06-12-19 Urban Forestry Committee MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD June 12, 2019, Present: Members: Judy Rosenfeld -Cox, Tony Nelson, Sam Harworth, Andrea Davidson and Martin Rippens Staff: Fred Bicha, Josh Keene and Lisa Simmer There was no public comment. Public Comments Approve Minutes Judy made a motion to approve the May 2019 minutes as written, Martin seconded and all members voted in favor. Current Business Tree Ordinance Update Fred informed the group that the new tree ordinance has been approved and passed by council and will go into effect 30 days after the approval date. Fred told members he would send them out a copy of it. Tour of the Trees Members discussed the upcoming Tour of the Trees at Woodland Park, June 27, 2019 at 7:00 pm. Members reviewed the notable tree list Fred had complied and chose trees they would research and talk about. The group decided to meet in advance and look at the trees on Wednesday June 26 at 5:00 pm at the Lagoon Pavilion. Lisa briefly described the social media posts noting that it is on community calendars, has been posted on the KPR FaceBook page as an event, mailchimped to the KPR customer email list, sent to the city clerk to run as a slide on local TV and would be doing another Facebook reminder post. Josh and Fred said they would try and promote it more through an article or with the press. Fred asked Tony to acquire the DNRC PA system if possible. Promote Trees at FVCC Judy explained that she and Fred had met the day before with the new head of facilities and grounds, Calvin Pippin and discussed Tree Campus USA. Fred said Calvin seemed receptive and would take the information to the president. Fred explained what is involved including the requirements including a management plan, meeting a financial requirement of $3 per student, a tree board on campus, a service project, hosting an Arbor Day celebration online application. Fred said if they pursue this and need assistance each member of the city tree board would need to assist with a task. Fred noted the college is already doing a lot of what would be required, it's a matter of getting them recognition for it if they are interested. Urban Forestry Awards Announcement Fred said this project was previously led by Terry and last year the group decided to pick the winners of the three categories to set the program in place the first year. Fred said he'd like to find a way to let the community submit nominations and needs some help developing the application. Fred said he would bring the categories descriptions to the next meeting for review. Members discussed different means of promoting nominations and keeping it simple for people to do so. Martin noted the change in the FHS woodshop due to budget cuts and the need to ask for the wood plaques far in advance due to the limitations the school may have. Arborist Update Josh provided an update noting that one contractor had pruned Depot Park and is wrapping up pruning in the WN part of town and another contractor is finishing up the pruning of 1" Ave W and should be done by the end of June. Josh said the city crews have been responding to trees called in and work orders with the priority being hazard trees. Josh said that the contract inventory noted a handful of hazard trees that hadn't been called in however needed immediate addressing. Josh noted city crews will finish pruning I01h Ave W this week and will move to 91h Ave W following some work order requests. Josh stated he hoped by the end of summer he hopes to have the west side avenues finished. Josh said they planted a dozen downtown trees, which were purchased by the Downtown Business Association and which will be watered by their employee Paul. Josh informed the board this would be his last meeting as he is taking another job opportunity, which was not a decision he came to lightly. Josh told members it has been his honor to work with them and he sincerely appreciates the work they put forth and their dedication to the urban forest. Board members expressed their appreciation for the work and system Josh has put in place and wished him the best of luck. Per the November 2018 meeting, board members agreed to include this statement in all minutes: "if you have any questions please contact us". The meeting adjourned at 4 :41 Minutes unanimously approved at July 10, 2019 meeting.