Resolution 3971 - Notice of Public Hearing - Sewer Rate Increases61 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3971 A RESOLUTION SETTING A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO ADOPT INCREASES IN THE FEES, SCHEDULES, RATES, CHARGES AND CLASSIFICATIONS IMPOSED ON THE CUSTOMERS OF THE CITY �OF KALISPELL SEWER UTILITY. j WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell has been mandated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences/ Water Quality Bureau to make certain capital improvements to the City of Kalispell Waste Water Treatment Plant, and I WHEREAS, the cost of said improvements are anticipated to The approximately twelve million ninety-three thousand, five hundred and seventeen dollars ($12,093,517), with the City's local share of said improvements to be approximately six million two hundred and seventy-three thousand, sixty-four hundred dollars ($6,273,064), and WHEREAS, the City has rates in place to provide for one million dollars ($1,000,000) of said local share, and WHEREAS, the City in order to fund the additional local share or the sum of four million six hundred seventy-three thousand, sixty-four hundred dollars ($4,673,064) must raise additional revenues of 35% through and increase in the fees and rates charged to customers of the City sewer utility, and WHEREAS, prior to initiating said rate increase the City is required pursuant to Section 69-7-111, Montana Code Annotated to hold a public hearing on the matter after giving due and propier notice of said hearing. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL; SECTION I. That there is hereby set a Public Hearing on the 19th day of February, 1991, 7:00 P.M., M.S.T. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Kalispell, Montana, to discuss a proposal to yield a 35% increase in total revenues to finance the local share of Federally or State mandated capital improvements to the City of Kalispell Waste Water Treatment Plant. SECTION II. The City Clerk -Treasurer and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to make, publish and distribute notice of said Public Hearing in conformity with Section 69-7-111, MCA. • PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 21.5t DAY OF JANUARY, 1991. ATTEST: Amy H. obertson. City Clerk -Treasurer A El `• *�I WS, m n _1RAUTHE, MAYOR 1