06-04-09 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, June 4, 2009 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Assistant City Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director Sean Conrad, Senior Planner P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Guests: James Freyholtz, MDT. Hear the Public: No one wished to speak. Performance Bond Reminders: None. OLD BUSINESS: None. Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner D.C. Haas, Fire Department Michelle Anderson, Recording Secretary NEW BUSINESS: DNRC — 655 Timberwolf Parkway — foundation for seedling cooler/storage building: Sorensen stated DNRC intends to construct a pad for a seedling cooler and storage building near the northeast corner of the property. This would be the foundation only and several issues were raised. Haas said he received the email and provided them with information on combustible materials storage. However, the Building Department will be contacting them regarding the plan review and had several questions including what will be placed on the pad — a new building or moving a current building from another site and what will the building be used for; and to let them know this building could be subject to impact fees if drains are installed, payable when the foundation permit is issued. Burnham noted DNRC had asked if impact fees could be transferred from their existing site and Public Works told them no. The committee didn't feel there were any site review issues and approved the project. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: None. OTHER REPORTS: Subdivision in Home Depot Parking Lot for Taco Bell building: Conrad has been contacted regarding a subdivision within the Home Depot parking lot to construct a fast food (Taco Bell) restaurant. Conrad noted this would require an amendment to the PUD and whenever modifications are made to a PUD the Site Review Committee determines whether it would be a minor or major amendment and in this case Conrad feels, and the committee agreed, this would likely be reviewed as a major subdivision. Conrad said another building was added previously that houses 2 other restaurants and a real estate office and staff is concerned that the traffic circulation on this site has been compromised relating to the highway and West Reserve Drive. Staff feels and Public Works and MDT concurred that a Revised Traffic Impact Study to specifically address those intersections would be in order and it may be appropriate to get a left turn signal out onto Highway 93. Freyholtz from MDT said they would be able to accommodate a left turn lane on their site but the median with the signage would have to be removed. On -site parking should also be reviewed. There was discussion regarding drainage and compaction issues that have been discovered on the site. Conrad said before they get into any type review or approvals of further subdivision or PUD revisions they would need to address the landscaping in the Home Depot parking lot; the improvements requested when the other building was put in that were never completed; and compliance with the outdoor lighting standards for the entire Mountain View Plaza Subdivision. Burnham said he would check with the city's Stormwater Engineer to see if there are any issues and Elkins noted that the design of the building should be slab on grade without a crawl space. There is a management company for this plaza who could be contacted. D.C. Haas questioned why the current Taco Bell is being allowed to operate with the construction that is going on. Jentz noted that the Fire Marshal and the County Health Department could make the determination that conditions would require the closure of the business until the work is completed. Jentz added the Site Review Committee doesn't have that authority. Jentz spoke to Tim Birk regarding Spring Creek Estates SIA and Jentz asked Fincher if there is any outstanding issues. Fincher said they are comfortable with Birk bonding until October so he can use the money from the sale of the first 16 lots to the Self-help program to complete the parks. Jentz asked if Public Works has signed off on the subdivision and Burnham noted there are issues with valves that have caved in and failing asphalt so he will talk with their Construction Managers. Burnham also noted he would check to see if there were any issues with the lift station. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.