10-16-19 Urban Forestry Committee MinutesKALISPELL URBAN FORESTRY COMMITTEE MEETING HELD October 16, 2019 Present: Members: Martin Rippens, Tony Nelson Staff: Fred Bicha, Lisa Simmer & Devin Schmidt Guests: Mary Melster, Ali Ulwelling There was no public comment. Public Comments Approve Minutes Martin made a motion to approve the September 2019 minutes as written, Tony seconded and all members voted in favor. Current Business Senior Notable Tree Tour Fred reviewed the planned Senior Tree Tour noting it was the upcoming Saturday, October 19, from 1Oam to 12 pm, starting and ending at Sykes. Members reviewed the map Fred had put together and split up tree assignments accordingly. Fred explained that each assigned tree would come with the responsibility of researching the species and speaking about the tree. Fred said members should follow in their vehicles with one staffer in the trolley as the trolley limit is 25 people. Ali said she will make sure DNRC's PA system is ready to go. Arbor Day 2020 Fred said the big question is whether or not the group is going to continue Arbor Day to the full extent that they have in the past due to lack of board members. Lisa explained that at this time there are three members out of 6 committee members spots to assist and additionally the MTRPA conference is that week so she would not be able to help in field. Fred said lack of members to assist with all the tasks may make it really difficult and the loss of Terry Richmond's exceptional fundraising abilities may add an additional stumbling block. Fred reminded everyone that we pick a theme and get it to the school graphics class before the end of the year so they can start working on that. Fred said the big planning starts happening in January as a rule. Members provided input mentioning it might be very difficult to host a celebration as big as we have been without adequate members and help and scaling back might be a consideration. The group decided that they would move forward with picking a theme, however would not make a decision on the actual event at this time. The discussion moved into talk of how to get more members. Members agreed to talk to people, attempt to recruit and encourage people they know to apply for the board. Lisa explained that the city clerk officially advertises for board positions, however KPR staff have advertised vacancies through social media posts, ads on the local public t.v. station and the KPR website. Urban Forestry Awards Presentation Tony provided an overview of how the presentations went, saying they went really well and were very well received by the recipients. Tony said that Vic and Barb Andersen, two or three members from the business improvement district and Jeff Claridge of Stillwater Corporation were present. Tony said the plaques were beautiful and Fred agreed the best so far. Tony said Jeff Claridge and Marshall Noice were both just beaming and thrilled with the award. Lisa commented that it could be watched on the city website archived minutes and she would send it out to board members who couldn't attend, as Tony did a very good job. Arborist Update Devin provided an update saying that the crews have been working slowly through trees on 81h Ave W. working south to north and are a couple of blocks from the end. Devin said they've been removing and clearance pruning and have taken down half a dozen trees that weren't doing well. Devin noted they've been getting good feedback from citizens. Devin said they have been fighting equipment issues, otherwise they would have been done with 8th Ave W by now. Devin informed the group that his counterpart acquired his CDL which is helpful as they can both drive a truck where it is required. Devin said they will be heading to 2nd Ave East next. Devin said they are also working on completing work orders and will be stump grinding, as time allows. Fred noted that even though the boom truck went down today, both Devin and Rob can climb so they were able to finish up pruning the tree they were working on. Devin noted that Whitefish Tree Service has been finishing up their contract. Micre,IInn en] c The group briefly discussed various locations and tree pruning/removal contracts. Fred noted that all work in tracked in TreeWorks. Tony mentioned a Linden tree on his watering route disappeared. Tony told Fred he would find out which tree it was specifically and let him know the address. Fred noted that Doepker has completed the fall 50150 plantings, of which there were approximately 15 trees this fall. Per the November 2018 meeting, board members agreed to include this statement in all minutes: "if you have any questions please contact us". The meeting adjourned at 4 : 5 8 pm Approved unanimously at the January 20, 2020 meeting.