im ro manta = mental Assessment 60,000 rower Relocation 600,000 Land Acquisition (Phase I and 11) 1,869,000 1,869,000 1,869,000 69.000 Runwayrraxiway/AproNElectrical 1,620,000 angar Taxiway Development 110,000 iangar Utilities 125.000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 FBO Utitlitles 85,000 2unway/raxiway/Apron/Electrical 250,000 _xtension to 4.300 feel A con 260000 Subtotal of Capital Improvements 60000 2469000 1869000 1.869,000 0 1.620,000 235000 0 0 0 195.000 0 0 0 69000 260000 0 260,000 0 0 nsolidated O-M Expenses 31.000 31,000 31,000 31,D00 31,000 31.000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31.000 31.000 31,000 31,000 31.000 31.000 31.000 31,000 31,000 Debt Service State Loan Annual Payment 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5.315 State Loan Principal Payment 3,750 3,900 4,056 4,218 4,387 4,582 4,745 4,935 5,132 5,315 hate Loan Interest Payment 1,800 1,650 1,494 1,332 1,162 988 805 615 418 0 State Loan Balance 45,000 41,250 37.350 33,294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15,381 10,447 5,315 0 G.O. Bonds Annual Payment 451.104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 451,104 N& Bond Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '. 9 10 1 11 12 13 ib 15 18 77 18 G.O. Bonds Principal Payment 178,574 124,734 133,465 142,808 752,804 163:11 174,146 187,192 200:295 214,316 229,318 245,371 262,547 280,925 300,590 321,631 344,145 368.235 G.O. Bonds Interest Payment 334,530 326,370 317,838 308,298 298,299 28],603 276,758 283,912 250,808 236,788 221,785 205,733 188,557 170,179 150,514 129,473 108,959 82,869 G.O. Bonds Balance 4,779,000 4,662,428 4,537,692 4,404,227 4,261.419 4,108,615 3,945,114 3,770,168 3,582,976 3,382.680 3,168,364 2,939,046 2,693,675 2,431,129 2,150,204 1,849,615 1,527,984 1,783,839 815,604 ombined Annual Payment 0 0 451104 451104 451104 451104 451,104 456654 458654 456,654 456654 456654 456654 458654 458654 458654 458419 457104 457104 451104 Expected Airport Revenue 1,273,900 4,795,900 16,900 847,100 19,100 1,477,100 178,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 125,200 26,200 26,200 31.300 31,300 256,300 31,300 265,300 36,900 36,900 Capital lmprovmenM (60,000) (2,469,000) (1,869,000) (1,869,000) 0 (1,820,000) (235,000) 0 0 0 (195,000) 0 0 0 (69,000) (250,000) 0 (260,000) 0 0 nsolidated O-M Expenses Combined Annual Payment (31,000) (31,000) 0 0 (31:00U) (31,000) (451, 104) (451,104) (31,000) (31:000) (451,104) (451,104) (31,000) (451,104) (31,000) (456,654) (31,000) (456,654) (31,000) (456.654) (31,000) (466,654) (31,000) (456,654) (31,000) (456,654) (31,000) (456,654) (31,000) (456,654) (31,000) (456,654) (31,000) (456,419) (31,000) (461:104) (31,000) (31,000) (451,104) (451,104) Annaul Budget Surplus(Deficit) 1,182,900 2,295,900 (2,334,204) (1,504,004) (463,004) (625,004) (539,004) (468,554) (461,454) (461,454) (557.454) (461,454) (461,454) (456,354) (525,354) (487,354) (456,119) (476,804) (445,204) (445,204) Analysis: The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell wmid support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements to a cost of $8.144.633 over the course of the twenty year study period. suPPor Per yea iv.ra nnue, aecu.mny G.O. Bond Burden Is $451:103.79 or 21.88 Mills per year. Notes: Additional Tax Burden is ($43872.13) or (2.13) Mills per year. State Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these programs. This is not to be constmed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that state participation is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 2 FUNDING SCENARIO C Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost6 2000 Environmental Assessment S60,000 2001 KGEZ tower Relocation Land Acquisition of Phase I and Phase II land acquisition, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $600,000 $876,000 $876,000 $876,000 2002 2003 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $3,288,000 Proposed Schedule of Mid Term Developments 2005 Construct Runway (75' x 3,600'), Full Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') Connecting Taxiway (3 x 60' x 180% and Apron (27,400 SY), Install Base Mounted Medium Intensity Runway Lights System, Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle, Lighted Hold Signs, Regulators, R/C Controllers and duct -encased cables $1,620,000 2006 Hangar Taxiway Complex Development Hangar Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $110,000 $125,000 Subtotal of Mid Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,855,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S85,000 2014 Phase II land acquisition S255,000 2015 Runway/Taxiway Extension to 4,300 feet, with lighting improvements $250,000 2017 Apron Expansion S260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $960,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $6,103,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL C-2, FUNDING SCENARIO C, ALTERNATE 2 (alispeil City Airport Funding Senario C is full Federal Aviation Administration funding for eligible Improvements KGEZ towers up to the level of federal participation In Generic Site. Alternate 2 is development exising facility with a 5-degree realignment to B-II Lateral Dimensions, 3,600 fool runway length Initial development, additional 700 feet subsequent development. _... YEAR _. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue nsolidaled Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26.200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 .and Sale (Daley 1 and 3) 1,200,000 rAA Grant 54,000 828.000 1,458,000 99,000 99,000 225,000 234,000 State Grant 3,000 15,000 elate Loan 45.000 oral Obli anon Bonds Sale 1 800 000 Subtotal of Revenue 1.273.900 1,816X0 18900 847100 19100 1,477.100 178,100 19100 28200 28200 125,200 26200 28200 31300 37300 258300 31300 265.300 36.900 36,900 a ilal maas :nment 60,000 .ar Ralocation 8,000 Land Acquisition (Phase I and II) 87676,000 878,000 878,000 255,000 Runway/Taxtoay/Apron/Electrical 1,620,000 larger Taxiway Development 110,000 longer Utilities 125,000 Hangar Taxlway Development 110,000 FSO Utilities nway/Taxiway/Apron/Electrical 85,000 250,000 xtension to 4,300 feet A ron 280,000 Subtotal of Ca ilai Improvements 60000 1.476.000 876,000 878.000 0 7620000 235000 0 0 0 195000 0 0 0 255.000 250,000. 0 260.000 0 0 nsolidated O-M Expenses 33.000 33000 33000 33000 33,000 33.000 33.000 33000 33000 33000 33.000 33,000 33.000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 33000 'Debt Service State Loan Annual Payment 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,560 5,550 5,550 5,315 ,late Loan Principal Payment 3,750 3,900 4,056 4,218 4,387 4,562 4,745 4.935 5.132 5,315 ;late Loan Interest Payment 1,800 1:350 7,494 1,332 1,182 988 805 615 418 0 hate Loan Balance 45,000 47,250 37,350 33,294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15,381 10,447 6,315 0 e.0. Bontls Annual Payment 169,907 169,907 169,907 169,907 169,907 169,907 169,907 169.907 169,907 109,907 169,907 169,907 169,907 169.907 169,907 169,907 169,907 169,907 9.0. Bond Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 78 3.0. Bonds Principal Payment 43,907 46,981 50.269 53,788 57,553 61,582 65,893 70,505 75,441 80,722 86,372 92,418 98.888 105.810 113,2165 121,142 129,621 138,695 G.O. Bonds Interest Payment 126:000 122:926 119,638 116,119 112,354 108,325 104.014 99,402 94,466 89,166 83,535 77,489 71,020 64,098 56,691 48,766 40,286 31.212 G.O. Bontls Balance 1,800.000 1,756,093 1,709,112 1,658,843 1,605,054 1,547,501 1,485,919 1,420,026 1,349,520 1,274,079 1,193,358 1,106,985 1,014,567 915,679 809,870 696,653 575.512 445,890 307,195 ombined Annual Payment 0 0 169,907 169907 169907 169907 169907 175457 175,457 175457 175,457 175,457 175457 175457 175457 175457 175222 169907 169907 169907 Expected Airport Revenue 1,273.900 1.816,900 16.900 847,100 19,100 1,477,100 178,100 19,100 26.200 26,200 125,200 26,200 20,200 31,300 31,300 256,300 31.300 265,300 36,900 36,900 :apitallmpmvments (60,000) (1,476,000) (876,000) (876,000) 0 (1,620,000) (235,000) 0 0 0 (195,000) 0 0 0 (255,000) (250,000) 0 (260,000) 0 0 orsolidaled O-M Expenses (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33.000) (33.000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) Combined Annual Payment Annul Budget Surplus(Deficit) 0 1,180,900 0 307,900 (169,907) (1,062,007) (169,907) (231,807) (169,907) (169,907) (183,807) (345,807) (169,907) (259,807) (175,457) (189,357) (175,457) (182,257) (175,457) (182,257) (175,457) (278,257) (175,457) (182,257) (175,457) (162,257) (176,457) (177,157) (175,457) (432,157) (175,457` (202,1157) (175,222) (178,922) (169,907) (197,607) (169,907) (166,007) (169,907) (166,007) Tnaly"': The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements 0 a cost of $3,309,096 over the course of the twenty year study period. support ape par year, or a.u< -"a' a.ui rug as venue ui a<v,o o yn, urn. G.O. Bond Burden is $169,907.27 or 8.24 Mills per year. Notes: Additional Tax Burden is ($4,452.48) or (0.22) Mills per year. State Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these programs. This Is not 0 be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that slate participation Is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. FUNDING SCENARIO D NO FEDERAL PARTICIPATION SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 2 FUNDING SCENARIO D Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost' 2000 Environmental Assessment S60,000 2001 KGEZ tower Relocation Land Acquisition of Phase I and Phase II land acquisition, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $600,000 $876,000 $876,000 $876,000 2002 2003 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $3,288,000 Proposed Schedule of Mid Term Developments 2005 Construct Runway (75' x 3,600'), Full Parallel Taxiway (60' x 3,600') Connecting Taxiway (3 x 60' x 180'), and Apron (27,400 SY), Install Base Mounted Medium Intensity Runway Lights System, Beacon, Windcone, Segmented Circle, Lighted Hold Signs, Regulators, R/C Controllers and duct -encased cables $1,620,000 2006 Hangar Taxiway Complex Development Hangar Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $110,000 S 125,000 Subtotal of Mid Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,855,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) S85,000 2014 Phase II Land Acquisistion $255,000 2015 Runway/Taxiway Extension to 4,300 feet, with lighting improvements S250,000 2017 Apron Expansion $260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs S960,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $6,103,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL D-2, FUNDING SCENARIO D, ALTERNATE 2 (alispell City Airport Funding Scenario D is no Federal Participation in any phase of Airport Development. Alternate 2 is development exising facility with a 5-degree realignment to B-II Lateral Dimensions, 3,600 fool runway length initial development, additional 700 feet subsequent tlevelopment. YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Rev nsolidated Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 and Sale (Daley 1 and 3) 1,200,000 rAA Grant State Grant 3,000 15,000 hate Loan 45,000 Aral Obli ation Bonds Sale 4 -3 000 Subtotal of Revenue 1,219,900 485'goo 16900 19100 19100 19100 79100 19100 26200 26,200 28200 26200 26,200 31300 31300 31300 31300 31300 36.900 36,900 a ital lm ro enta -nviro mental Assessment over Relocation 600000 Land Acquisition (Phase I and 10 '61:000. 961,000 961,000 -Runway/7axiway/Apron/Electrical 1,620,000 iangar Taxiway Development iangar UtlliBes 110,000 125.000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 FBO Utitlities - 85,000 2umvay/faxiway/ApronlElectrical 250,000 :xtension to 4,300 feet Apron 280,000 Subtotal of Capital lm rovements 0 1,561000 967000 961000 0 1,620,000 235000 0 0 0 195000 0 0 0 0 250,060 0 Nn'taw 0 0 nsolidated O-M Expenses 33.000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33 000 33,000 3U00 33.000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33.000 33.000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33 000 -Debt Service State Loan Annual Payment 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,315 hate Loan Principal Payment 3,750 3,900 4,056 4,218 4,387 4,562 4,745 4,935 5,132 5,315 hate Loan Interest Payment 1,800 1,650 1,494 1,332 1,762 988 805 615 418 0 'Mate Loan Balance 45.000 41,250 37,350 33,294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15,381 10,447 5,315 0 3.0. Bond s Annual Payment 457,145 445,994 435,115 424,501 414,146 404,044 394,188 334,573 375,192, 366,040 357,111 348,400 339,902 331,610 323,521 315,630 307,931 (300,419) 3.0. Bond Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S.O. Bonds Principal Payment 118,135 123,321 128,735 134,386 140,286 146.444 152,873 159,584 166.590 173,903 181,537 189,507 197,826 206,510 215,576 225,040 234,919 245,232 G.O. Bontls Interest Payment 339,010 322,673 306,380 290,115 2]3,661 257'600 241,315 224,989 208,602 192,137 175,574 758,894 142,078 125,100 1057945 960590 73,012 55,188 3.0. Bonds Balance 4,843,000 4,724,865 4,609,612 4,497,170 4,387,471 4,280,447 4,176,035 4,074,169 3,974.788 3,877,832 3,783,240 3,690,956 3,600,922 3,513,085 3.427,391 3,343,787 3,262,222 3,182,647 3,105,013 ombined Annual Pa men[ 0 0 457145 445994 435,115 424501 414146 409594 399,731 390,123 380742 377590 382881 353950 345,452 337160 321,136 311,131 317,931 300.419 =_xpecl d Airport Revenue 1,219,900 4,859,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 79,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36.900 36.900 Daphal lmpm'ments onsolidated O-M Expenses 0 (1,561.000) 1 (33,000) (33,000) (961,000) (33,000) (961,000) (33,000) 0 (33,000) (1,620,000) (33,000) (235,000) (33,000) 0 (33,000) 0 (33,000) 0 (33,000) (195,0001 (33,000) 0 (33,000) 0 (33,000) 0 (33,000) 0 (33,000) (250090) (33:000) 0 (33,000) (260,000) (33,000) 0 (33,000) 0 (33,000) Combined Annual Payment 0 0 (457,145) (445.994) (435,115) (424,501) (414,146) (409,594) (399,738) (390,123) (380,742) (371,590) (362,661) (353,950) (345.452) (337,160) (328,836) (315,630) (307,931) 300,419 Annul Budget Surplus(Deficit) 1,186,900 3,265,900 (1,434,245) (1.420,894) (449,015) (2,058,401) (603,046) (423,494) (406,538) (396,923) (582,542) (378,390) (369.461) (355,650) (347,152) (588,860) (330,536) (577,330) (304,031) 304,319 _ Analysis: The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements to a cost of $6,269,388 over the course of the twenty year study period. r Mstributed Coats of cols suppon is $313,46v peryear,or ic, mins, assuming ivue valve er-,010 per min. G.O. Bond Burden is $457,144.94 or 22.17 Milla per year. Notes: Additional Tax Burden is ($143,675.53) or (6.97) Mills per year. State Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these programs. This is not to be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that state participation is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 3 FUNDING SCENARIO D Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost8 2000 Land Acquisition $255,000 2001 Runway, Taxiway, Electrical Reconstruction $1,000,000 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs $1,255,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $1,255,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. -DETAIL D-3, FUNDING SCENARIO D, ALTERNATE 3 Kalispell City Airport Funding Scenario D is no Federal Participation in any phase of Airport Development. Alternate 3 is development of exising facility with along existing alignment to B-1 Small Aircraft Only Lateral Dimensions, 3,600 foot runway length. - YEAR 2000 2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Revenue Consolidatetl Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 26.200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36.900 36,900 Land Sale (Daley 1 and 3) 1,200:000 FAA Grant State Grant 3.000 15,000 Male Loan Lon ation Bands Sale 20,000 Subtotal of Revenue 1.219.900 51.900 16,900 19.100 19100 19.100 19.100 19,100 26,200 26.200 26.200 26,200 26.200 31.300 31 300 31,300 31,300 31.300 36.900 36.900 a 1" Ira ro menu = mental Assessment --rower Relocation Land Acquisition (Phase I and 11) 255,000 --Runway/7axiway/ApronlElectrlcal 1,000,000 Hangar Taxiway Development agar Utilities Hangar Taxiway Development FBO Ubtli6es Runway/Taxiway/Apron/Electrical Extension l0 4,300 feel A ro Subtotal of Ca ital improvements 255.000 1.000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Consolidated O-M Expenses 21.000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21.000 21,000 21.000 21.000 21 000 21,000 -Debt Service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stale Loan Annual Payment 2,468 2,466 2,466 2,466 2,466 2,466 2,466 2,466 2,466 2,466 -Stale Loan Principal Payment 1,666 1,732 1,802 1,874 1,949 2,027 2,108 2,792 2,280 2,371 Slate Loan Interest Payment 800 733 664 592 517 439 358 274 186 95 'State Loan Balance 20,000 18,334 16,602 14.800 12,926 10.977 8,951 6,943 4,651 2,371 0 G.O. Bonds Annual Payment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G.O. Bond Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 '. 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 16 17 18 i;.0. Bonds Principal Payment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G.O. Bonds Interest Payment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -G.O. Bonds Balance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Combined Annual Pa mart 0 0 2.466 2466 2466 2.466 2,466 2466 2466 2.466 2466 2466 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,Expected Airport Revenue 1,219.900 51.900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 Capital lmprovments (255.000) (1,000,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 onsolidated O-M Expenses (21.000) (21,000) (21.000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) Combined Annual Payment 0 0 (2,466) (2,466) (2,466) (2,466) (2,466) (2,486) (2,466) (2,466) (2,466) (2,466) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .Annul Budget Surplus(DeBeit) 943,900 (969,100) (8,566) (4,366) (4,366) (4,366) (4,366) (4,366) 2,734 2,734 2,734 2,734 5,200 10,300 10,300 10,300 10,300 10,300 15,900 15,900 Analysis: ' .. The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Airport operations, maintenance, and capital improvements to a cost of ($45,842) over the course of the twenty year study period. nealsmoulea Coss crunssupport Is (i[,CNC) per year, or o.i nen assummg aea value or errani. G.O. Bond Burden is $0.00 or 0.00 Mills per year. Notes: Additional Tax Burden is ($2,292.09) or (0.11) Mills per year. Stale Grants and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these programs. This is not to be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that state participation is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PROJECTS KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 4 FUNDING SCENARIO D Proposed Schedule of Near Term Developments Year Description Cost10 2000 Environmental Assessment and Site Selection Study $130,000 2001 Land Acquisition of Phase I and Phase II land acquisition, plus 15% for Administration, Appraisals, Negotiation, Legal Fees $736,000 2002 Runway, Taxiway, Apron, and Electrical Construction, Hangar Taxiway Development Hangar Utilities FBO Utilities Runway, Taxiway, Apron and Electrical Expansion $1,620,000 $110,000 $125,000 $35,000 $250,000 Subtotal of Near Term Capital Improvement Costs - $3,006,000 Proposed Schedule of Long Term Developments 2010 Hangar Taxiway Complex $110,000 FBO Development Utilities (Make Sanitary Sewer, Water, Telephone and Electricity available) $85,000 2017 Apron Expansion $260,000 Subtotal of Long Term Capital Improvement Costs $455,000 GRAND TOTAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COSTS $3,916,000 Estimated costs not adjusted for inflation. DETAIL DA FUNDING SCENARIO D, ALTERNATE 4 Kalispell City Airport Funding Scenario D is no Federal Participation In any phase of Airport Development. Allemate 4 is development of new facility to B-II Lateral Dimensions, 4,300 foot runway length initial development, additional 400 feel subsequent development in NEW LOCATION. YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201 82019 Revenue 'Consolidated Airport Fees 16,900 16,900 16.900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 Land Sale (Daley 1 and 3) 1,200,000 FAA Grant Stale Grant 'State Loan Genaml Obligation Bonds Sale 1,706.000 Subtotal of Revenue 2922900 16900 16.900 19100 19100 19100 19100 19100 28200 26,200 26.200 26200 26200 31300 31300 31300 31300 31300 36900 38900 ,Ca itronmeal ro enis Envi a ntal Assessment 130,000 ;Tower Relocation Land Acquisition (Phase I and II) 736,000 -Runway7Ta,may/Apron/Eleclrical 1,620,000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 Hangar Utilities 125,000 Hangar Taxiway Development 110,000 FBO Utftblas ,Runway/Taxlway/Apron/Electrical 35,000 85,000 250,000 Extension to 4,300 feel Apron 260,000 Subtotal of Capital Improvements 130.000 736.000 2,140000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195000 0 0 0 0 0 0 260000 0 0 'Consolidated O-M Expenses 21,000 21,000 21.000 21,000 21.000 21.000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21.000 21.000 21.000 21,000 21.000 21.000 21.000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 'Debt Service State Loan Annual Payment 5,550 5,550 5,550 5,550 6,550 5,650 6,560 5,550 5,550 5,315 "Stale Loan Principal Payment 3,750 3,900 4,056 4,218 4,387 4.562 4,745 4,935 5,132 5,315 Slate Loan Interest Payment 1,800 1,650 1,494 1,332 1,162 988 805 615 410 0 'Stale Loan Balance 45,000 41,250 37,350 33,294 29,076 24,689 20,126 15,381 10,447 5,315 0 ,G.O. Bonds Annual Payment 161,034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161.034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161,034 161.034 161.034 161,034 161,034 161,034 G.O. Dodd Payment Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 •G.O. Bonds Principal Payment 41,614 44,527 47,644 50,979 54,548 58,366 62,452 66,824 71,501 76,506 81,862 87,592 93,723 100,284 107,304 114,815 122,852 131,452 140,654 G.O. Bonds Interest Payment 119,420 116,507 113,390 110,055 106,486 102,668 -98,552 94,211 89,533 84,528 79,773 73,442 67,311 60.750 53,730 46,219 38,182 29,582 20,381 .G.O. Bonds Balance 1,706,000 1,864:386 1,619,858 1.572,214 1,521,235 1,466,687 1,408,321 1,345,889 1,279:045 1,207,544 1,131,038 1,049,176 961,584 867:861 767,577 660,273 545,457 422,605 291,153 150.499 ;Combined Annual Payment 0 161034 161.034 161034 161034 161034 161,034 166584 166584 168584 166584 166584 166584 168584 166,584 1685B4 166349 161034 161034 161034 ,Expected Airport Revenue 2,922,9.0 16,900 16,900 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 19,100 26,200 - 26,200 26,200 26,200 26,200 31.300 31.300 31,300 31,300 31,300 36,900 36,900 Capital lmprovmerds ;Consolidated O-M Expenses (130,000) (21,000) (736,000) (21,000) (2,140,000) (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21.000) 0 (21.000) (195,000) (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) (260.000) (21,000) 0 (21,000) 0 (21,000) Combined Annual Payment 0 (161,034) (161,034) (161,034) (ifi1,034) (161,034) (161,034) (166,584) (166,584) '., (166,584) (166,584) (166.584) (166,584) (166,584) (166,584) (166,584) (166,349) (161,034) (161.034) (161,034) Annul Budget Surplus(Deficit) 2,771,900 (901,134) (2,305,134) (162,934) (182,934) (ifi2,934) (162,834) (188,464) (181,364) (181,384) (366,384) (ifi1,386) (1fi1,384) (i5fi,264) (756,284) (156,28d) (156,049) (410.734) (145,134) (145,134) " Analysis: The taxpayers of the City of Kalispell would support Kalispell City Arport operations, maintenance, and Capital improvementsp a cost of $3,582,417 over the course of the twenty year study period. i ne exsmomee cows or mis support a� 'I' per year, a.oa u, s uxu9 .a=s .a,v ,o opci nun. G.O. Bond Burden is $161,034.33 or 7.81 Mills per year. Notes: Additional Tax Burden is $18,086.53 or 0.88 Mills per year. ) State Gmme and Loans shown herein are purely speculative, and shown only to demonstrate availability of the these prog2als. This is not to be construed as a guaranteed level of funding or even that state participation is likely. Sale of General Obligation Bonds is explored here, however, it is recognized that any sale would require voter approval. I