12/18/78 City Council Minutesq R 8 THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD AT 7:30 P. M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1978 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL. MAYOR HAPP PRESIDED. ALL COUNCILMEN WERE PRESENT. 011 U •J R111A Do 9 n Councilman Allen moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of December 4, 1978 be approved as presented. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. Motion carried. CITY OFFICIALS REPORTS City Treasurer for October. Police Judge, Police Chief and Director of Public Works for November. ' Councilman Daley moved that the reports be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Saverud. Motion carried. Mayor Happ introduced Ed Gallagher, Director of the Community Development Department, who will supervise the HUD grant. Mr. Gallagher will report for work January 2, 1979. His department will work with and report to the City Development Committee. PUBLIC HEARING — S.I.D. #327 There were no opponents for the creation of S.I.D. #327, South Meadows Addition. RESOLUTION #3210 Councilman Williams moved to adopt Resolution #3210 a resolution to create SID #327, South Meadows Addition, in the amount of $1,650,000.00. Seconded by Councilman Allen. Roll call vote. All voted aye. Councilman Granmo moved that the city council approve the appointment of Thomas, Dean & Hoskins as engineering firm for SID #327 contingent on developers depositing funds to cover expenses. Seconded by Councilman Allen. Motion carried. ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL Wayne Treweek addressed the council concerning a request for a curb cut on loth Street at South Main. He has asked for a variance at this location for an insurance office and the BOA has granted the variance contingent on the allowance of a curb cut. Councilman Allen moved to refer the request to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Seconded by Councilman Daley. Motion carried. The Street & Alley Committee will meet at 5:30 P. M. Wednesday December 6, 1978. Victor Sistok addressed the council concerning an ambulance bill for his son who injured his ankle in Woodland Park last May. He stated that he has been harassed by the City of Kalispell. He said he had tried to contact the Chief of Police, the City Attorney and the Mayor without success. Mr. Sistok thought it very unfair to charge him with an ambulance run for his son, when it turned out to be a sprain. Park Supt. Drent stated that he had called the ambulance because there was no one at the accident who could ascertain how serious the injury was and he did not want to take a chance. Mr. Sistok stated that his daughter lived two blocks from Woodland Park and the boy could have made it there. Mr. Sistok stated that while he was in Denver, Ambulance Clerk Joyce Olson called his home. His son, home from the Navy, answered the phone and was told that the bill was overdue. His son paid the balance of $25.00 on the bill. An insurance had paid all but the $25.00. Councilman Allen moved to refund the $25.00 to Mr. Sistok when he stated that he wanted to be sued by the City. Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried. Mr. Sistok was advised to come to City Hall and sign a claim voucher for the refund. Jerry O'Neil addressed the council concerning the inadequacy of supervision at the ice skating rink in Woodland Park. He stated that the rest rooms were not open, there was no fire in the warming house and no adult supervision. He has five children, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Supt. Drent stated that he has only enough help to supervise the rink from 2 P. M. until 10 P. M. During this period the rest rooms are open, the fire is going and there is adult supervision. Mr. O'Neil stated that he took his children there before 2 P. M. Mr. Dan Nelson addressed the council on the City's behalf. He stated that he thought parents should be responsible for their own children while at the rink — especially young children. 8 H 9 DISCUSSION - Heavy Truck Traffic Mr. Dan Nelson, 720 Woodland Avenue, read a statement concerning the building that has caused an increase in traffic on Woodland Avenue. He stated that 62 single houses and 2 four-plexes have or are being constructed in the past two years along South Woodland Drive and at the two new sub -divisions being developed at its southern end. This requires many trucks hauling heavy equipment, earth and blacktop material, ready -mix concrete, lumber, furniture, appliances, sewer pipes, septic tanks, lawn dirt, etc. In addition, there is the extra traffic of about 100 trips per day of laborers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc. going back and forth from their places of business, all using Woodland Avenue and South Woodland Drive. It may take a few more minutes, but there are other routes to use to get to this new development area. Mr. Nelson made the following recommendations: 1) A city ordinance be established prohibiting through city trucking on Woodland Avenue and South Woodland Drive within the city limits; 2) Consider the need for an ordinance for maximum vehicle weight on City residential streets and establish one if necessary. Police Chief McDowell stated that he has talked to trucking companies about restricting truck traffic in certain areas. Dick Taylor, 830 Woodland Avenue, whose letter was read at the last meeting concerning the deterioration of Woodland Avenue, addressed the council to reiterate his statement that it is a very serious situation. Stan Halvorson, 244 Woodland Avenue, stated that he had served 13 years on the State Highway Commission and this has certainly made him aware of the problem. Woodland Avenue could cave way back into private property. Rich Hadley, Chamber of Commerce, requested the council to put a truck by-pass on their list of priorities. Karen Barbee, 414 4th Avenue East submitted the following letter: " I can think of no better reason for our City and County officials to begin serious consideration and cooperation towards developing a truck bypass for this area, than the fact you find it necessary to hold this hearing about truck traffic along Woodland Avenue. Your combined 'efforts could be very beneficial to both the City and County and could correct a problem that previous officials have been unable to recognize." The following letter was submitted from Forrest C. Rockwood, 1275 Two Mile Drive: RESIDENCE 1275 Two 41'li•e Drive Ph. (406) 759-6876 Mrs. Norma Happ Mayor of Kalispell Kalispell City Hall Kalispell, Mont, 59901 Dear Norma, FROM THE DESK of FORREST C. ROCKWOOD P.O. SOX 25 KALISPF J. MONTANA 59901 December 11, 1978 OFFICE Anzjon Building 128'Second Street East Hemuth Suite Ph. (406) 755-5023. I hear more talk about diverting heavy truck traffic from Main Street. I have often thought of this problem and as the town has now expanded I have In mind only one route which might be feasible. Perhaps others have often thought of it and perhaps there is some over riding reason why it is not practically possible. At any rate, I have never" heard of any one present this idea. It is, starting our descripton at the South and working northerly; 390 Start at railroad crossing of U.S. 93 just South of Ashley Creek; Thence follow railroad right-of-way North Westward to intersection with railroad track running East-West; Thence cross track and enter U.S. # 2 at a point about where Appleway intersects U.S. #2. Result; a: Trucks would then have easy access to the heavy industry alone Center St. b: Trucks could service all businesses along U.S. #2 on through town and through the Strip, etc. c: Trucks heading North could make their turn onto U.S. # 93 at :gain St.; the truck traffic would by then be considerably diminished so that as they proceeded North on North Main St. they should, not be too disruptive to other traffic. d: Trucks coming from the East and going West, North or South would of course reverse their route. Comment: a: This route would be a bit longer but I believe it might be faster than threading all the traffic on Main St. South. b: It would seem possible to me to have a right-of-way agreement with Burlingtor-Northern. And of course, there would no doubt have to be purchase of right-of-way from private owners. c: It seems to me that at this point in time, as they say, this route would cause the least disruption of existing business and property rights, than any other route that I can think of. I hope these remarks are not too fanciful and may be of help in relieving the present situation, viz with Main Street being de facto our truck by-pass. c.c. City -County Planning Board Room 414 Court House E. Kalispell, Mt. Daily Inter Lake, Attn. 300 1st Ave. W. Kalispell, Mt. FCR/cg Yours Sincerely, Forrest C. Rockwood Patrick King, Ed. Councilman Allen moved to direct City Attorney Donahue to draft an ordinance to include Woodland Avenue and South Woodland Drive as "no heavy truck traffic" areas. Seconded by Councl_lman Saverud. Notion carried CHANGE MEETING NIGHT Councilman O'Boyle moved that the regular meeting nights next month be held January 8 and 15. Seconded by Councilman Saverud. Motion carried. 8 9 i AUTHORIZE CALL FOR LIQUID CHLORINE Councilman Williams moved that Water Supt. Longpre be authorized to call for bids for liquid chlorine, bids to be opened January 15th. Seconded by Councilman Griffin. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS ' Councilman Grainger had no report. SEWER & WATER Engineer Daniels reported on the progress of the water well. It is pimping 1800 to 2000 gallons per minute. There is still a slight trace of sand. When this sand is gone the pump will be set. Director of Public Works Kain reported that there will be a meeting with Morrison-Maierle on December 27th concerning the problem at the wastewater treatment plant. CITY DEVELOPMENT Councilman Saverud reported that the City Development Committee met on December 8th and heard a report from John Schwartz, Architect for the new city hall. It is 80% complete - ahead of schedule and except for some exterior work will be done in March 1979. Councilman Saverud reported that the County Health Board met on December 12th. It was mainly a work session. The Board intends to adopt some by-laws. City Attorney Donahue had asked if representatives of Columbia Falls and Whitefish could enter into the inter - local agreement. Review of the question showed that the Board was set up by State Statute which does not allow any but 1st class cities to cooperate with counties. SAFETY Councilman O'Boyle moved to sell the 1974 Chevrolet van back-up ambulance to the street department for $2800.00. Seconded by Councilman Saverud. Motion carried. Councilman O'Boyle reported on the regular monthly meeting of the Flathead County Safety Council on December llth. The council recommended to the City of Kalispell and the State Highway Department the installation of full traffic control lights at the inter- section of 6th Street and Highway 93 South in Kalispell. Councilman Daley reported that at the Tri-City eeeting, a plan was discussed to have an interlocal agreement for parks and recreation with the 3 cities and the County. Councilman Daley reported that the Kalispell Parks and Recreation Departments will combine this year. It will be more economical, better service and will continue approx- imately the same types of recreation. Supt. Drent will supervise both departments with responsibility to Director of Public Works Kain. Councilman Allen reported that he has had requests regarding the alley behind the Library for one-way traffic. Some requests are for north bound only and some for south bound only. The committee will have a recommendation later. ' The Street & Alley Committee will meet on February 5th to determine street work priorities for the coming year. Councilman Allen reported that the committee met with representatives of State Highway Department on upgrading and updating signs. The City might be able to get a refund on stop signs on 11th Street. Councilman Allen reported that the striping on the streets is not holding up. The Highway Department is looking into this. ,19 2 Councilman Griffin moved to refer to the Finance Committee the problem of oil sprinkling assessments on planned new developments. Some of these are large areas without improve— ments or streets, but they abut a paved street and are charged by the square foot for the entire area making about 1/3 of their taxes an oil sprinkling assessment. Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried. The Finance Committee will report back at the second meeting in January. ORDINANCE #906 Councilman Williams moved that City Attorney Donahue draft an ordinance for per diem for travel for city employees to meet state allowances. Seconded by Councilman Saverud. Roll call vote. All voted aye. This will become effective February 1, 1979. MISCELLANEOUS , RETIREMENT — FIRE CHIEF PETERS Mayor Happ read the following letter: December 18, 1978 Honorable Mayor Members of City Council It is with deep regret that I'm retiring from the Kalispell Fire Department. I want to thank you and the members of the City Council for making my job a lot easier. I hope I have done a good job for the people of Kalispell. I have enjoyed working for them. I also would like to thank all the members of the fire department for helping me. They are a great bunch of people. Also, the other departments for helping me. Thank you. Norman L. Peters, Fire Chief Mayor Happ read the following letter: December 18, 1978 To whom it may concern: The trustees of the Kalispell Fire Department Relief Association met on December ' 18, 1978 with all members present. The purpose of this meeting was to act on request by Chief Jack Peters to take a disability retirement from the Kalispell Fire Department. A letter from Chief Peters and from Dr. Ingham was read and approved for a disability retirement by all trustees effective this date. Donald J. Peterson President Kalispell Fire Dept. Relief Association Councilman Grainger moved to accept the retirement of Chief Peters with regret. Seconded by Councilman Granmo. Motion carried. Chief Peters thanked Mayor Happ, members of the council and all city employees for the fine cooperation he has had during his term as Chief. Mayor Happ thanked Jack for his accomplishments while he was Chief. Mayor Happ announced that she will be accepting applications for fire chief, will advertise the position and anyone who is interested should send her a resume. Mayor Happ announced that at 4:20 P. M. today she, City Attorney Donahue, and Councilmen Allen, Daley, Granmo, Bleken, O'Boyle and Griffin were served with a summons from the U. S. District Court. They are being sued by Treasure State Sales for $392,424.81 for not allowing them a license to show moving pictures at the Adult Book Store. This action I was taken at the August 15, 1977 council meeting. Councilman Williams and Grainger were absent. At the request of the downtown business people, there will be free parking this week. City Attorney Donahue explained how revenue from Forest Service land is distributed between the school and road funds. Cities get no revenue for their streets from this source. At the next legislative session a bill will be introduced which will give cities a share of this revenue. a Mayor Happ welecomed Jean B1en�L°#ormer council person. Mayor Happ announced that the Christmas Part will be tomorrow night at the McDowell r39" residence and the Hacienda. LICENSE & PERMIT BONDS Eugene R. Thomas dba Thomas Electric George L. Thompson Ralph G. Yards dba Yards's Electric Ace Plumbing & Heating James E. Schaff -Missoula Electrician Continuation Certificate Plumber Continuation Certificate Electrician Continuation Certificate Plumber Continuation Certificate John J. Vincent dba Vincent Plumbing Plumber Continuation Certificate Councilman Daley moved that all license and permit bonds reviewed by City Attorney Donahue be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Allen. Motion carried. Councilman Allen moved to adjourn at 9:30 P. M. Seconded by Councilman O'Boyle. Motion carried. Minutes approved as presented January 8, 1979. ATTEST: Ma jorie Giezm nn, City Clerk Norma E. Happ, Mayor �—