Chapter 4Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 CHAPTER FOUR - FACILITY REQUIREMENTS FACILITY REQUIREMENTS The facility requirements chapter of this report defines the physical facilities needed to safely and efficiently accommodate the current and future aviation demands at the Kalispell City Airport. The aviation forecasts discussed in the previous sections are used as the basis for determining the physical requirements such as pavement, buildings, and support facilities needed to meet the aviation needs of the community through the next twenty-year period. Facilities discussed in this section include the runway, taxiway, tiedowns, hangars, apron, navigational aids, and miscellaneous facilities. Although the required developments are defined in specific time frames, it is necessary to continually review the activity levels achieved. For example, if the number of operations and based aircraft forecast increase more rapidly than indicated, the time frame for development would also be accelerated. Likewise, if the number of operations or based aircraft should decrease, the time frame for development would be delayed. Recent technical developments in Global Navigation Satellite Systems applications, may make it possible for Kalispell City Airport to achieve a non- precision instrument approach within the study period. Commissioning of a non -precision approach would generate several new requirements that are not met by the existing site and increases several dimensions of an airport that has a visual approach. For example, larger safety areas are required in width and longer beyond the runway end, runway protection zones are larger, runway width is increased to 100 feet, and the object free area is also increased. However, the ultimate plan will consider the non -precision approach and make provisions to accommodate the growth required. CRITICAL AIRCRAFT Federal interest in funding airport development is influenced by the operation of the critical aircraft using the facility. Critical aircraft are considered to be those aircraft using the airport facility which because of their size and capacity, require the greatest facility considerations, (ie. runway length, runway width, separation distances, etc). Generally, ten operations per week of the critical aircraft (520 annual operations) determines the type of airport needed. Once the critical aircraft is known, the Airport Reference Code (ARC) may be determined, and the design criteria associated with that ARC applied to the design of airport facilities. The ARC is a coding system used to relate airport design criteria to the operational and physical characteristics of the airplanes intended to operate at the airport. FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, entitled "Airport Design" indicates that the ARC has two components relating to the critical aircraft. The 41 Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 first component is the aircraft approach category, which relates to aircraft approach speed. The second component is the airplane design group, which relates to airplane wingspan. The "Aircraft Approach Category" is a grouping of aircraft based on 1.3 times their stall speed in their landing configuration at the maximum certificated landing weight. The categories are as follows: Category A: Speed less than 91 knots; Category B: Speed 91 knots or more but less than 121 knots; Category C: Speed 121 knots or more but less than 141 knots; Category D: Speed 141 knots or more but less than 166 knots. The "Airplane Design Group" is a grouping of aircraft based on wingspan. The groups are as follows: Airplane Design Group I: Wingspans up to but not including 49 feet; Airplane Design Group II: Wingspans 49 feet up to but not including 79 feet; Airplane Design Group III: Wingspans 79 feet up to but not including 118 feet. The users survey indicates that the Kalispell City Airport is used almost exclusively by small (12,500 lbs. or less maximum takeoff weight) Design Group I, Approach Category A and B aircraft. The airport is also used by Design Group II aircraft. The most demanding aircraft based at Kalispell City Airport currently is a Turbo Comander (maximum takeoff weight less then 12,500, ARC A -I). Based on the results of the users survey, this study indicates a present need for facilities which will accommodate B-I aircraft. The future ARC for the Kalispell City Airport should be a B-II aircraft. The B-II aircraft have been increasing in use by business concerns, and the user survey indicates that in the future there may be B-II aircraft operations. The air ambulance operators are also flying aircraft that are in the B-II ARC. The type of approach procedure utilized at the facility (le. visual, nonprecision instrument, or precision instrument) must also be considered when determining the applicable design criteria. Visual Runway is a runway solely intended for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures, with no straight -in instrument approach procedure and no instrument designation indicated on an FAA approved airport layout plan, or on other planning documents. Nonprecision Instrument Runway is one with an instrument approach procedure utilizing air navigation facilities, with only horizontal guidance, or area type navigation equipment 42 Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 for which straight -in nonprecision instrument approach procedure has been approved or planned and no precision approach facility or procedure is planned or indicated on an FAA approved airport layout plan or other planning document. Precision Instrument Runway is one with an instrument approach procedure utilizing a conventional instrument landing system (ILS), global positioning system (GPS), microwave landing system (MLS), or precision approach radar (PAR). A planned precision instrument runway is one which a precision approach system or procedure is indicated on an FAA approved airport layout plan or other approved planning document. Although the Kalispell City Airport includes an NDB, no published non -precision instrument approach exists at the airport. Upgrading the existing runway to a nonprecision approach would require removal of several buildings in the apron area, to provide clear primary and transitional surfaces. Some of the key dimensions for Airport Reference Code B-II, for a visual/nonprecision instrument approach, and also for ARC B-II with a precision instrument/visual approach are shown on Table 11. All design dimensions for ARC B-II with a visual/nonprecision instrument approach and non-precision/precision approach are listed in Appendix G. TABLE 11 DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR NON - PRECISION APPROACH (FT) ITEM ARC B-II Non -Precision Instrument RUNWAY: Width of Pavement 75 Width of Safety Area 150 Length of Safety Area Beyond 300 Runway Threshold TAXIWAY: Width of Pavement 35 Width of Safety Area 79 SEPARATIONS: Runway Centerline to Parallel Taxiway Centerline 240 Runway Centerline to Parked 240 Aircraft 300* Taxiway Centerline to Parked 66 Aircraft or Movable Object * Aircraft parking Line based on 7:1 clearing a 7' obstruction (aircraft) 43 Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 RUNWAY Advisory Circular 150/5325-4A, entitled Runway Length Requirements forAirportDesign, divides aircraft into two groups for the purpose of determining runway length. These basic groups include: 1) airplanes up to and including 60,000 pounds; and 2) airplanes over 60,000 pounds. For the Kalispell City Airport, the required runway length is determined based on the procedures outlined for airplanes up to and including 60,000 pounds. This group of airplanes is further broken down into the following subgroups: 1) airplanes with approach speeds less than 30 knots; 2) airplanes with approach speeds of 30 knots or more but less than 50 knots; 3) airplanes with approach speeds of 50 knots or more and Maximum Certificated Takeoff Weight of 12,500 pounds or less; 4) all airplanes with Maximum Certificated Takeoff Weight of more than 12,500 pounds and up to and including 60,000 pounds. The majority of the aircraft using the Kalispell City Airport fall into subgroup 3. Considering the existing airport elevation of 2932 feet above sea level and the mean daily maximum temperature in the hottest month of 87°F, Table 12 illustrates the approximate lengths of runway required under criteria of subgroup 3 listed above. A computer output of required runway lengths is included in Appendix G. TABLE 12 RUNWAY DIMENSIONS (FT)* AIRPORT TYPE RUNWAY LENGTH (FT) WIDTH ARC B-II N.P.I. Small Airplanes w/less than 10 passenger seats 75% of these small airplanes 3,600 75 95% of these small airplanes 4,300 75 100% of these small airplanes 4,700 75 Small Airplanes w/10 or more passenger seats 4,680_= 75 * Runway Elevation 2932' MSL, Mean Daily Maximum Temperature 87°. Small airplanes are those airplanes with a Maximum Certificate Takeoff Weight of 12,500 pounds or less. v N.P.I. Non -Precision Instrument Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 The recommended ultimate runway length for the Kalispell City Airport considering the above criteria and future needs of the airport and increased usage of business jets and larger turboprop aircraft, is 4700 feet. This length will account for virtually 100% of small aircraft. However, should the City of Kalispell decide to phase the construction of the runway lengths, the initial length could be built to match the current length of 3600 feet with a runway extension to 4500 feet when aircraft demands warrant that runway length. It is apparent that the immediate needs justify the 3600 foot length, however, as shown on the ALP drawings, the ultimate runway length of 4700 feet is used for planning purposes and airport protection and may be required at a later date. WIND COVERAGE As previously noted, the most desirable orientation based on wind is one which has the largest wind coverage and minimum crosswind components. If 95 % wind coverage is not feasible with one runway for a 10.5 knot crosswind component, then a crosswind runway should be considered. FAA design criteria requires a cross wind runway to be 80% of the length of the primary runway. The wind coverage data at Kalispell City Airport is somewhat limited, however the information available from the reports of local pilots, along with wind data from Glacier Park International Airport suggests that the highest percentages in the north -south directions. HANGARS The required member of hangar spaces and the number of tiedowns are directly related to the number of based aircraft. Currently there are two nested tee hangars and eight commercial hanaars located on the airport. The two tee hangars are capable of holding 6 aircraft in each for total of 12 hangars. The commercial hangars are large enough to store more than one aircraft in each facility. Therefore, an average of three aircraft per hangar will be assumed for this analysis. From this, we estimate a total of 36 hangar sites are available on the airport. Hangar sites typically include support items such as pavement for the taxilanes and hangar floors, electricity, and automobile access/parking areas. Assuming that 80 percent of all based aircraft are to be hangared at the Kalispell City Airport, the current number of hangars does not meet the current demand and will obviously, not meet the future demand. Currently there are 62 aircraft based at the airport, and 141 are forecast for the year 2018 (see Table 4, Chapter 2). Based on 80 percent occupancy, at least 50 hangar spaces are presently required at the airport. Table 13 indicates the number of hangar spaces that would be needed to provide 80 percent housing for based aircraft throughout the planning period. M. Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 TABLE 13 HANGARS YEAR BASED AIRCRAFT HANGAR SPACE AVAILABLE HANGAR SPACE NEEDED (80%) 1998 62 36 50 2003 78 36 62 2008 88 36 70 2013 102 36 82 2 118 119 36 95 TIEDOWNS AND APRON Tiedowns must be available for those based aircraft not in hangars and for itinerant aircraft. The number of tiedowns for transient aircraft are determined from peak day operations (see Table 3.2). Using forecasting methodology presented in FAA AC 5300-13 (page 117), the average number of itinerant operations per day is increased by 20% to determine an average peak for a busy day. This is not the highest number of operations occurring on a given day, but it is the average of the busy days. Because one operation is either a landing or take -off, only half of the peak day operations represent an aircraft on the apron and in need of a tiedown. Some aircraft will not be on the apron long enough to require a tiedown, such as aircraft on the apron for a fiiel stop or a passenger pick-up. TABLE 14 TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT TIEDOWNS YEAR MAXIMUM ITINERANT OPERATIONS* AVG. DAY OPERATIONS PEAK DAY FACTOR PEAK DAY OPERATIONS TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT TIEDOWNS 2003 15,630 110 1.2 132 66 2008 17,964 127 1.2 152 76 2013 20,646 146 1.2 175 87 2018 23,728 167 1.2 200 100 Based on "Forecast Air Operations" Table 2.3 (439 -485 OpsBA), the assumption that July is the busiest month with 21.9 % of the total annual operations (based on fuel sales), itinerant operations equal 41 % of the annual operations, peak day factor of 20%, and parked aircraft equal 50% of peak day operations. .n Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 On a particularly busy day, contingency tiedowns will accommodate aircraft when no paved tiedowns are available. Contingency tiedowns are not on pavement, but turf. When tiedown fees are charged, it has been found that some owners of based aircraft prefer the less expensive turf tiedowns. TABLE 15 TIEDOWNS YEAR BASED AIRCRAFT BASED AIRCRAFT TIEDOWNS TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT TIEDOWNS CONTINGENCY TOTAL TIEDOWNS 2003 1 78 26 66 10 102 2008 88 26 76 12 114 2013 102 26 88 13 127 2018 119 26 100 15 141{ Normally accepted planning criteria allows 300 square yards of tiedown apron per based aircraft and 360 square yards per transient aircraft. These areas include taxiway and maneuvering area. Besides the tiedown area several other items including fueling areas, access to hangar areas, and ftiture expansion must be considered in order to determine the actual apron area required. TABLE 16 PAVED TIEDOWN AREA (SQUARE YARDS) YEAR BASED AIRCRAFT TIEDOWNS AREA FOR BASED AIRCRAFT TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT TIEDOWNS AREA FOR TRANSIENT AIRCRAFT AREA NEEDED 2003 26 7800 66 23,760 31,560 2008 26 7800 76 27,360 35,160 2013 26 7800 88 31,680 39,480 2018 26 7800 100 36,000 43,800 Note: Area for based aircraft calculated at 300 square yards per aircraft and for transient aircraft it is calculated at 360 square yards per aircraft. 47 Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Navigation aids are divided into two categories: 1) visual aids, such as runway lighting, airport beacon, obstruction lighting and PAPIs, and 2) instrument navigational aids such as Non - Directional Beacon (NDB), Very High Frequency Omni Range (VOR), Instrument Landing System (ILS) or Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Recent technical developments in Global Navigation Satellite Systems may make it possible for Kalispell City Airport to obtain non -precision instrument approaches within the study period. The possibility of the Kalispell City Airport obtaining a non -precision instrument will exist from a technological standpoint and the possibility from an aeronautical stand point is likely. Ultimate approaches for the new development alternatives identify a non -precision approach. LAND The Kalispell City Airport should acquire sufficient property to accommodate both initial development and future development, as well as obtaining runway protection zone acreage. Figure 4 shows land requirements for a B-II runway. The runway and runway protection zones are a constant acreage for each site, however, the access road land acquisition varies depending on the location of the nearest public road. LANDING AREA APPROACH APPROACH AREA PJ.%WA. AREA BUILDING AREA 48 Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 FIGURE 4 MINIMUM LAND REQUIREMENTS RUNWAY TYPE RUNWAY LENGTH LANDING AREA APPROACH AREA BUILDING AREA TOTAL AREA ACRES B-II NON -PRECISION 4,700 feet 93.66 acres 36.73 acres 35.41 acres 165.80 acres Preferably, all land should be purchased fee simple. This would assure the complete control over the use of that land as well as the revenues generated. If, for some reason, the runway protection zone acreage cannot be acquired fee simple, then they should be controlled with an easement. However, if future demands warrant use ofthe land for airport purposes, acquisition could prove expensive, if not impossible. In addition to the airside purchase, access road acreage may be required which varies considerably from site to site. The FAA would require that the Owner of the Airport certify that they will have "good" title to the property before a grant would be issued or initiate payment for the property. This will require substantial money, time and effort up front by the sponsor for appraisal and review appraisal fees, potential legal fees and purchase of those parcels that can be acquired, non contested or without going through condemnation. If the City has to condemn, costs can potentially escalate. Before the FAA would issue a grant, the FAA would also require that all of the parcels necessary to accommodate the B-II facility and at least 95% of the runway length be acquired or guaranteed for sufficient title prior to any payment or issuance of a grant. Boundary fencing is also a very important item which must be constructed as land is acquired. This item has been included in the initial cost estimates. UTILITIES Water - The City Water Department currently supplies water to those facilities on the airport requiring water. Should greater industrial needs arise, (ie. agricultural spraying, manufacturing, etc.) then additional water may need to be secured. A new site would require drilling of a new water well. This item is not eligible for AIP funding. Sewer - The airport is currently connected to city sewer. These connections are adequate for a small pilots building and projected domestic needs of the airport subject to any local and state requirements. Any manufacturing or commercial facilities constructed on airport property, may have sensitive wastewater facility needs, such as for chemicals, oil or grease. These would have to be ad- dressed individually and are not anticipated at this time. Precipitation which runs off any airport Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study August 1999 pavement and which is collected in a storm drainage system will need to comply with appropriate storm water runoff requirements established by the State and EPA. Appropriate permits will be required. The domestic and industrial sewage needs are not an item that is eligible for AIP funding, however, stormwater management generated by the airport property is considered eligible for AIP funding. Electricity / Telephone - All new electrical / communication lines within the airport should be placed underground in conduits. Electrical service to a new airport site for airport lighting is considered eligible for AIP funding. Airplane Fuel - There are presently five fuel storage tanks in use at the airport. They are two 12,500 gallon underground tanks at Red Eagle Aviation, two above -ground storage tanks at Eagle Aviation, an one two -compartment with a 17,000 gallon capacity at Diamond Aire. EPA regulations require fueling facilities to provide overflow containment and leak detection. New fuel storage facilities at a new site may be a future requirement. Fuel storage development is not considered eligible for AIP funding. AIRPORT ACCESS AND PARKING Access to the existing airport is via Airport Road to the west and U.S. Highway 93 to the east. Designated parking is located south of Red Eagle Aviation and on the north side of Diamond Aire, and on the north side of Eagle Aviation. Signing and fencing should be provided to prohibit access of unauthorized vehicles beyond a certain point. Access to a new airport site is a critical cost for a new facility and will be considered in the preliminary cost estimates. SUMMARY The ultimate development for an airport serving the Kalispell community should utilize ARC B-II aircraft as the design aircraft, have a runway length of 4700 feet in length, with non - precision approaches at each end to meet the needs of the community for the 20 year planning period. The facility should also have visual guidance equipment such as precision approach path indicators (PAPI) at each runway end. All separations and design criteria should be based on the above recommendation. Any developments completed without this ultimate plan would be short sighted considering the recent trends in navigation technology. Land acquisition should be based on this plan as ultimate development. The runway protection zones should be acquired in fee, if possible. 50