06-24-20 Homeless Task Force MinutesHomeless Task Force Meeting Minutes from 6/24/2020 meeting Present: Rod Kuntz, Jarod Nygren, Tom Rygg, Doug Russell, Jim Atkinson, Gary Hall Guests: Cassidy and Sean from Community Action Partnership (CAP) Call to Order: Rod called the meeting to order at 11:00 AM, on Wednesday June 24, 2020 via Zoom meeting. Minutes: Rod made a motion and Gary seconded to approve the June 10, 2020 meeting minutes. Motion approved unanimous. New Business: Introduction — Introductions of all those in attendance and Rod also provided a summary to Cassidy and Sean about what we were finding in our outreach/research thus far. 211/Single point of entry —CAP feels that a successful 211 would be an enhancement and it is needed in the community. Better communication is needed between CAP and United Way and there has been recent communication with the new United Way Director. HMIS (coordinated entry) — HMIS puts individuals on radar to get people to their needs. Can be monitored statewide Need more players that can do real time entry. Right now everyone has their own database and information tends to be siloed. CAP does have 5 accounts for HMIS and they can train differing agencies on how to use the program. Additional accounts, which cost money, would be beneficial to get as many groups as possible using the program. Right now Sunburst, Volunteers of America and Samaritan House use it and there has been limited use. CAP does not have a funded position for coordinated entry staff. CAP has been trying to get the hospital ("complex care") to use it and it would be beneficial if law enforcement could use it as well. Could the new position being allocated fill this roll? Help out the public defender? Information Sharing — Information does need to be shared with the public better, i.e. City Council. Open to being more transparent with data and keeping the Council apprised of the information they have. Good date = good planning. Concern that the Flathead accounts for 1 /3 of the homeless unsheltered population in Montana. There has been a recent decline over the last few years from 128-110, but still too many. Duplication of Services —There is a duplication of services occurring between the varying groups servicing the homeless population. Why is this happening? There is not currently adequate information sharing between those groups and felt that a dedicated position to facilitate the information (like Boise) would be helpful. There was brief discussion that rather than a position it would makes sense for the various service groups to know what services are being provided so that they are not duplicating services, rather than fund a position that allows that to happen? CAP indicated that HMIS could help the information sharing and cut down on duplication. More Resources — If there were more resources available where would they best be used? CAP indicated it really depends on the amount, but the ability to connect people to services more easily would be great. Missoula has a "HOT" team for HMIS outreach. 211 in the valley is needed. Shelter — Low barrier shelter brought in additional people and connected people to services that they never would have reached. A full-time low barrier shelter is needed, as it keeps desperate people off the streets. Bozeman funds a 50k a year warming shelter through HRD C . Fair market rents — Set nationally, but Texas was able to change. The current amount of $731 with utilities is not adequate given the current market rate for rentals. Discussed that this should be on the Council's legislative agenda. Adiourn: g 12:30