Resolution 4493 - Budget - Appropriations1971 1 1 1 SOLUTION NO. 4493 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 'IRE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ICALISPELL FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000. WHEREAS, pursuant to S ctions 7-6-4266, MCA, the City Council of the City of Ka ispell, Montana, has held a public hearing on July 6, 1999, on the proposed budget of Kalispell for the fiscal year 1999-2000 as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Municipal udget Law contained in Title 7, Chapter 6, part 42 of the Montana Code Annotated, provide for the fixing of vari us tax levies to raise funds sufficient to meet said exp nditures authorized in the budget; and WHEREAS, the Montana De artment of Revenue is required to certify to the City Council the value of a mill for the City under Section 15-10-202, MCA; and WHEREAS, the Montana Department of Revenue has not provided the City with a certified value of a mill in the City; and WHEREAS, without the c rtified millage for Kalispell, it is not possible to establish the precise number of mills which must be levied to fund the final City Budget; and WHEREAS, such estimatelmay be either high or low. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That Kali f iXE FUND General Fund Airport Tax Increment-Downt Tax Increment-Airpc Tax Increment-Wests Parks In Lieu Comprehensive Insur Retirement Health Insurance Building Code Enfor Light Maintenance D Decorative Light Gas Tax Special Street Main Community Dev. Loan Courtyard Maintenan Planning & Developa Affordable Housing Cultural Arts Police Resource Gra Drug Enforcement Gr Police Universal Gr Law Enforcement Blc Mt. Air & Congestic ISTEA G. O. Bond - Debt S Sidewalk & Curb/STD Sidewalk & Curb Con Water Fund Sewer/WWTP Fund the annual appropriations of the City of ,pelf, Montana, and the same is hereby i as follows: t de e ement strict enance Revolving e nt (UDAG) t nt nt k Grant Grant �rvice debt service 3truction Approved Appropriations $ 4,781,342 22,083 4,627,707 1,920,384 347,865 32,048 316,570 352,735 452,493 266,791 71,502 5,514 512,979 521,792 94,460 60,000 449,595 241,251 33,000 48,676 54,138 92,235 3,200 86,383 451,904 58,055 68,520 25,000 1,693,051 21969,174 1972 Storm Sewer Ambulance Fund Solid Waste Data Processing City Health Ins. TOTAL ALL FUNDS 735,993 511,412 856,723 164,200 800,000 $23,748,775 SECTION II. That upon receipt of the certified millage for the City of Kalispell from the Department of Revenue, the City Council shall establish by resolution the levies necessary to fund the tax portion of the final City Budget. SECTION III. The City Manager is hereby authorized to transfer any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation to a purpose or object for which the appropriation for the current year is insufficient or to transfer between items appropriated within the same fund. SECTION IV. The City Manager is hereby granted budget amendment authority for the expenditure of funds from any or all of the following: debt service funds, enterprise funds, internal service funds, trust funds, federal and state grants accepted an approved by the City Council, special assessments and donations. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR THIS 2ND DAY OF AUGUST, 1999. Attest: Theresa White City Clerk wml.baharski Y Wm. E. Boharski Mayor 1 1