Concerns about the Fair from an educator Public Comment from Sharon SinclairFrom:Sharon Sinclair To:Kalispell Meetings Public Comment Subject:[EXTERNAL] Concerns about the Fair from an educator Date:Monday, August 3, 2020 6:08:12 PM Dear Council Members, I am an educator in Kalispell School District 5 who is excited about returning to in-person teaching at the end of this month! It has been five long months since we have had the opportunity to be together, and many of our students and their families have struggled during this time. Our students need to be back in our classrooms, and it is our job as responsible community members to make sure that that happens as safely as possible. Our district has procedures planned that adhere to the Executive Orders put into place by Governor Bullock on July 15th. We all need to ensure the safety of our students, their families, and our staff. That safety concern is why I question why we will still be hosting the 5-day Northwest Montana Fair - which ends the weekend before we are back at school. This draws huge numbers of people to the Fairgrounds, and might possibly be the largest gathering of people since COVID-19 hit the Flathead Valley. In your council's minutes it states that the County Fair Board has been meeting with the health department (operating with an acting interim Health Officer) "to make sure they can do the best they can at the fair." Many of our students will, undoubtedly, go to many of the Fair's activities. And then they will return to their classrooms one week later. In our classrooms we will disinfect common areas and we will physically distance our students. How will those safety precautions look at the Fair? We will have students and staff wear face coverings. How will that be enforced at the Fair? As a school, we may not offer as many opportunities as pre-pandemic, because they cannot be safely managed. How will all of the activities that are usually a part of the Fair be safely managed? Please understand that I enjoy what the Fair has to offer, especially 4-H and FFA students' participation. My concern is for the safety of my students and our community and wonder if it is in our community's best interest to go ahead with this event during this pandemic. I don't see how that is safely possible. Thank you for hearing my voice, Sharon Sinclair