Resolution 4004 - Budget Transfers210 RESOLUTION 4004 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A TRANSFER AMONG APPROPRIATIONS WITHIN A GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES AS.ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGET FOR 1991 FISCAL YEAR. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, in the budget adopted by the City of Kalispell for the 1991 fiscal.year, certain detailed and itemized estimates of expenditures for the various departments of the City have proven inaccurate in the operation of the City. for that 1991 fiscal year and, WHEREAS, the overall expenditures of the City in said classification is not in excess of the total of such estimates of expenditures adopted in the City's budget for the 1991 fiscal year, and, further, it does not appear that the total of the budgeted appropriations in said classification will exceed such estimate for the balance of the 1991 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, under the authority granted the Council by law to make transfers or revisions within a general budgetary classification, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following transfers within the classification set forth in the City budget for the 1991 fiscal year should be made: As set forth in Exhibit "A: attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE THE CITY OF KALISPELL THIS 5th ATTEST: Amy H. Robertson, Finance Director CITY COUNCIL AND THE MAYOR OF DAY OF AUGUST, 1991. Douglks D. Rauthe, Mayor 1 211 I - BUDGET TRANSFERS 6/30/91 TO 2420 421 430240 110 GAS TAX salaries $ 5,663 153 health 1,212 344 natural gas 1,319 430950 472 asphalt 100 950 contt in prog 101 Total $ 7,304 FROM 2420 421 430240 471 GAS TAX road oil 3,350 533 equip rent 1,433 121 overtime 2,521 Total $ 7,304 TO 2500 421 430240 110 STREET MAINT. salaries $ 9,655 121 overtime 4,157 153 health 1,781 155 retirement 2,225 229 supplies 46 231 gas & oil 98 354 contract services 10,549 355 billing costs 500 821 garage 1,500 430251 354 Snow Removal - contract 15,201 Total $ 45,712 FROM 2500 421 430240 452 STREET MAINT. Gravel $ 6,600 471 road oil 528 472 ashpalt 10,637 533 equip rent 27,947 Total $ 45,712 2886 TO 480 470210 110 UDAG FUND Salaries $ 6,254 210 office supply 42 229 other supplies 115 212 rehab exp 599 320 printing 373 335 dues 305 341 electric 216 342 water 51 344 gas 49 345 tele 176 373 school 83 380 training material 653 513 lia ins 227 531 office rent 2,760 947 equip 12,356 Total $ 24,259 FROM 2886 480 470210 712 UDAG FUND grants 24,259 Total $ 24,259 EXHIBIT A - con't. BUDGET TRANSFERS: FYE 6/30/91 TO 2170 000 430310 229 AIRPORT supplies $ 86 360 maint 4 362 equip maint 42 367 maint by street 684 510 lia ins 202 TOTAL $ 11018 FROM 2170 000 430310 110 AIRPORT salaries 663 341 electricity 166 373 school 100 312 postage 50 210 office supplies 39 TOTAL $ 1,018 1 TO 2180 000 470240 711 TAX INCREMENT residential loans 368 400 411235 354 contract services 5,732 510110 548 assessment -college 763 436 430430 110 Parks salary 3,006 TOTAL $ 9,869 FROM 2180 000 470230 840 Redevelopment 6,863 436 460430 364 Parks landscaping 3,006 TOTAL $ 9,869 TO 2320 415 430266 155 PARKING retirement 63 341 electric 81 510 lia ins 189 532 lease payments 1,540 TOTAL 1,873 FROM 2320 415 430266 370 PARKING maint. by parks 1,873 TOTAL 1,873 TO 2360 000 510330 514 COMP. INSURANCE worker's comp 18,651 517 fidelity bonds 1,099 TOTAL 19,750 FROM 2360 000 510331 815 COMP. INSURANCE uninsured loss 2,750 510330 513 liability 17,000 TOTAL 19,750 TO 2370 401 410210 155 RETIREMENT Manager $ 1,209 403 410550 Finance 854 404 411110 Attorney 3 410 430264 DPW 98 431330 Central Garage 8 TOTAL $ 2,172 FROM 2370 410 430240 155 RETIREMENT Street $ 2,172 TOTAL $ 2,172 TO 2380 000 410910 528 HEALTH Cobra surcharge 634 213 F-i EXHIBIT A - con't. From 827 Police -transfer 1,266 949 capital outlay 730 420150 110 TRAFFIC SAFETY salaries 878 420230 229 Prisoners other supplies 126 391 treatment 118 392 boarding 174 440640 110 ANIMAL CONTROL salaries 311 391 treatment 276 416 420400 215 FIRE DEPT. computer supplies 329 312 postage 146 180 books 180 373 school 662 380 training supplies 278 1000 420 410130 331 BOARD OF ADJ. publication 130 420530 110 BUILDING salaries 3,929 215 computer supplies 327 312 postage 263 354 contract 440 356 consultants 1,000 373 school 205 944 vehicles 1,335 1000 421 430240 121 STREETS overtime 6,000 342 water 150 344 gas 160 369 radio maint 401 940 equip 343 1000 436 460430 341 Parks electric 332 344 gas 117 354 contract services 240 362 equip maint 1,048 366 Bldg maint 134 395 equip rental 176 420 wood products 301 460431 110 salaries 4,303 470437 241 Forestry consumable tools 107 364 trees 440 395 equip rental 662 460447 337 Tennis advertising 83 354 contract services 1,376 460448 229 Skating other supplies 100 337 advertising 48 354 contract services 871 437 460445 222 POOL lab supplies 182 229 other supplies 156 241 consumable tools 197 242 signs 150 320 printing 51 337 adv. 100 362 equip maint 173 366 bldg maint 138 936 parks cap outlay 600 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $ 113,397 rI 214 EXHIBIT A -con't. BUDGET TRANSFERS: FYE 6/30/91 FROM FUND CODE DESCRIPTION 1000 400 410530 331 Publication audit $ 91 410580 354 computer contract services 80 410900 322 Records Adm. books 250 331 filing fees 424 358 title fees 100 411300 937 345 cap impry Central Comm. tele 135 709 460452 344 hockaday gas 268 362 equip maint 213 401 410210 312 Mgr. postage 75 320 printing 277 345 tele 241 373 school & travel 2,239 379 meetings 1,829 402 410100 322 COUNCIL books 88 356 consultants 500 373 school 497 403 410550 121 Finance- salaries o.t. 313 -320 printing 469 322 books 199 354 contract services 408 363 equip maint 166 373 school & travel 605 940 equip 500 404 411110 110 ATTORNEY salaries 2,693 121 o.t. 100 354 contract services 2,322 373 school 500 406 410360 121 COURT overtime 50 312 postage 2,095 351 legal fees 223 363 office equip maint 145 394 jury fees 660 373 school 765 410 430100 135 DPW car allowance 450 229 other supplies 150 430150 362 Surveyor equip maint 181 373 school 500 940 equip 515 430264 121 traffic signals -salaries o.t. 697 243 signals 10,016 341 electricity 275 354 contract 2,042 366 bldg maint 354 431330 110 central garage office supplies 61 229 other supplies 311 232 m.v.parts 5,281 233 tires 3,800 236 parts -heavy mach 1,936 342 water 114 354 contract services 174 369 radio maint 100 373 school 126 540 equip 392 412 411230 110 CITY HALL salary 152 342 water 484 215 EXHIBIT A-con't. BUDGET TRANSFER: FYE 6/30/91 TO: 413 420140 121 PD overtime 672 210 office supplies 295 229 other supplies 275 232 my parts 329 363 equip maint 821 373 school & Travel 242 380 training 71 944 vehicles 1 420150 373 Traffic safety school 132 380 training supplies 91 420230 210 custody prisoner supply 10 440640 229 Animal control supplies 63 416 420400 110 Fire salaries 10,417 121 o.t. 676 362 equip maint 81 369 radio maint 111 399 laundry 96 420 420530 110 Board of Adj. salaries 127 351 legal fees 32 420530 210 Bldg, office supplies 1,110 229 other supplies 1,058 320 printing 155 335 membership 350 360 repair & maint 77 947 Office Equip 954 421 430240 110 Streets salaries 3,203 229 other supplies 76 341 electricity 908 366 bldg maint 286 436 460430 373 110 school Parks salary 237 2,531 121 overtime 324 210 office supplies 112 229 other supplies 26 241 consumable tools 276 312 postage 76 320 printing 320 335 membership 45 337 adverstising 115 345 tele 118 364 landscaping 193 373 school 97 440 plastic products 380 452 gravel 468 940 equipment 669 460431 229 Recreation supplies 988 320 printing 48 337 advertising 29 354 contract services 5,517 460437 110 Forestry salaries 1,353 364 trees 57 373 school 15 460447 220 Tennis salaries 561 229 other supplies 240 437 460431 110 Pool salaries - 1 6,243 1IAL 216 EXHIBIT A CITY OF KALISPELL FYE 6/30/91 BUDGET TRANSFERS: TO: FUND EXP. CODE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1000 400 410560 210 Gen. Gov. office supply $ 798 457 410585 229 copier, fax, etc. 410831 338 personnel recruitment 1 411300 345 tele 1 460452 341 Hockaday electric 36 366 Bldg maint 584 401 410210 210 Manager -office supplies 405 229 other supplies 250 322 books 119 354 contract services 250 402 410840 110 Council salaries 236 229 other supplies 165 320 printing 158 335 membership & dues 24 24 345 tele 51 379 meetings 655 403 410550 110 Clerk -salary 2,003 210 office equip 600 335 membership 136 345 tele 25 404 411110 312 Attorney postage 89 320 printing 53 322 books 571 335 membership 155 351 legal fees 1 363 equip maint 1 406 420360 110 Court salaries 184 354 contract service 2,740 410 430100 110 Dpw office salaries 1 210 office supplies 302 215 comp supplies 5 229 other supplies 112 320 printing 1,551 362 equip maint 110 373 school & travel 22 940 equip 225 410 430150 229 Surveyor - supplies 120 320 printing 39 430264 210 Traffic -office supplies 89 229 other supplies ill 242 street signs 855 431330 110 central garage salaries 6,312 121 o.t. 1,047 231 gas & oil 22,812 234 parts/parks 4,463 235 parts/small mach 584 237 sweeper parts 15,269 238 filters & misc parts 849 241 consumable tools 491 -