Resolution 4419 - Budget - Annual AppropriationsRESOLUTION NO. 4419 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA, AS SET FORTH IN THE 1998-99 BUDGET ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. SECTION I. That the annual appropriations of the City of Kalispell, Montana, and the same is hereby fixed as follows: FUND Approved Appropriations General Fund $ 4,901,282 Airport 17,679 Tax Increment -Downtown 7,676,415 Tax Increment -Airport 850,362 Parks In Lieu 12,100 Comprehensive Insurance 320,967 Retirement 348,718 Health Insurance 448,997 Building Code Enforcement 273,742 Light.Maintenance District 71,462 Decorative Light 6,287 Gas Tax 342,858 Special Street Maintenance 407,864 Community Dev. Loan Revolving 47,200 Courtyard Maintenance 60,000 Planning & Development (UDAG) 272,313 Samaritan House Public Facilities Grant 1,111,813 Affordable Housing Fund 302,979 Drug Enforcement Grant 48,449 Law Enforcement Block Grant 43,074 COPS Grant 10,609 ISTEA 329,338 Cultural Arts 30,745 G. 0. Bond - Debt Service 61,805 Sidewalk & Curb/SID debt service 64,686 Sidewalk & Curb Construction 50,000 water Fund 1,100,768 Sewer/WWTP Fund 2,887,691 Storm Sewer 263,368 Ambulance Fund 482,607 ,Solid waste 676,000 Data Processing 1161500 City Health Ins. 8001000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $24,438,678 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS 10th DAY OF AUGUST, 1998. WM,E ,bohar5 i . William E. Boharski, Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White Clerk of Council 1 1 1