Leistiko to Linrude/Airport Take Offs and LandingsKALISPELL CITY AIRPORT S27 FRED A. LEISTIKO, AIRPORT MANAGER P. 0. BOX At 406-250-3065 Ms. Jeanne Linrude 000 Two Mile Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Ms. Linrude: Councilman Jinn Atkinson discussed, with me, your note regarding the operations at the Glacier Park international Airport and how they compare with Kalispell City Airport. He asked nee to respond to you with a brief explanation. GPI is a commercial airport with daily scheduled air carrier flights through Delta, Northwest, United Express, Horizon, etal. These aircraft are not based at GPI, rather, they fly in, drop passengers, load and leave. That is one landing and one takeoff each time they arrive and depart. Each airline has from two to eight flights a day. Also, they do have some general aviation (small aircraft) activity at the GPI airport. However, the total operations (takeoffs and landings) would not compare to the total operations at Kalispell City Airport. Kalispell City Airport has 70 small aircraft based at the airport. seven of these aircraft are trainers that fly students day and night. These trainers Gould do as may takeoffs and landings in a couple of hours that the large commercials at GPI would do in a full day. Also, smaller aircraft prefer to use a smaller airport to stop and refuel enroute to some other destination. small general aviation airports are easier to get into and out of than large commercial airports with 10,000 runways and equally long taxiways. People who wish to stay overnight prefer the city Airport because there are restaurants, motels and other conveniences right next to the airport within walking distance. GPI is a long ways from town and would require renting a car to stay overnight or go to a restaurant to eat lunch. Kalispell City Airport is a very busy small general aviation airport that does not cost much to operate, but generates millions of dollars to the local economy. As a matter of fact, Kalispell City Airport is reported to be the busiest general aviation airport in the State of Montana. That is why we are trying to expand the capabilities of the airport to make it an all around safer airport. If there are any questions that I could answer for you, please don't hesitate to give me a call at the above number. Kindest regards, Fred A. 'eis ik , g Mana er Kalispell city Airport Ali Niakkf MONTANA EMPLOYMENT CHANGE BY INDUSTRY : N16NESi UNEMPLOYMENT RATES UNEMPLOYMENT RATES BY STATES. FROM FEBRUARY TO MARCH BY MONTANA COUNTIES ■ .Natural Resources and Mining ......................................................................................................................... • +1.2%I��1��1'� Iy1 fI�I.P�':�'�f,lyFl�4'�Lill�ll:j!li;�yl'�' If�'I'� �r�S���l �1ry1rylIli�l�ijl� 1�IF�'"IJI�q�'"''W 111'y'�II'I'I�Ilryl�*�I�II�Ihl�71}llljll�li'rl�u����"I �I�% Ir�yy�a,�l+llllfll�l`�� dl Itl: �'II�h�i�IFr�lHryl l'1 rylf� Idyll, Iay�,l II 11�7111�161�41 iI aIP. ❑ • ul a ��1�'II� I,IIiI� ll�,l�.l''III'a'iI�II 4laN �lli'lll�1,4,l�ilh 16.6 /a Construction • -5.1% 17'�lrdI TMNI{M1I q�In �l'I ulIl 1lhhAyllIll lMl llIi}Fl%h,IaII I�,l'i�iu��:�;lI4 I � 'Il@IlII�i4:mI s l11e�i ;'�.1l1l1'1IhpI '� � rIlly'I�4fII,IwllI 11mIIII'�a W1�l44e ��f7� 16/I MhMill F'lyIl5ui�1� ^:N�IY':XIyI'Yi,iym'ryhlI�'I414 �T1Adl1l.ldYll.fIIi kIlTii f"�;'1�I IG1�I '^iI. sllh huY.l5l iie''fml.iilrl,:., aI �Il4l�"I�u49;k1J1l'�g11l 1uPtTI''l�lII�ItlYIhN� ••••. ue"'.t.IIGJI ............................................:............................... .. ........ ........ 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Data as of Departures SOURCE: Montana Department of Labor & Industry SOURCE: Montana Department of Labor & Industry March 2009 Departures 14,092 Arrivals 11,260 Arrivals MARCH HOUSING STATISTICS IN FLATHEAD COUNTY 13,790 10,706 .......... IY Overall Residential Sales Residential Land Sales. Foreclosures Statewide Foreclosures • 2006 151 }6 ................... ..... .......................-- 2007 112 54- j ...... _............... 2008 84 16 18 7 • ......................... March 2008 March 2009 11 79 2009 4Q 35 • SOURCE: Jim Kelley at Kelley Appraisal in Kalispell SOURCE: Glacier International Airport Stephen Templeton/Flathead Beacon Put Bill To Work For You'. Ouality Floor Coverings, Interior Design and the Latest in Home Furnishings SEl3 Hoffenbacker ltan 892=2878Intortorst wta�Home lnte1'iio S line. nY.w.e r, r•+Lr'+rr. v_ 2620 Hwy. 2 West - Columbia Falls, MT - www.melbysinc.com SILVE&OCAWOR WHERE WEE TAKE CARE OF OUR PLAYERS. 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