Resolution 3990 - Banner Policy130 RESOLUTION 3990 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGULATING THE ERECTION OF BANNERS OVER THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE CITY OF KALISPELL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I PURPOSES: The purposes of this policy are to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the people residing in or visiting the City of Kalispell and to protect property values, enhance the appearance of the City and promote the tourist industry by specifying the type, location and duration banners may be allowed to extend across the public right-of-way within the corporate limits of the City. No banner authorized under this Banner Policy shall be construed as representing the opinion or views of any City Official or the City of Kalispell. DEFINITION: BANNER. A banner sign means a sign composed of light -weight material erected over public right-of-way for a limited duration to emphasize a particular non-profit event, activity or celebration. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT: An application shall be made to the Department of Public Works for the erection of any banner sign. All applications are to be submitted for approval at least two weeks in advance of their display. Permits for the erecting of banners. over the public right-of-way shall be considered on a first come first serve basis. The application shall include the following: A. An installation fee of $150.00 to erect and remove banners; B. The applicants IRS non-profit documentation if the event, activity or celebration promotes a non-profit organization. Units of government or other non- commercial activities shall provide documentation as to identity of the sponsoring agency or organization. C. The requested dates and location of banners, not to exceed two weeks; D. A scaled drawing of the proposed banners, including 131 all copy as the banner will read; E. Name, address, phone number and signature of person responsible. STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL: Banners shall be strictly limited to promoting non-profit organizations as verified with IRS non-profit documentation forms, units of government, or non-commercial activities. The banner shall not display any commercial message or commercial enterprises name except one logo not exceeding 144 square inches per side. No political campaign, candidate, or ballot issue will be allowed. HUMAN RIGHTS COMPLIANCE: The application shall contain a statement which shall be signed by the applicant that the organization sponsoring the banner does not discriminate against individuals or groups based upon race, color, religion,.creed, national origin, political idea, sex, age, marital status or physical or medical handicap. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW: The Director of Public Works or his designee shall collect, record, review and approve or deny all applications in accordance with the standards provided herein. BANNER SPECIFICATIONS AND MATERIAL: Specifications are available from the Department of Public Works. Banners will be installed and removed by City crews on regular work days. All banners will be custom built. All banners will be built of adequate canvas with double stitched edges and both sides painted and completed. All banners will be constructed with windflaps not to be less than eighteen inches apart. Materials for banner construction will be supplied by banner owners with the exception of the installation clamps. Banners are mandated to stay within the limits of twenty five to thirty feet long and twenty four to thirty inches high. BANNER LOCATIONS: 132 1200 block South Main Street - Pacific Power and Light poles donated to the City of Kalispell. SECTION II This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ICALISPELL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 3rd DAY OF JUNE, 1991. DOUGLAS RAUTHE, MAYOR Attest: Finan Director